Online talk:Potions

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I don't think any of those Tinctures show up in quests. Also, the Ashen Blood of Malacath's description doesn't even make sense. —Legoless (talk) 23:18, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

I know, and I have no idea what these are supposed to be. I just copied what I found in the database. I have seen the "Ashen Blood of Malacath" in one other place, as an ingredient in Old Orsinium Blood Soup, which may also not be in the game. Is it possible these are left over from beta or even pre-beta? Or possibly even something that will appear in a future patch? I'm not sure how this data was collected, but it's in there somehow. Anyhow, if we determine for sure that these items don't exist, we can remove them, though that leaves only ONE item still in the list with the Torchbug Treacle. I feel like we may still be missing some things, but this was all I found. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 04:07, 22 January 2017 (UTC)
I made a point of keeping samples of Torchbug Treacle since it was the only quest-related potion I encountered in-game, so that sounds about right. Might be worth separating it out from the others, in the hopes that someone will be able to confirm the purpose of the Tinctures? —Legoless (talk) 05:03, 22 January 2017 (UTC)


Are we certain that all of these exist? I seem to recall potions that were purchasable from stores being of fixed levels, and dropped potions of the same name always being of a lower level than bought ones. --Enodoc (talk) 19:39, 22 January 2017 (UTC)

I thought potions used to drop based on the mob level? If so, they should all theoretically exist. Not sure how OT affected things. —Legoless (talk) 19:59, 22 January 2017 (UTC)
You're probably right, that would make the most sense. If they are all available, there's quite a bit of redundancy here, as the values are consistent throughout. Maybe one large table would work better than 8 small ones? --Enodoc (talk) 21:08, 22 January 2017 (UTC)

Vertical Layout[edit]

I strongly disagree with this change. The previous layout allows the entire chart to be visible on the screen at once, while the new layout requires vertical scrolling. (It's also much harder to edit if they make balance adjustments later.) A possible alternative might be to split the 2 rows in my original charts into 3 - 66 divides evenly into 3 rows of 22, so that still works. Here's what that might look like:

Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
Sip of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
Tincture of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
Serum of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
Dram of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
Effusion of Health
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Health 262 1107 1952 2797
Duration 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.7 8.9
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
Effusion of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
Potion of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
Draught of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Solution of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Philter of Health
Level 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Health 2797 3642 3642 4487
Duration 9.2 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.2 10.5 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.5 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.1 13.3 13.6 13.8 14.1 14.4 14.6
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Philter of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Elixir of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Elixir of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Panacea of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Distillate of Health
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Essence of Health
Level 45 46 47 48 49 50 Champion Points10 Champion Points20 Champion Points30 Champion Points40 Champion Points50 Champion Points60 Champion Points70 Champion Points80 Champion Points90 Champion Points100 Champion Points110 Champion Points120 Champion Points130 Champion Points140 Champion Points150 Champion Points160
Health 4487 4494 5078 5163 5585 5670 5754 6261 6346 6430 6684
Duration 14.9 15.1 15.4 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.7 17.2 17.4 18.0 18.2 18.7 19.0 19.5 19.8 20.3 20.5 21.1 21.3 21.8 22.1 22.4

I'm not sure I like how that first column is wider due to the where the split is, but it's better than the absurdly long vertical tables we have now. We could simply remove "of Health" from the text, since it's already implied, e.g.:

Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Health 262 1107 1952 2797
Duration 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.7 8.9
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Level 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Health 2797 3642 3642 4487
Duration 9.2 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.2 10.5 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.5 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.1 13.3 13.6 13.8 14.1 14.4 14.6
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Level 45 46 47 48 49 50 Champion Points10 Champion Points20 Champion Points30 Champion Points40 Champion Points50 Champion Points60 Champion Points70 Champion Points80 Champion Points90 Champion Points100 Champion Points110 Champion Points120 Champion Points130 Champion Points140 Champion Points150 Champion Points160
Health 4487 4494 5078 5163 5585 5670 5754 6261 6346 6430 6684
Duration 14.9 15.1 15.4 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.7 17.2 17.4 18.0 18.2 18.7 19.0 19.5 19.8 20.3 20.5 21.1 21.3 21.8 22.1 22.4

This also gives it consistency with the Poisons page, where I did that anyhow because the poison names are so long. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 21:15, 22 January 2017 (UTC)

