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(RefID: 00019935)
Home Town Karthwasten
House Enmon's House
Race Breton Gender Male
Level PC×0.5 (range=6-15) Class Miner
RefID 00019935 BaseID 00013B6C
Other Information
Health 50+(PC-0.5)×4.2
Magicka 50+(PC-0.5)×1.7
Stamina 50+(PC-0.5)×1.7
Primary Skills Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, Archery, One-handed, Two-handed
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Essential Yes, until speaking to him during The Heart of Dibella
Voice Type MaleYoungEager
Faction(s) CrimeFactionReach; JobMinerFaction; KarthwastenEnmonsHouseFaction; TownKarthwastenFaction

Enmon is a Breton miner living in Karthwasten with his wife Mena. They have a daughter named Fjotra, who has been kidnapped by a group of Forsworn.

As it turns out, Fjotra is the new sybil of Dibella, and you will be directed to travel to Karthwasten and speak to Enmon. When you tell him of your intention to liberate the girl from her Forsworn captors, he will insist on accompanying you. However, he can be talked out of it if you prefer to travel alone. He contributes very little to the battle and is likely to be killed in the rescue attempt, so the best decision may be to leave him in Karthwasten.

He wears a set of miner's clothes and a pair of boots, and is equipped with a pickaxe. He carries a key to his house and a selection of lower-class loot and gold.

Related Quests[edit]


"You're not from here, and we don't need to be talking."
"You should talk to Ainethach. He's in charge."
"Don't have nothing to say to you, stranger."
"Karthwasten doesn't need outsiders prying in our business."

After completing The Heart of Dibella:

"I hope Fjotra is happy in the temple. We're so honored to have given her."
"Thank you for getting her back from the Forsworn. Dibella was smart to have sent you."

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

I'm looking for a young girl who lives around here.
"Damn it, man/woman, are you trying to taunt us?"
What are you talking about?
"Our daughter, Fjotra, was taken from here. The Forsworn descended and... they didn't touch anything else. Just our little girl."
Where did they take her?
"It was the Forsworn from Broken Tower. Never been much trouble before. What's it to you?"
Your daughter is the Sybil of Dibella.
"She... really? That's... I wouldn't have dreamed. Of course, we need her in Markarth, then. I'll come with you."
We'll save her together.
"Thank you, friend."
It's dangerous out there. You should stay.
"You're... probably right. Just hurry, please. Who knows what those things are doing to her."
I just want her to be safe.
"That's... that's good of you. If you were to save her, I would be very grateful. I don't think there's anything I could give you, though..."

If he follows you, he may say the following as you progress the quest:

"Let's get to the Forsworn camp. Her life could be in danger."
"I swear, if those things have laid a hand on her..."
"Let's find Fjotra. This place gives me the creeps."
"How could they live like this? It's disgusting."

After fighting through the dungeon and reuniting with his daughter:

I've found your daughter.
Fjotra: "Father!"
Enmon: "Fjotra, dear. Did they hurt you?"
Fjotra: "Of course not. My spirit remains strong."
Enmon: "My little girl. Always strong. Do you know where you have to go?"
Fjotra: "I'm to go to the temple in Markarth. I... I'll have to leave you and mother."
Enmon: "It's our honor to have you there. This man/woman is going to take you to Markarth. Are you ready?"
Fjotra: "Of course."


Enmon: "When are those Silver-Blood men going to leave?"
Belchimac: "Never. They've shut us down forever, Enmon. The Divines have abandoned us."
Belchimac: "We're doomed. The mine is going to stay closed, and we'll up [sic] be carted of [sic] to Cidhna Mine as slaves."
Enmon: "Only criminals get sent to Cidhna Mine. They're not going to send us there."
Belchimac: "Oh, they'll find some way to send us there. It'll be just my luck."
Mena: "But why did they take her? What could they want with our little girl?"
Enmon: "I don't know. The guards are out looking for her, now. They'll be back soon."
Mena: "You keep saying that. What if she's gone forever? What if they've done something to her?"
Enmon: "Are you all right, dear?"
Mena: "The house is so... empty, Enmon... and quiet."
Enmon: "Are you all right, dear? I thought I saw a tear in your eye a moment ago."
Mena: "Oh, I'm fine, Enmon. I just... I still miss her."
Enmon: "I miss her, too, but I'm glad she's safe."
Mena: "So am I. I hope she's happy at the temple."
Mena: "Enmon, dear, do you have any regrets? About letting her go?"
Enmon: "No... no, we did the right thing. The temple will take good care of her, and one day she'll be helping all of Skyrim."
Mena: "You're right. She'll be a great Sybil, won't she?"
Enmon: "Of course she will. She's our daughter, after all."


  • If you choose to allow Enmon to accompany you to the Forsworn camp, it is possible to command him like your regular follower by holding down the "talk" button at a slight distance from him.
    • By commanding Enmon to pick up items, you can outfit him with weapons and armor, making him a reasonably useful companion at lower levels. He will equip the best gear given to him upon changing cells.
    • Until you complete his related quest, Enmon will follow you indefinitely.


  • After completing The Heart of Dibella, Enmon may behave as if he never met you upon returning to Karthwasten, returning to his default dialogue.