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Solitude, in Haafingar
(view on map) (lore page)
Shops and Services
Guilds and Temples
Solitude, capital of Skyrim
The view from Solitude's port
Solitude at street level

Solitude is a major city on the northwest coast of Skyrim, and the capital of both Haafingar and the entire province. It is the largest city in Skyrim and seat of the province's High King, and is built on a natural arch over the Sea of Ghosts. The ruler of Solitude is Jarl Elisif the Fair, widow to the late High King Torygg, with her throne in the Blue Palace.

The city houses many important buildings, including the headquarters of the Imperial Legion in Skyrim, the East Empire Company Warehouse, and the Bards College. The Thalmor Embassy is also near Solitude.

When you enter Solitude for the first time, Roggvir is executed for treason.

For more information on Solitude, see the lore article.

Solitude People[edit]

Addvar's House
Addvar Food and Drink [a]
Angeline's Aromatics
Angeline Morrard Apothecary
Vivienne Onis Apothecary
Bards College
Aia Arria
Giraud Gemane Trainer (Master)Speech (Master)
Inge Six Fingers
Pantea Ateia
Bits and Pieces
Sayma General Goods
Blue Palace
Bolgeir Bearclaw
Jarl Elisif the Fair
Falk Firebeard Proudspire Manor
Sybille Stentor Spells Trainer (Expert)Destruction (Expert)
Bryling's House
Irnskar Ironhand
Castle Dour
Captain Aldis
Emperor Titus Mede II
General Tullius
Legate Adventus Caesennius
Legate Rikke
Solitude Guards
East Empire Company Warehouse
East Empire Dockmaster
East Empire Dockworkers
East Empire Warden
Erikur's House
Evette San's House
Evette San Food and Drink [a]
Octieve San
Fihada Fletcher
Hall of the Dead
Jala's House
Ahtar Follower
Jala Food and Drink [a]
Katla's Farm
Blaise HF
Jolf DG (Docks) [b]
Noster Eagle-Eye
Roggvir [c]
Proudspire Manor
Jordis the Sword-Maiden Follower
Radiant Raiment
Endarie Apparel
Taarie Apparel
Red Wave
Sabine Nytte
Solitude Blacksmith
Beirand Blacksmith
Solitude Sawmill
Kharag gro-Shurkul
Solitude SewersCC
Solitude Stables
Geimund Hostler
Thaer Carriage Service
Temple of the Divines
Silana Petreia
The Winking Skeever
Belrand Follower
Corpulus Vinius Innkeeper Food and Drink
Gulum-Ei Fence
Minette Vinius
Sorex Vinius Innkeeper
Vittoria Vici's House
Alexia Vici
Aquillius Aeresius
Vittoria Vici
^aThis person only sells goods at the market.
^bThis ferryman can be hired to transport you between cities via boat.
^cThis person is executed upon first entering Solitude.

Related Quests[edit]

Quests Starting Here[edit]


Imperial Legion[edit]

Side Quests[edit]

Miscellaneous Quests[edit]

