Shivering:Kiliban Nyrandil
Kiliban Nyrandil (RefID: 00018C64) |
Location | Xedilian | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+1 | Class | Sorcerer |
RefID | 00018C64 | BaseID | 00018C63 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 43 + (4+1)x(PC+0), PC=4-39 | ||
Magicka | 113 + 7.5x(PC+0) (max=250) | ||
Respons. | 95 | Aggress. | 5 |
Essential | Yes | ||
Faction(s) | Xedilian Faction |
Kiliban Nyrandil is a Dark Elf sorcerer and Dungeon Caretaker of Xedilian, a run-down and nearly forgotten facility designed to create suitable citizens to inherit either Bliss or Crucible. During the Baiting the Trap quest, Kiliban will show you exactly how the facility works.
Once you have reactivated the Resonator of Judgment and teleported to the Halls of Judgment, a seemingly relieved Kiliban will approach you and thank you for your deed. He will then guide you through the three chambers and provide helpful explanations on how each of them work, much to the regret of three intruding adventurers. After the unexpected fight against the Knights of Order, in which he will participate, Kiliban will approach you again and give you some background on what just happened.
After this, he will take up his usual routines as Xedilian's caretaker. His private chambers are located near the Chamber of Anathema and he sleeps there every night between midnight and 6am. When he wakes up, he takes a three-hour breakfast while seated at the nearby table, followed by some wandering in the area. At 1pm, he sits down again for a three-hour lunch and then teleports to what he refers to as 'the reception chamber'. He spends the rest of the day pacing there until his bedtime.
His costly attire reflects his once important posting: rare red silk robes, the even rarer matching hood and a pair of gold trimmed shoes. He also carries his key and a bread loaf he consumes at meals. In combat he relies on a dagger of the best possible quality for your level (may be enchanted after level 4) and on a set of leveled sorcerer spells.
The long years of solitude have turned Kiliban into something of a bookworm; and indeed his quarters are full of books to keep him occupied. Next to his double bed is a bookshelf holding a copy of Heretical Thoughts, Wabbajack, The Prophet Arden-Sul and Fall of Vitharn. The other bookshelf in the room contains another copy of The Prophet Arden-Sul, Fall of Vitharn and Heretical Thoughts along with Saints and Seducers, Zealotry, An Elytra's Life and The Living Woods. On top of a cupboard containing up to three food items are a Sheogorath bust, a copy of Myths of Sheogorath and yet another copy of Fall of Vitharn, which seems to be his favorite read. Sitting atop another cupboard (this time containing up to six pieces of Dementia clothing) is a copy of From Frog to Man and a portion of Grummite Eggs.
Related Quests[edit]
- Baiting the Trap: Decide the fate of some greedy new adventurers in the Isles.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Once Xedilian is fully operational and you begin to make your way out, you will find yourself trapped inside a small room after stepping on a teleporter. Kiliban doesn't exist in the game before you activate the Resonator, but once you arrive in the area, he will immediately approach you and greet you warmly:
- "Finally, Lord Sheogorath has sent someone to assist me! But where are my manners? Ahem... must get into my professional tone... ahem... Welcome to Xedilian, I'm the dungeon caretaker, Kiliban Nyrandil."
- Tell me about this place.
- "A wonder of engineering, is it not? Xedilian is the ultimate test of mettle for the foolhardy adventurer that dares trespass into the Shivering Isles. What they don't know is that they're being drawn to their doom, courtesy of the Resonator of Judgment."
- Interesting, tell me more.
- "Ever since that wretched Gatekeeper was made, Xedilian became redundant. It fell into disrepair and was eventually all but forgotten. After only a few years passed, the Grummites began moving in. Ghastly things! They mistook the Focus Crystals for some sort of religious symbols, and removed them from their rightful places. This rendered the Resonator inert and Xedilian completely useless. Luckily, you came along and placed Xedilian back into operation."
- Enough. How do I get out of here?
- "Yes, yes. I tend to ramble; you'll have to forgive me. If you have the Attenuator, then Sheogorath must have sent you. Xedilian would normally have sent you back to the entrance when you stepped on the pad in the Resonator Chamber. Since you're up here, I can only surmise that adventurers are already entering the dungeon as we speak."
- Why do I have to deal with this?
- "I'm afraid until the adventurers are dealt with, Xedilian will keep you here. Even I can't will its doors to open. To put it bluntly, you're stuck here for the moment. No disrespect intended."
- What should I do?
- "The only thing we can do is let the adventurers complete a cycle through here. I'll be glad to help. I assume Sheogorath gave you the Manual of Xedilian. You can consult it for more information, or I can provide instructions."
You will now be able to ask the dutiful Dunmer various questions about the security facility. If you have exited conversation with him already, when you approach him again he will say:
- "Allow me to be your guide."
He will then greet you with:
- "What can I assist you with?"
