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Skyrim:Linwe's Hood

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Unique Item: Linwe's Hood (00108546)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID ArmorLinweHelmet
Armor Rating Rating 16
Armor Rating Rating 16 {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 2 Value Value 563
Quality Tempering Leather
Quality Tempering Leather Perk
Bows do 15% more damage:
Linwe's Hood

Linwe's Hood is the headwear for the unique set of equipment used by the leader of the Summerset Shadows, Linwe. Alongside this item, this set of equipment also includes armor, a pair of boots, and a gloves. As Linwe runs an organization that rivals the Thieves Guild, his equipment has some visual similarities to the versions used by the Thieves Guild. However, his hood is the exception to the rest of the equipment. While a Thieves Guild Hood is a brown and rounded at the corners, this hood has much sharper appearance, is more patchwork than the Thieves Guild version, and is also gray. Additionally, while his hood weighs half a unit more than the Thieves Guild Hood, it also provides an additional three points of armor, as well as being slightly more valuable. The armor is enchanted to fortify Archery attacks by fifteen points. Tempering Linwe's Hood requires a piece of leather and the Arcane Blacksmith perk.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Linwe's Armor, Boots, Hood, and Gloves can all be disenchanted, and their respective enchantments named Shadowthrive, Shadowstrength, Shadowsight, and Shadowstrike learned, but these enchantments cannot be applied to any items during enchanting, making the resulting XP gain from disenchanting the only benefit for doing so.