Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Aeril

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Aeril (PC_m1_O_Aeril)
Location Benirus Crypt
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Level 12 Class Necromancer
Other Information
Health 75 Magicka 152
Alarm 0 Fight 100

Aeril is a hostile Wood Elf Necromancer who has made a base in Benirus Crypt, just outside of Anvil's walls. The guildmaster of the local Guild of Mages, Tisia, sends you to slay Aeril - suspecting her to be connected to some wider insurgent elements responsible for an uptick in unsanctioned necromancer activity elsewhere.

Related Quests[edit]

Cyrodiil Mages Guild[edit]

  • Kill Aeril: Slay a necromancer that has taken up residence in a nearby crypt.