Kiliban can then provide information on various topics surrounding the task at hand:
- Resonator of Judgment: "The Resonator works by drawing adventurers to itself with a sort of magical 'siren's call'. Sheogorath uses the Resonator to find the 'cream of the crop' as he calls them; the best of the worst to populate the Isles. Quite clever, eh?"
- Instructions: "As the adventurers make their way through Xedilian's chambers, they will encounter choices that you make in these control platforms. All you need to do is decide what becomes of the adventurers. Will you drive them insane or will you pull the life from their bodies?"
- How do I make the choices?: "Simple. Wait until the adventurers are in position, and then press a button! If they survived, they will proceed to the next chamber, and so on. It's really quite ingenious!"
- How do I know when I'm done?: "You'll know you're done when they lie dead on the ground, or they are out of their minds. Of course, any of their possessions you wish to keep are yours for the taking. I'll make sure you get them when you're done."
- Do you handle the cleanup?: "Well, the dead will be disposed of, have no fear. That's my job. Those that are lucky enough to merely go insane will be granted a place in the Shivering Isles as a permanent resident."
- Explain the choices I'm making: "Each chamber presents two options. When you push the appropriate button, an event will unfold for the adventurers to experience. One is physically harmful... usually lethal traps or creatures... something relished by the residents of Dementia. The other choice is more mental. They are designed to make the adventurers lose their grip on reality, much like the residents of Mania. Of course, the introduction of spore gas with the Mania choices helps as well."
- That's enough information: "As you wish."
- Chamber: "I will be happy to describe each chamber and explain the event that unfolds as we proceed through Xedilian."
Should you ask the dungeon caretaker about instructions again, he will say, "What else can I answer for you?" and you will then have the same options to choose from as before.
Once you exit dialogue with him, it becomes obvious that he is unable to contain his excitement:
- "So good to be back in business!"
When you are ready to begin the process of dealing with the three unlucky adventurers, Kiliban will provide you details regarding the first chamber when you ask him about this topic:
- "This first chamber is the Chamber of the Gnarl. At the touch of a button, you can cause a large group of tiny Gnarls to appear and attack the adventurers. Or, if you're feeling merciful, we can have the group terrorized by a seemingly lowly Gnarl that instantly grows to twice their size! The hallucinogenic spore gas we release into the chamber will help lull the victims into believing the creature means to kill them. Don't worry, its bark is far worse than its bite. Hahaha!"
As you ponder how to best utilize the Chamber of the Gnarl, Kiliban will become quite excited when you approach him:
- "Time to choose! Oh, how I missed these moments... so exhilarating!"
Depending on your choice, what he will say will vary when you next approach him. He will be thrilled either way though:
- Mania: "Hehe. Watching them run from the Giant Gnarl gets me every time."
- Dementia: "Unleashed the swarm did we? Nothing like a little bloodlust to start the encounter off right."
Now that you are ready to proceed to the next chamber, the eager elf will excitedly tell you about the Chamber of Avarice when you select the chamber topic:
- "The second chamber of Xedilian is the Chamber of Avarice. The adventurers will have to overcome their feelings of greed as they set their eyes upon the huge piles of treasure locked behind that gate. You may choose to spring a fire trap and cause them great harm as they stand before the gate. Or, you can fill the chamber with hundreds of keys and watch them frantically search for the correct one. Always a crowd pleaser."
He will pat you on the back when you exit dialogue:
- "You're doing quite well so far... keep it up!"
Despite this being the second chamber, it is clear the suspense is just as powerful as before when you approach him:
- "Another chamber, another victim to eliminate. Hurry, the anticipation is overwhelming!"
Just as before, he will have two different comments depending on how you used the Chamber of Avarice to deal with the unfortunate victim:
- Mania: "Too bad none of those keys fit the lock... hahahaha!"
- Dementia: "Ah! The classic fire trap. Always a favorite, especially in the colder months."
After two successful chambers, Kiliban will become very impressed with how skillfully you command Xedilian's facilities. Because of this, he will now greet you with:
- "I see Lord Sheogorath chose wisely when he selected you to liberate Xedilian. Now, how may I continue to assist you?"
When exiting conversation he will now say:
- "One more room to go."
Like with the previous two chambers, he will discuss the final chamber when asked about it:
- "The third chamber of Xedilian is the Chamber of Anathema. Its contents are designed to make sure its the final encounter. The adventurers will be subject to horrors beyond their imagination... visions of repugnance, death, and malevolence reside in this room. If you wish to bring ruin to your victims, you may choose to animate some of the corpses and watch as they satiate their hunger. Or, we can create the illusion of the adventurer dying and his spirit rising from his corpse. Good fun to be had for all! Then, just as suddenly as we kill him, we revive the adventurer.There are few minds that can stand this type of torture."
As you ponder how to deal with the last adventurer, Kiliban will have the same gleeful attitude as before when you approach him:
- "Last chamber... this should be entertaining."
Once you have made your final choice, he will seek you out and congratulate you:
- "You've made short work of the intruders. Sheogorath should be proud to have such an efficient apprentice. Now, if you'll step on the last teleporter pad, I will meet you in the reception chamber so we can recover your earnings."
