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This article lists all the spells, powers and abilities available in the Shivering Isles expansion.

Conjuration Destruction Illusion Restoration Powers
Scrolls Spell Merchants Bugs

Most spells can be purchased from Earil in Crucible, with a few also available from Mirili Ulven in Highcross. In addition, there are a variety of Greater Powers and Lesser Powers that are available in Shivering Isles, with many of them received as rewards for progressing through the Main Quest. The Conjuration spells use new and unique Summon effects, while all other spells are variations of existing effects.

See also



Spell Name Form ID Cost Effects Where to get
Summon Hunger Summon Hunger 0007E0AF 44 Summon Hunger Summon Hunger for 20 secs on Self Earil
Summon Hunger Summon Gluttonous Hunger 0004DC20 122 Summon Gluttonous Hunger Summon Gluttonous Hunger for 20 secs on Self Earil
Summon Shambles Summon Decrepit Shambles 0004DC19 120 Summon Decrepit Shambles Summon Decrepit Shambles for 30 secs on Self Earil
Summon Hunger Summon Ravenous Hunger 0004DC21 246 Summon Ravenous Hunger Summon Ravenous Hunger for 20 secs on Self Earil
Summon Shambles Summon Shambles 0004DC1E 262 Summon Shambles Summon Shambles for 30 secs on Self Earil
Summon Hunger Summon Voracious Hunger 0004DC22 487 Summon Voracious Hunger Summon Voracious Hunger for 25 secs on Self Earil
Summon Shambles Summon Replete Shambles 0004DC1F 450 Summon Replete Shambles Summon Replete Shambles for 30 secs on Self Earil


Spell Name Form ID Cost Effects Where to get
Fire Snow Flare 0004DC23 21 Fire Damage Fire Damage 7 pts on Target

Frost Damage Frost Damage 5 pts on target

Drain Glimpse of Death 0004DC28 50 Drain Health Drain Health 60 pts for 3 secs on Touch Earil
Fire Hail Fire 0004DC26 57 Fire Damage Fire Damage 15 pts on Target

Frost Damage Frost Damage 10 pts on Target

Fire Icy Blaze 0004DC27 120 Fire Damage Fire Damage 25 pts on Target

Frost Damage Frost Damage 20 pts on Target



Spell Name Form ID Cost Effects Where to get
Command Mirili's Apprentice Command 0007B219 62 (83*) Command Creature Command Creature up to level 5 for 30sec on Touch
Mirili Ulven
Command Mirili's Journeyman Command 0007B21A 191 (255*) Command Creature Command Creature up to level 12 for 30sec on Touch
Mirili Ulven
Command Mirili's Expert Command 0007B21B 368 (491*) Command Creature Command Creature up to level 20 for 30sec on Touch
Mirili Ulven


Spell Name Form ID Cost Effects Where to get
Restore Salve 0004DC38 22 Restore Health Restore Health 5 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 10 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Remedy 0004DC3A 56 Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 20 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Remedy Friend 0004DC3D 56 Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts for 2 secs on Touch

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 20 pts for 2 secs on Touch

Restore Rejuvenate 0004DC3B 136 Restore Health Restore Health 20 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 40 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Rejuvenate Friend 0004DC3E 126 Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts for 3 secs on Target

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 20 pts for 3 secs on Target

Restore Revive 0004DC3C 289 Restore Health Restore Health 35 pts for 2 secs on Self

Restore Fatigue Restore Fatigue 75 pts for 2 secs on Self



All powers in Shivering Isles are received as a reward for completing quests. Greater Powers have no Magicka cost, but can only be used once per day. Lesser Powers may or may not use Magicka, but they can be used as often as you like.

Powers are cast the same way as spells, however there are several differences between powers and spells, as detailed under the Magic Overview. Unless otherwise noted, all Power effects are cast on Self.