Hmm, that could work, but putting the it's-too-wide-for-the-page thing aside for a minute, vertical orientation is the standard across the wiki for long tables. These squished up horizontal tables don't look very nice, and they're not particularly easy to follow when you have to jump rows; you have to arbitrarily split a cell in the middle to start a new line (also, {{ThickLine}} is horrible). Given that the page contains quite a lot of duplicate/redundant information anyway, I think it would be better off with a single 66 x 9 table of values, or one table of values and another table or two with all the potions in. Then when ZOS inevitably changes everything, there's only one table to update, rather than 8. For example:
Potion Level Health Magicka Stamina Standard
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 01.png
Sip 1 262 238 238 3.3 1.6 8.0
2 1107 1005 1005 3.8 1.9 8.6
3 4.0 2.0 8.9
4 4.3 2.1 9.2
5 4.5 2.3 9.6
6 4.8 2.4 9.9
Tincture 7 5.1 2.5 10.2
8 5.3 2.7 10.5
9 5.6 2.8 10.8
10 1952 1772 1772 5.8 2.9 11.1
11 6.1 3.0 11.5
Serum 12 6.4 3.2 11.8
13 6.6 3.3 12.1
14 6.9 3.4 12.4
15 7.1 3.5 12.7
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 02.png
Dram 16 7.4 3.7 13.0
17 7.6 3.8 13.4
18 7.9 4.0 13.7
19 8.2 4.1 14.0
20 2797 2539 2539 8.4 4.2 14.3
Effusion 21 8.7 4.3 14.6
22 8.9 4.5 14.9
23 9.2 4.6 15.3
24 9.5 4.7 15.6
25 9.7 4.9 15.9
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 03.png
Potion 26 10.0 5.0 16.2
27 10.2 5.1 16.5
28 10.5 5.2 16.8
29 10.7 5.4 17.2
30 3642 3305 3305 11.0 5.5 17.5
Draught 31 11.3 5.6 17.8
32 11.5 5.8 18.1
33 11.8 5.9 18.4
34 12.0 6.0 18.7
35 12.3 6.1 19.1
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 04.png
Solution 36 12.5 6.3 19.4
37 12.8 6.4 19.7
38 13.1 6.5 20.0
39 13.3 6.7 20.3
40 4487 4072 4072 13.6 6.8 20.6
Philter 41 13.8 6.9 21.0
42 14.1 7.0 21.3
43 14.4 7.2 21.6
44 14.6 7.3 21.9
45 14.9 7.4 22.2
Elixir 46 15.1 7.6 22.6
47 15.4 7.7 22.9
48 15.6 7.8 23.2
49 15.9 8.0 23.5
50 4494 4532 4532 16.2 8.1 23.8
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 05.png
Elixir 50Champion Points10 16.7 8.3 24.5
50Champion Points20 5078 4609 4609 17.2 8.6 25.1
50Champion Points30 17.4 8.7 25.4
Panacea 50Champion Points40 5163 4686 4686 18.0 9.0 26.0
50Champion Points50 5585 5069 5069 18.2 9.1 26.4
50Champion Points60 5670 5146 5146 18.7 9.4 27.0
50Champion Points70 19.0 9.5 27.3
50Champion Points80 5754 5222 5222 19.5 9.8 27.9
50Champion Points90 19.8 9.9 28.3
Distillate 50Champion Points100 6261 5682 5682 20.3 10.1 28.9
50Champion Points110 20.5 10.3 29.3
50Champion Points120 6346 5759 5759 21.1 10.5 29.8
50Champion Points130 21.3 10.7 30.2
50Champion Points140 6430 5836 5836 21.8 10.9 30.8
Essence 50Champion Points150 6684 6066 6066 22.1 11.0 31.1
50Champion Points160 22.4 11.2 31.4
--Enodoc (talk) 22:23, 22 January 2017 (UTC)
And then the separate potions table would be something like this:
Potion Level Effects
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png Sip of Health 1-6 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png Tincture of Health 7-11 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png Serum of Health 12-15 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png Dram of Health 16-20 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png Effusion of Health 21-25 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png Potion of Health 26-30 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png Draught of Health 31-35 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png Solution of Health 36-40 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png Philter of Health 41-45 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png Elixir of Health 46-50 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png Elixir of Health 50Champion Points10-50Champion Points30 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png Panacea of Health 50Champion Points40-50Champion Points90 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png Distillate of Health 50Champion Points100-50Champion Points140 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png Essence of Health 50Champion Points150-50Champion Points160 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 01.png Sip of Magicka 1-6 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 01.png Tincture of Magicka 7-11 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 01.png Serum of Magicka 12-15 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 02.png Dram of Magicka 16-20 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 02.png Effusion of Magicka 21-25 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 03.png Potion of Magicka 26-30 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 03.png Draught of Magicka 31-35 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 04.png Solution of Magicka 36-40 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 04.png Philter of Magicka 41-45 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 04.png Elixir of Magicka 46-50 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 05.png Elixir of Magicka 50Champion Points10-50Champion Points30 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 05.png Panacea of Magicka 50Champion Points40-50Champion Points90 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 05.png Distillate of Magicka 50Champion Points100-50Champion Points140 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Magicka 05.png Essence of Magicka 50Champion Points150-50Champion Points160 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 01.png Sip of Stamina 1-6 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 01.png Tincture of Stamina 7-11 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 01.png Serum of Stamina 12-15 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 02.png Dram of Stamina 16-20 