Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Harkisius Barrow

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Colovian Barrow:
Harkisius Barrow
Added by Project Cyrodiil
Divine Intervention Fort Heath
Console Location Code(s)
"Harkisius Barrow"
Strident Coast, [-112,-55]
Harkisius Barrow

Harkisius Barrow is a small bandit base and barrow, north of Archad.

A single chamber within contains both the bandits, their bedrolls, and their assorted treasures. The bandit leader, Vito Penolia, is behind the group of highwaymen that have been terrorizing the road between Archad and Hal Sadek. Clearing the barrow is an optional objective during Bridge Repair.

Related Quest[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Hargha gra-Karthol Female Orc Crusader 18 174 118 0 100 Inside
Medoth Male Wood Elf Assassin 14 99 136 0 95 Outside
Vito Penolia Male Imperial Battlemage 19 130 300 0 100 Inside