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Skyrim:Chief Burguk

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Chief Burguk
(RefID: 00019928)
Stronghold Dushnikh Yal
House Burguk's Longhouse
Race Orc Gender Male
Level 15 Class Warrior
RefID 00019928 BaseID 00013B79
Training Trainer (Master)One-handed (Master)
Other Information
Health 213 Magicka 50
Stamina 147
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, One-handed, Block, Sneak
Class Details TrainerOneHandedMaster
Morality No Crime Aggression Aggressive
Voice Type MaleOrc
Faction(s) Blood-Kin of the Orcs; Favor017QuestGiverFaction; JobOrcChiefFaction; One-Handed Trainer; Skill Trainer; TownDushnikhYalFaction; Tribal Orcs
Chief Burguk
Burguk surrounded by wives

Chief Burguk, an Orc warrior, is the chief of Dushnikh Yal, the Orc stronghold south of Markarth. He is the master trainer in One-handed and can train you up to level 90. A bit of a braggart, he will challenge you to a brawl to prove he is superior.

Due to Orc tradition, Burguk has several wives, including forge-wife Gharol, hunts-wife Arob, and his favored wife Shel. While the first two wives merely act as symbolic marriages, Shel gets all the attention from the chief and is the one who gets to spend time with him when he sits outside his longhouse between 7am and 7pm, doing nothing but watch the other tribe members work. At 7pm he heads inside the house and enjoys a five-hour dinner surrounded by his wives and sons, until he finally goes to bed at midnight.

He wears an almost-complete set of leveled heavy armor (up to Orcish quality at level 25), including a cuirass, boots, gauntlets, and two shields. He wields a leveled mace and carries the key to the longhouse, a pair of ragged trousers, and some common items and gold.

Related Quests[edit]


His potential greetings are:

"You speak to Burguk, chief of Dushnikh Yal."
"Need a poison for your hunting? My mother, Murbul, knows several."
"You need steel? Speak to my forge-wife, Gharol."
"This stronghold respects strength, and strength alone."

If you ask him about training, he shows his pride by telling you:

I'd like to train in One-Handed weapons.
"You'll never compare to me, but I can try and teach you anyway."

If you are low on money when you speak to him, he will comment:

"You're short on coin."


When the entire family spends quality time in the longhouse, it soon becomes apparent that polygamous relationships can be problematic, even if it is tradition:

Shel: "My chief, Gharol threatens to have me work in the mines. You won't allow my pretty hands to dirty, will you?"
Burguk: "No, my wife. You have been given other gifts to please your chief than mine work. I will talk to Gharol and all will be well."
Shel: "Oh, thank you my chief!"

Burguk: "I saw you working the forge today, wife. Your muscles have grown strong from the metal shaping!"
Gharol: "Do they, my chief? Am I now favored enough to replace Shel by your side at the feast? Back your words with action!"
Burguk: "No more talk of Shel. As chief, I will do what I please, so point your fiery gaze to our enemies."

Burguk will also occasionally seek out his mother for advice:

Burguk: "Tell me, mother, does Malacath favor our stronghold?"
Murbul: "He is pleased. Ours is the strongest tribe in all the Reach."

Unused Dialogue[edit]

Chief Burguk has unused dialogue tied to a quest he was once meant to give you. This dialogue can only be found in the game's DialogueViews files, and not the Creation Kit.

Anything I can do for the Stronghold?
"I finally have an idea that will make Shugurzbur a place to be feared. Have you heard of the Briar-Hearts [sic]? Strange magic created by Hagravens. I'm told that if you eat one, you gain the strength of ten Orcs. Bring me one. There is a nest nearby you can scavenge."
I've brought you a Briar-Heart [sic].
"Ugh. It looks sharp. Oh well, an idea is an idea. Tastes... chewy. Yuck. I've eaten real hearts better than this. Strange. I don't feel any stronger. I... I think I need to lie down. Oh, wait. Yes. For you. Here. The stronghold thanks you, outlander."


  • As the unused dialogue above indicates, as well as multiple internal references confirm, the stronghold was originally named Shugurzbur, rather than Dushnikh Yal.
    • In addition, the internal names for the unused dialogue confirm that Burguk was originally named Yashnag instead.
    • While the unused quest is internally known as FreeformShugurzburB, its companion quest FreeformShugurzburA still appears in the final game, albeit slightly reworked, as the quest Gharol's Message.
    • It's unknown what Hagraven nest Burguk mentions in his dialogue, as none are found in a close proximity to the stronghold in the final game.
  • According to the game's Relationship data, Chief Burguk is also the father of Lurbuk, a bard with a bad reputation residing in Morthal. They are also marked as rivals, so you may receive a letter from one of them as gratitude for killing the other.
    • In the Prima Official Game Guide, Lurbuk is even referred to as "Lurbuk gro-Dushnikh". Indicating his stronghold of origin as Dushnikh Yal.