Greater Powers[edit]

Spell Name Form ID Effects Notes Quest
Frenzy Ahjazda's Paranoia 00081C35 Frenzy Frenzy up to level 25 in 50 ft for 10 secs on Touch
Given to you by Ahjazda. The Coming Storm
Reanimate Risen Flesh 0008E93F Reanimate Reanimate for 60 secs on Touch Only reanimates humanoids, and will not affect creatures. Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides
Frenzy Blessing of Mania 0008F023 Frenzy Frenzy up to level 12 in 30 ft for 30 secs on Target
Only received if the Mania Entrance is used to enter the Shivering Isles for the first time. Through the Fringe of Madness
Demoralize Blessing of Dementia 0008F024 Demoralize Demoralize up to level 12 in 30 ft for 10 secs on Target
Only received if the Dementia Entrance is used to enter the Shivering Isles for the first time. Through the Fringe of Madness
Summon Dark Seducer Summon Dark Seducer 0003161D Summon Dark Seducer Summon Dark Seducer 60 secs on Self Only received if you choose to do the Ritual of Dementia. Ritual of Accession
Summon Golden Saint Summon Golden Saint 0003161E Summon Golden Saint Summon Golden Saint 60 secs on Self Only received if you choose to do the Ritual of Mania. Ritual of Accession
Fortify Angry Mind
(Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2]
00050C76 Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Angry Mind body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Helm of Power (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C77 Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Helm of Power body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Reflect Spell Heart of Spell Turning (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C78 Reflect Spell Reflect Spell 20 pts for 30 secs on Self If you have picked the Heart of Spell Turning body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Reflect Damage Heart of Wound Sharing (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C79 Reflect Damage Reflect Damage 20 pts for 30 secs on Self If you have picked the Heart of Wound Sharing body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fire Shield Arm of Fire Shielding (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7A Fire Shield Fire Shield 20 pts for 30 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Fire Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Shock Shield Arm of Shock Shielding (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7B Shock Shield Shock Shield 20 pts for 30 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Shock Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Frost Shield Arm of Frost Shielding (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7C Frost Shield Frost Shield 20 pts 30 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Frost Shielding body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Arm of Slashing (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7D Fortify Blade Fortify Blade 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Slashing body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Arm of Chopping (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7E Fortify Blunt Fortify Blunt 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Chopping body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Arm of Bashing (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C7F Fortify Blunt Fortify Blunt 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Arm of Bashing body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Breast of Life (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C80 Fortify Health Fortify Health 100 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Breast of Life body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Breast of Magic (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C81 Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Breast of Magic body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Legs of Nimbleness (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C82 Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Legs of Nimbleness body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Fortify Legs of Fortitude (Gatekeeper Gift)[1][2] 00050C83 Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 20 pts for 60 secs on Self If you have picked the Legs of Fortitude body part for the Gatekeeper. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Summon Flesh Atronach Summon Flesh Atronach 00014B35 Summon Flesh Atronach Summon Flesh Atronach for 120 secs on Self The Flesh Atronach summoned is dependent on your level; see Summon for details. Rebuilding the Gatekeeper
Summon Golden Saint Summon Golden Saint 00018DBC Summon Golden Saint Summon Golden Saint 120 secs on Self Only received if you are Duke/Duchess of Dementia. The Helpless Army
Summon Dark Seducer Summon Dark Seducer 00018DBD Summon Dark Seducer Summon Dark Seducer for 120 secs on Self Only received if you are Duke/Duchess of Mania. The Helpless Army
Burden Manipulate Weather[2] 0005DD22 Script Effect Manipulate Weather for 15 secs on Self Alters the current weather in the Shivering Isles and temporarily grants you a corresponding ability:
The Prince of Madness
Gatekeeper Gifts can be received by activating the rebuilt Gatekeeper. Only one Gatekeeper Gift can be received at a time.
These powers are unaffected by Silence.

Lesser Powers[edit]

Spell Name Form ID Effects Cost Notes Quest
Burden Summon Haskill[2] 00019867 Script Effect Summon Haskill for 5 secs on Self 0 Haskill will give you advice on current quests. Please note that you must be in the realm to use this spell. Baiting the Trap
Burden Sheogorath's Protection[3] 0004BD29 Script Effect Revive at New Sheoth Palace for 120 secs on Self 100 Reappear in Sheogorath's Palace if you are about to die while in the realm. The Prince of Madness
If your health reaches zero after casting Sheogorath's Protection, you will be resurrected at New Sheoth Palace. However, you will lose all race, birthsign, and vampiric abilities and your fame may be reset to zero. Additionally, the spell will not work correctly if you are teleported when you are already in the throne room. See Bugs section for more details.


These active effects are granted whenever you use the Manipulate Weather power. The ability you receive will remain in effect for as long as you remain in the area experiencing the modified weather condition.

