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Adventurer's Backpack
Creation Club

Skyrim:Adventurer's Backpack

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Adventurer's Backpack
Released April 5, 2018
Size 55.9 MB (PC) / (?) (Xbox One) / (?) (PS4)
Filename ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl
PC Available from Creation Club for 400 Creation Credits
Other Also available on Xbox One and PS4
Patch Special Edition Version 1.5.39
Adventurer's Backpack

Adventurer's Backpack is a Creation that adds sixteen backpacks with various effects. It was released on April 5, 2018 for 400 Creation Credits.

This Creation was made by fadingsignal.

Official Summary[edit]

Don't head off into the wilderness without your Adventurer's Backpack. Craft 16 variations with assorted effects! Created by Rob Vogel (fadingsignal). (Backpacks can be purchased at vendors and crafted via Forge.)


This Creation adds backpacks to the game. They possess a powerful 75-point Fortify Carry Weight enchantment and take up a separate gear slot for back items, making them a powerful method of increasing the amount of weight you can carry before becoming over-encumbered. This is particularly useful in Survival Mode due to the increased encumbrance experienced when that mode is enabled. There are 16 backpack variations, some of which possess other useful enchantments. However, the majority of the variations are simply cosmetic. Backpacks can be purchased from general goods merchants or crafted at a forge.




  • Followers can wear the backpacks and retain the effects
  • Arrow quivers will often clip through the top of the backpack
  • Certain enemies (such as the Mythic Dawn Cultists) will also wear backpacks