If you ask him about the chamber topic at this point, he will tell you that your work is done:
- "I'm afraid you've exhausted Xedilian's resources. This was the final chamber."
He will assure you that you will be rewarded for your efforts when you exit the conversation:
- "Not to worry, we'll have your spoils to you in no time at all."
If you manage to talk to him while you are still in the Chamber of Anathema, he will say, "Please, meet me in the reception chamber." and then immediately exit the conversation with you.
After you have stepped on the teleporter and reached the next area, Kiliban will be standing beside the aptly named recovery chest. When you approach him, he will say:
- "I have some things for you."
He will then discuss your rewards:
- "As is the tradition, you are to be awarded a focus crystal as a token of your fine work. I'll have it sent to the palace and placed in the main hall, if you wish to take a look at it."
- You spoke of earnings?
- "Oh, yes... of course. It seems a most unusual weapon was recovered from the Orc warrior, Grommok. Never seen anything like it, but perhaps his journal can give you some useful information. Beyond that, take whatever else you need from the recovery chest... you've earned it! You're free to go at any time of course, just up that hallway. Good luck to you!"
He will immediately end the conversation, handing you the sword and journal, and you will be left to obtain the rest of your reward from the chest. At this point, if you approach him again, he will say:
- "I hope you're pleased with your earnings."
He will then simply repeat, "Good luck to you!" and exit the conversation should you talk to him.
As you head to the exit, you will be assailed by three mysterious knights. Kiliban will assist you in fending off the warriors. After the battle, he walks toward you to check if you are alright:
- "That was quite a battle. I hope you are uninjured."
- What were those beings?
- "You've not heard the legends? How could that be? Those 'beings' as you call them aren't beings at all. They are the soulless abominations known as the Knights of Order. Their attraction to the Resonator isn't surprising; it was built from one of the obelisks that dot the Isles they seem to have an affinity for. You must proceed to Sheogorath at once and tell him the Knights have returned! Quickly now... go!"
He then exits dialogue with you so that you can go and report what happened to Sheogorath. If you remain in the area after the battle, he will become annoyed that you have not left yet when you approach him:
- "There isn't time for idle chatter."
However, he will be much friendlier when you enter dialogue with him:
- "You've certainly done your part protecting Xedilian. Should Sheogorath ever decide to visit, I'll be sure to inform him of your proficiency."
Kiliban will have new dialogue for the following two topics:
- Xedilian: "Now that Xedilian is up and running, I'll endevour [sic] to keep it as clean and tidy as the day it was created."
- Knights of Order: "There isn't much more to say about these soulless creatures. No one knows why they invade or where they're from, but they aren't from the Isles. They haven't walked among us in many hundreds of years. Now that they've returned, there's no telling what may happen to us. My best advice is to destroy them on sight. They wouldn't hesitate to do the same to you."
He will bid you farewell by reminding you to get moving:
- "Hasten back to the palace... Sheogorath must know!"
If you return to Xedilian after completion of the related quest, the dutiful Dunmer will still be found in the facility, continuing to make sure all the traps are functioning properly. He will be excited to see you, saying:
- "Good to see you again!"
All his dialogue will be the same as when you last spoke to him, but he will now bid farewell with:
- "Any time you wish to visit me, I'll be here."
Unused Dialogue[edit]
- There are a handful of greetings recorded for Kiliban that cannot be heard during normal gameplay. When you first met him, he would have said: "My goodness!" when you approached him. If you took the manic approach in the Chamber of Anathema and had Grommok see his own ghost, he would have commented: "Ah, the ghost effect; an excellent demonstration of Xedilian's true power." If you took the demented approach instead by having the undead swarm him, he would have said: "Nothing warms the heart like the sound of rending flesh. Great choice!" All these greetings cannot be heard under normal circumstances as Kiliban is actively seeking you out at these points in the quest.
- Similarly, Kiliban has two farewells that cannot be heard during normal gameplay due to him either immediately exiting conversation at this point in the quest or you being unable to exit conversation at the time. If you exited dialogue when you first met him before hearing him out, he would have said: "Please, I have much to tell you. Don't go." Once he has provided you with your reward, he would have exited dialogue by saying: "Farewell."
- Kiliban also has additional lines that he would have used if you were hesitating in choosing a button in each chamber, but they are always overridden: "Well, go on, press one. They won't bite you. At least, I think they won't.", "Well, go on, press one. They won't bite you. At least, I think they won't." and "Their fate is in your hands. Choose Mania or Dementia. Either way, they aren't getting out of Xedilian."
- Some dialogue lines were also recorded for Kiliban that cannot be heard as the normal dialogue takes precedence. After your encounter with the Knights of Order, he would have exclaimed, "I can't believe they're here!" when you approached him. He also has a farewell line that is not used: "Hurry, there's no telling how much damage has already been dealt to the Resonator!" It would have been used at some point during or after the battle with the Knights of Order.