Ability Name Form ID Effects Notes
Detect Life Eyes in the Fog 0005DD23 Detect Life Detect Life 120 pts on Self
Ability is granted when Manipulate Weather power creates Fog (25%).
Restore Healing Rain 0005DD24 Restore Health Restore Health 10 pts on Self
Ability is granted when Manipulate Weather power creates Rain (25%).
Fortify Storm's Fury 0005DD25 Fortify Strength Fortify Strength 20 pts on Self

Fortify Endurance Fortify Endurance 20 pts on Self
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 20 pts on Self
Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 20 pts on Self

Ability is granted when Manipulate Weather power creates a Thunderstorm (25%).
Chameleon Snowblind 0005DD26 Chameleon Chameleon 75 pts on Self

Shield Shield 50 pts on Self

Ability is granted when Manipulate Weather power creates Snow (20%).
Reflect Torrent 0005DD89 Reflect Damage Reflect Damage 30 pts on Self

Reflect Spell Reflect Spell 30 pts on Self

Ability is granted when Manipulate Weather power creates a Torrential Downpour (5%).


Blessing Name Form ID Effects Notes
Fortify Blessing of Arden-Sul 0008E940 Cure Disease Cure Disease
Restore Agility Restore Agility 100pts
Restore Endurance Restore Endurance 100pts
Restore Intelligence Restore Intelligence 100pts
Restore Luck Restore Luck 100pts
Restore Personality Restore Personality 100pts
Restore Speed Restore Speed 100pts
Restore Strength Restore Strength 100pts
Restore Willpower Restore Willpower 100pts
Restore Magicka Restore Magicka 500pts
Received from activating the Altar of Arden-Sul
Fortify Flame of Agnon 0008E940 Script Effect Surrounds player with swirling green and orange flames Flames appear when holding the Flame of Agnon. NPCs will remark on the flames when greeting you.
Fortify Flame of Dementia 000948B7 Fortify Speed Fortify Speed 5pts for 300sec on Self
Fortify Luck Fortify Luck 5pts for 300sec on Self
Fortify Security Fortify Security 4pts for 300sec on Self
Fortify Sneak Fortify Sneak 4pts for 300sec on Self
Received when lighting the Flame of Dementia in the Sacellum Arden-Sul
Fortify Flame of Mania 000948B5 Fortify Intelligence Fortify Intelligence 10pts for 300sec on Self
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 10pts for 300sec on Self
Resist Paralysis Resist Paralysis 10pts for 300sec on Self
Received when lighting the Flame of Mania in the Sacellum Arden-Sul
Fortify Spirit Blessing 0008E940 Fortify Fatigue Fortify Fatigue 100 pts for 1200 seconds
Received each time a ghost is freed from the Hill of Suicides


Only one new scroll is introduced with Shivering Isles.

Name Effect(s) Value Location
OB-icon-book-Scroll1.png Burst of Might

Fortify Strength 100 points for 5 seconds on self
Fortify Endurance 100 points for 5 seconds on self
Shield 100% for 5 seconds on self


Received from Amiable Fanriene as a reward for the quest Falling Awake.

Spell Merchants[edit]

Name Form ID Alteration Spells Conjuration Spells Destruction Spells Illusion Spells Mysticism Spells Restoration Spells US UE Location Services
Earil 00015869 1A 2J 2E 2M 1N 2A 1J 1N 2A 2J 1E 17 7 Crucible Alchemist
Mirili Ulven 00017844 1A 1J 1E 3 Highcross


  • There exists a unique icon for the Summon Haskill spell within the game files, but it is not used.


  • If your health reaches zero after you cast Sheogorath's Protection, you will be resurrected at New Sheoth Palace. However, you will lose all race, birthsign, and vampiric abilities and your fame may be reset to zero. The spell is normally supposed to take effect when your health is very low, and the bugs are introduced if you die and have to be resurrected. This is similar to the bug in Molag Bal's quest except that you will also drop your weapon before resurrecting.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch addresses this issue. As with Molag Bal's quest, the bug is in inaccessible engine code, so the fix is to allow you to die rather than survive as a broken character.
  • If Sheogorath's Protection is cast and you are teleported to safety while you are already in the throne room, Haskill and the Court Healer will repeatedly spawn raised off the ground and fall to the floor in a loop. The controls will be locked, and the only practical option is to reload or quit the game.