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Skyrim talk:Delivery

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Multiple Delivery Quests[edit]

There appear to actually be multiple quests in the Creation Kit, all with the name "Delivery". Does anybody have any ideas on how to handle this? For reference, their quest IDs are: Favor001, FreeformWindhelmA, and SolitudeFreeform04. Robin Hoodtalk 03:34, 2 July 2012 (UTC)

They all have pages already tho? Delivery, Delivery (Hillevi) and Delivery (Sorex) — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 03:52, 2 July 2012 (UTC)
Ah, thanks Kimi! In that case, it's just the SolitudeFreeform04 redirect that's wrong, I'll fix it. I never thought to do a search after the redirect took me to this page. Robin Hoodtalk 04:30, 2 July 2012 (UTC)


Sondas Drenim gave me the quest to deliver his note to Quintus Navale. Sondas's Note was in my inventory. However, the quest said "Deliver Adonato's Book to Giraud", and Giraud had the quest pointer. Neither Quintus nor Giraud acknowledged my quest in conversation. Do I need to prove this in some way to avoid the dreaded red question mark?

In my first attempt for a fix, I gave myself Adonato's Book via the console; Giraud still did not recognize. In the end, the fix was to do setstage favor001 20, which completed it (in the sense that it left the list). I was then able to get Sondas to give me the quest again, and I completed it with no issues. Adonato Leotelli apparently considered his quest done, though, as he will not converse with me, merely commenting on whatever is on his mind. Ultimately, the only consequences were that I did not receive any reward for delivering Adonato's Book, and I retained an extra Sondas's Note that I had to remove via the console.

Perhaps my detailed explanation counts as confirmation (grin). Robert Cannelin (talk) 23:56, 19 October 2014 (GMT)

For confirmation, there is nothing you can do, it has to be another user that confirms replication of the bug. The quickest way to do that is to find how to replicate it yourself and list that, allowing someone else to follow those instructions. One-off bugs are not listed because they will not affect you or anyone else again. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 00:07, 20 October 2014 (GMT)

Some Not Starting[edit]

I understand that you can only have one of these active at any one time; but I've discovered an issue with certain ones not starting - specifically Adonato's and Aeri's. Sondas's on the other hand will start - but the other two never bring up the conversation topics to start it.

Wonder if there's something else it clashes with, or if there's a workaround. Not the most game-breaking quests I know, but still odd... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:58 on 15 February 2015 (UTC)

I had the exact same issue. Sondas gave me his letter to deliver to Quintus in the White Phial. I try to limit my trips to Windhelm and Whiterun because those are the worst cities for randomly killing NPCs out of sight and hearing, so after I delivered the letter from Sondas and while I was still in town, I tried to pick up Adonato's book, but there was no dialogue option for it. He kept talking about missing Isabella but never even opened a dialogue window. Then I went to Anga's mill to see if I could start that delivery quest, but although I could sell firewood to Aeri and get her other dialogue options, she would not offer the letter to Skald. Seeing as how I had a save standing next to Aeri at that point, I tested Thadgeir in Falkreath, Idgrod the Younger in Morthal, and Banning at Markarth stables, and all three of those people would give me their delivery quests. So whatever the issue is, it is only affecting Adonato and Aeri. I doubt this is relevant, but I had already delivered the Stros M'Kai rum to Falk Firebeard for Sorex, but I had not spoken to Hillevi. Skald was still the Jarl of The Pale. Valeria (talk) 17:59, 30 March 2023 (UTC)
UPDATE: I went off and did some other stuff to include finishing Banning's delivery of the Spiced Beef. After that, Aeri would offer the letter to Skald. I have not been back to Windhelm to check on Adonato. Valeria (talk) 22:59, 3 April 2023 (UTC)

Conflicts with Buy Dwarven artifact[edit]

I wanted to do three favors for people in Falkreath but could not get Thadgeir to offer his Delivery quest until I took Calcelmo his dwarven arrow. I don't know if this should be entered as a note or as a bug. If it should go under notes, I would feel more comfortable about adding it if someone could confirm that it isn't just me. Valeria (talk) 21:54, 13 April 2023 (UTC)

Delivery Failed?[edit]

I got Aeri's job to deliver her note to Skald. It was a brand new playthrough, and I was still exploring and unlocking sites, so I continued towards Windhelm, mining ore veins as I went, and all at once I got a notice that I had failed to deliver Aeri's note, and she appears to have disappeared. Anyone else have this happen? Valeria (talk) 08:42, 17 October 2024 (UTC)

That means she was killed by something. The only way around it is to reload from before that happened, and it's probably a good idea to go straight to Skald and make the delivery, just in case whatever happened happens again. Robin Hood(talk) 17:07, 17 October 2024 (UTC)
It's just that I don't know what could have killed her. I never went to the Sleeping Giant Inn after killing Mirmulnir, so dragon attacks were paused, and it was daytime so no vampires should have been showing up. And she had been just fine when I left. And I didn't see her body anywhere when I went back to check. I did reload and confirmed that she was okay, but I'm still puzzled about what happened. Valeria (talk) 17:41, 14 November 2024 (UTC)
Local wildlife is another one that's often an issue. Could it have been a mudcrab or bear or something? I usually just put these things down to the vagaries of Skyrim being Skyrim, but I did have one mod a while back that was killing people spontaneously. The nominal purpose of the mod was to add forges to smiths that didn't have any. That seems innocent enough, but it apparently modified the pathing to the point that people were walking off high ledges or maybe falling through the terrain. That took a while for me to figure out, but eventually enough of the same people died that I got suspicious and started a trial-and-error session to figure out which mod was the problem. So, if you have any mods installed, it might be worth considering whether one of them might be causing issues. Robin Hood(talk) 15:58, 16 November 2024 (UTC)
Actually, just after I posted that, I remembered I had someone die unexpectedly at Anga's Mill too. I don't recall who, but I remember checking that there were no quests they were involved in, and there weren't, so I didn't worry about it. I did find a corpse, and it was near the very last building on the road towards Windhelm, so there might be something around there that's causing problems. <shrug> Robin Hood(talk) 16:07, 16 November 2024 (UTC)
No Mods. Ever. I wouldn't expect it to be wildlife. I would have killed anything hostile in the area as I passed through. I'm pretty sure I killed the mudcrabs at Ennodius Papius's campsite, and any other hostiles should have been far enough away not to reach the mill. And I couldn't find a body. Although I didn't have the Detect Undead spell at that time. Besides, if something hostile had wandered up, I should have either found its body or the two mill workers should have died too. I have a feeling I'm going to have to add this to the unexplained incident list along with the time I heard a voice like Marcurio's when I was alone in my Hearthfire house. Valeria (talk) 08:50, 17 November 2024 (UTC)