Quest Giver Giver Location Quest Objective(s) Requirement
Ahtar Jala's House Kill the Bandit Leader: Do a favor by slaying a bandit leader. (radiant)
  • Kill the leader of <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Tell Ahtar the bandit is dead
Angeline Morrard Angeline's Aromatics No News is Good News: Find out about the fate of Angeline Morrard's daughter from Captain Aldis.
  • Ask Aldis for information about Angeline's daughter.
  • Tell Angeline what Aldis said.
Captain Aldis Castle Dour Rare Gifts: Do a favor by finding a rare item. (radiant)
  • Bring one The Mirror to Aldis
Elisif the Fair Blue Palace Elisif's Tribute: Take Torygg's war horn to the Shrine of Talos.
  • Take Torygg's War Horn to the Shrine of Talos for Elisif the Fair.
  • Talk to Elisif
The Man Who Cried Wolf
Thane of Haafingar: Gain the title of Thane of Haafingar. (radiant)
  • Purchase a house in Solitude
  • Return to Elisif
Elisif's Tribute
Evette San Evette San's House The Spiced Wine: Convince Vittoria Vici to hand over some spices.
  • Convince Vittoria Vici to release the Spiced Wine shipment
  • Tell Evette that Vittoria agreed to release the shipment
Giraud Gemane Bards College Rjorn's Drum: Retrieve a drum for Giraud Gemane.
  • Find Rjorn's Drum
  • Give Rjorn's Drum to Giraud
Tending the Flames
Inge Six Fingers Bards College Finn's Lute: Return an invaluable lute to Inge Six Fingers.
  • Find Finn's Lute
  • Give Finn's Lute to Inge
Tending the Flames
Noster Eagle-Eye The Winking Skeever Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a cave. (radiant)
  • Find Noster's Helmet inside <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Return Noster's Helmet to Noster
Octieve San Evette San's House A Few Words with You: Do a favor by talking to someone about a problem. (radiant)
  • Talk to Irnskar about Octieve
  • Tell Octieve that Irnskar is taken care of
Pantea Ateia Bards College Pantea's Flute: Find a missing flute for Pantea.
  • Find Pantea's Flute
  • Return Pantea's Flute
Tending the Flames
Sorex Vinius The Winking Skeever Delivery: Deliver a bottle of Rum to Falk Firebeard.
  • Deliver the Stros M'Kai Rum to Falk Firebeard
Svari Addvar's House Return to Grace: Convince a mourning mother to go to the local temple.
  • Speak to Greta about going to the Temple of Divines.
  • Retrieve <Alias.ShortName=Item> off of <Alias.ShortName=DeadPerson>.
  • Return <Alias.ShortName=Item> to Greta.
Sybille Stentor Blue Palace Kill the Vampire: Do menial work for Sybille Stentor by assaulting a vampire lair.
  • Kill the leader of <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Tell Sybille the vampire is dead
Taarie Radiant Raiment Fit for a Jarl: Model some clothes for Elisif the Fair.
  • Speak to Elisif with Taarie's outfit on.
  • Tell Taarie what Elisif said about the outfit.

Other Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]


Creation Club[edit]


  • Proudspire Manor is a house available for purchase after completion of certain quests for the jarl. It may be purchased from the steward for 25,000 gold.
  • 6 health potions (3 standard, 2 plentiful, and 1 minor) can be found at certain points around the city. You can take all 6 aforementioned potions for free, and they all respawn every 10 days.
  • Hawks can be seen circling the sky above the city. You can kill them for their beaks and feathers, both of which are alchemy ingredients.
  • Solitude also appears in Arena and ESO.


  • With the Skyrim Special Edition a door to "Quick Test Cell" can be seen on the local map near the entrance to the city. This door is otherwise invisible and can't be interacted with. It is a placeholder door for the Saints & Seducers Creation which changes it to an entrance to the Solitude Sewers. Without the Creation it is just an exit from the CTest cell. ?
  • There are several reports on the net about CTD in Solitude. Possibly related to Return to Grace. ?


Map of Solitude
Castle Dour
  1. Solitude
  2. Temple of the Divines
  3. Thalmor Headquarters
  4. Castle Dour
  5. Castle Dour, Emperor's Tower
  6. Fletcher
  7. Solitude Blacksmith
  8. Castle Dour Dungeon
    Market District
  9. Angeline's Aromatics
  10. Solitude SewersCC
  11. The Winking Skeever
  12. Bits and Pieces
  13. Radiant Raiment
  14. Skyrim
    The Avenues District
  15. Vittoria Vici's House
  16. Proudspire Manor
  17. Hall of the Dead
  18. Addvar's House
  19. Evette San's House
  20. Jala's House
  21. Solitude Catacombs
  22. Bards College
  23. Bryling's House
  24. Erikur's House
  25. Blue Palace
  • Each white dot corresponds directly to a door. All doors are numbered and relate to a Key on the side of the map.