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 02.png Effusion of Stamina 21-25 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 03.png Potion of Stamina 26-30 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 03.png Draught of Stamina 31-35 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 04.png Solution of Stamina 36-40 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 04.png Philter of Stamina 41-45 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 04.png Elixir of Stamina 46-50 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 05.png Elixir of Stamina 50Champion Points10-50Champion Points30 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 05.png Panacea of Stamina 50Champion Points40-50Champion Points90 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 05.png Distillate of Stamina 50Champion Points100-50Champion Points140 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 05.png Essence of Stamina 50Champion Points150-50Champion Points160 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Speed 03.png Roguish Escape Draught 1-50Champion Points160 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
Grants Major Expedition which increases your movement speed by 30% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Speed 03.png Roguish Stealth Draught 1-50Champion Points160 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Std. Duration > seconds.
Grants Vanish which makes you invisible for < Short Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Unstoppable 03.png Alliance Health Draught 1-50Champion Points160 Restore < Health > immediately.
Grants Major Fortitude which increases your Health Regeneration by 20% for < Long Duration > seconds.
Become immune to knockback and disabling effects for < Short Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Detection 03.png Alliance Spell Draught 1-50Champion Points160 Restore < Magicka > immediately.
Grants you Major Intellect which increases your Magicka Regeneration by 20% for < Long Duration > seconds.
Grants Major Sorcery which increases your Spell Damage by 20% for < Long Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
ON-icon-potion-Speed 03.png Alliance Battle Draught 1-50Champion Points160 Restore < Stamina > immediately.
Grants Major Endurance which increases your Stamina Regeneration by 20% for < Long Duration > seconds.
Grants Major Brutality which increases your Weapon Damage by 20% for < Long Duration > seconds.
(45 second cooldown)
--Enodoc (talk) 00:08, 23 January 2017 (UTC)
I could point to just as many pages on the site that use a horizontal layout, notably most of the ESO item pages. Your example is even worse than the current method, as it splits the data into two separate tables, forcing the user to scroll back and forth cross-referencing them to get any useful information. My original design allowed for a user to see all of the information about a given potion on one screen without having to scroll up and down. Splitting into 3 rows improved on that so that it can even fit on narrower browser widths. If your browser is any narrower than that, you shouldn't expect anything to look good. Are we trying to fit it on mobile devices? Many, many things are not going to work without horizontal scrolling in that case.
Also, the "50Champion Points100" formatting is unnecessarily verbose. "Champion Points100" gives you the same information without wasting space and is also much less confusing, especially in cases where you're giving a range like "50Champion Points10-50Champion Points30". That's much less readable than "Champion Points10-Champion Points30" or even simply "Champion Points10-30" And what's wrong with ThickLine? It does a pretty good job of splitting up tables. But if you prefer:
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 01.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Health 262 1107 1952 2797
Duration 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.7 8.9
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 02.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 03.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
Level 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Health 2797 3642 3642 4487
Duration 9.2 9.5 9.7 10.0 10.2 10.5 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.5 11.8 12.0 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.1 13.3 13.6 13.8 14.1 14.4 14.6
Potion ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 04.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
ON-icon-potion-Restore Health 05.png
Level 45 46 47 48 49 50 Champion Points10 Champion Points20 Champion Points30 Champion Points40 Champion Points50 Champion Points60 Champion Points70 Champion Points80 Champion Points90 Champion Points100 Champion Points110 Champion Points120 Champion Points130 Champion Points140 Champion Points150 Champion Points160
Health 4487 4494 5078 5163 5585 5670 5754 6261 6346 6430 6684
Duration 14.9 15.1 15.4 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.7 17.2 17.4 18.0 18.2 18.7 19.0 19.5 19.8 20.3 20.5 21.1 21.3 21.8 22.1 22.4
It's almost the same thing anyhow. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 01:15, 23 January 2017 (UTC)
Aside from the table on Altmer Style, which has really bad syntax and no level entries, all those other pages have tables that are orientated vertically by item and level. I don't doubt that there are some horizontal tables somewhere, but those ones aren't. I can see the issue with scrolling between the tables, but I think the fact that you can see all the values in one table, and all the items in the other, is more useful, as you can compare everything at once rather than having to scroll between three different tables for X of Stamina, Alliance Battle Draught and Roguish Stealth Draught to find the differences. You just need to look in the item table, where they're only three rows apart, to see that the Battle Draught lasts longer than the generic and includes Major Brutality, while the Stealth Draught is the same length as the generic but also includes Vanish for a shorter time. If you're then interested in the exact values, you scroll over to the values table, but for many people, the differences will be enough. With the numbers spread out around 8 tables, it's harder to see where the similarities and differences are between them. You mention being able to see all the information about a given potion on one screen; I would say that's not as important as seeing how the potions are different to each other at a given level. If I'm Level 30, I don't care about the Level 40 version of the same potion, I care about the other potions at Level 30, because I want the best one for my level. The item database already covers different levels of the same item if that's the information you're after.
"Level 50 Champion PointsChampion 100" is how it's presented in-game, and "50 Champion Points100" is the best way to shorten that. The fact that this is how it's displayed in-game is most important, but it also clarifies that you have to be Level 50 to use the potion. Someone who is Level 20 Champion Points100 would not be able to use the potion, which is not clear if we just say Champion Points100. It also gives us less work to do if they decide to introduce "20 Champion Points100" items in the future. ThickLine, particularly when there are numerous different sized cells around it, doesn't display very well, and you sometimes end up with extrusions from the vertical table lines crossing into it, making it look messy. Also, it's black, when the rest of the table lines are grey. If you're having a "thick line", it should be the same colour as the rest of the "lines" in the table, otherwise it looks out-of-place. In sortable tables, it always sticks to whatever row it's added to, making the table appear to be divided in places it shouldn't be. --Enodoc (talk) 11:25, 23 January 2017 (UTC)
Point about ThickLine in sortable tables is completely irrelevant, as row-spanning dividers have the same problem and these tables can't be meaningfully sortable anyhow. Difference in color between ThickLine is also irrelevant - its entire purpose is to stand out from other lines, so having it a darker color is only natural. I've never seen the issue you mention with vertical table lines crossing it - this could be specific to your browser?
I still maintain that "50 Champion Points100" is absolutely ugly to read and a horrible waste of space, especially in tables where space is already at a premium, and especially especially when used to portray a range. Anyone who has reached level 50 and started earning Champion Points should be relatively familiar with how the system works. A player who is Level 20 Champion Points100 has by definition already done so with another character, so they're not going to be confused by the convention. We could even provide links to the Champion page for clarification, but it's very much unnecessary.
Finally, I still think that having miles-long pages forced by vertical charts is just completely unwieldy, especially when you're making users cross reference two separate charts for information. The Database is an absolutely unacceptable alternative to this, as the average user is a.) probably not even aware of its existence, and b.) cannot be expected to understand how to use it properly without help. It is very much not user-friendly, nor was it designed to be, nor should it be. Its purpose is to collect the data so that editors with the know-how have a reference from which to create user-friendly pages on the wiki. Telling visitors they should use the Database for reference is like telling players of Skyrim or the other games just to look it up in the Creation Kit/Construction Set. The entire point of this site is to provide information in a manner which is easy to use for people without the technical knowledge needed to weed out the data by hand.
A cross-comparison between potions of similar type could maybe be arranged by placing potions of similar type next to eachother. Instead of sectioning the page by dropped, purchased, crown store, etc. potions, we could section it by Health, Magicka, and Stamina, and possibly an Other section for those potions that fall outside these three categories. It's not how other such pages are designed, but maybe we could have two pages - Potions and Potions by Effect, similar to how we've split the Spells in Morrowind for example. It's really the only way I can see being able to get both benefits - a straight-up reference page based on means of acquisition as well as a cross-reference page for comparing effects. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 18:25, 23 January 2017 (UTC)

() I actually like the vertical list format with the item links (the second one from the bottom). This pages seems to be just listing all the dropped potions, and thus I feel a layout similar to how we present the Contraband items (aka a list) would be better for the readers. Using item links also means that if ZOS changes the items the new stats will automatically be reflected in the mouse over, making it easier for changes to be made to the text. Contraptions (talk) 16:38, 25 January 2017 (UTC)

I agree with Contraption and Enodoc, that the second from bottom format seems easier to view. It's consistent with other ESO pages on UESP, and doesn't feel as closely cluttered with numbers as TheRealLurlock's table is. As long as the aesthetic is still appealing, and all necessary information is included, then the page should be fine. :) KriHavok (talk) 17:31, 25 January 2017 (UTC)
Preference seems to be towards the item links vertical table, but I'd ideally like some more opinions first. --Enodoc (talk) 18:15, 15 February 2017 (UTC)