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Skyrim talk:Legends Lost

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Attunement Crystal ID[edit]

what is the id of the attunement crystal ? must have dropped mine into a chest or accidentally pawned to vendor, need to spawn a new one as gate wont open otherwise. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:30 on 25 March 2020

It's FExxx81E. You'll have to figure out the xxx yourself, of course, since that'll be different for everyone. No guarantees that having one will work, though. Not all quests work the same way and sometimes it has to be the original. Robin Hood  (talk) 01:44, 26 March 2020 (GMT)
According to what is told about creation club dlcs in that link, the lineup is:

001 advcyrus 002 advdsgs 003 advobgobs 004 armsofchaos 005 backpacks 006 ba_daedricmail 007 ba_dragonscale 008 ba_dwarvenmail 009 ba_ebony 010 ba_elven 011 ba_stalhrim 012 ba_steel 013 chyrsamere 014 crossbowpack 015 curios 016 crosselv 017 dawnfang 018 exoticarrows 019 firewood 020 graycowl 021 hall 022 hasedoki 023 hollow 024 hstead 025 imperialdragon 026 knightsofthenine 027 lordsmail 028 mntuni 029 netchleather 030 norjewel 031 petbwolf 032 petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab 033 petnhound 034 pets 035 puzzledungeon 036 ruinsedge 037 shadowrend 038 spellpack 039 splnktset 040 staffofsheogorath 041 stendarshammer 042 survivalmode 043 tower 044 umbra 045 ve 046 winter 047 wraithguard 048 zombies

so it would be:
player.additem FE04781E 1
oes nothing.
(actually have all the cc dlcs) — Unsigned comment by (talk)
That is a hexadecimal number, 47 decimal is 2f hexadecimal, so FE02F81E could be the ID in your case (or FE02E81E starting at 0). The way I usually go about figuring out those load-order dependent number is, I target something from the mod in the console and note the refid it shows. --Alfwyn (talk) 10:54, 27 March 2020 (GMT)
In the console, you can just type help "attunement crystal" and see what comes up. SabSparrow (talk) 17:16, 15 November 2021 (UTC)

Angi's Camp skeleton[edit]

I was walking up the mountain path to Angi's camp when I came across some skeleton bits rolling down the hill. Looting them, I found the Attunement Crystal and Velyne's Letter, which seems to have started the quest mid-way through where it should have. --Rezalon (talk) 23:07, 11 November 2021 (UTC)

Update: I discovered the destroyed caravan where one is supposed to start the quest, and I have started the quest a second time. I am curious to see whether or not this duplicates the quest rewards, and will post my findings here when I get to it. --Rezalon (talk) 12:32, 26 November 2021 (UTC)
Update: Sometimes the skeleton bits will roll through the main gate of Falkreath, coming to a stop outside Dead Man's Drink. I don't know how to replicate this bug; on one save after leaving the inn they didn't spawn, on another they did. -Rezalon (talk) 15:55, 1 October 2022 (UTC)
On closer inspection, it may be guaranteed or random depending on circumstances; loading a proper save from the inn and leaving will guarantee in the bones spawning. Loading from an autosave created from exiting the inn at some point before the proper save will either result in the bones not spawning, or spawning just beneath the surface of the road so they're not visible or interactable. Loading from an autosave created after the proper save still results in the bones spawning.
Additionally, it appears to be three different sets of bones; the two hand bones will have the quest-related items, whereas the four arm/leg bones will have a few gold. Whether or not which of these sets of bones, if not all of them, spawns, seems to be random. This also doesn't appear to be level dependent as this has occurred on a Level 2 character and a Level 5 character after receiving the Plague of the Dead letter from a courier.-Rezalon (talk) 16:09, 1 October 2022 (UTC)
It appears the skeletons initially spawn in the game intact at the caravan crash site. As the player loads in and out of cells over the course of a playthrough, each time the skeletons are loaded in they interact with the environment in such a way that they begin to break apart. As the player continues to load in and out of cells, the individual bones have become separated so much to the point that each time they spawn in they roll away from where they load in as the physics engine sees fit (usually down the cliff and towards Falkreath's back entrance). What this doesn't explain, however, is why specific parts of bones consistently spawn right outside the Dead Man's Drink in a specific spot (or why they can sometimes be encountered on the way to Angi's camp as per my original post); they haven't made their own way there by the physics engine (either by rolling or being flung) nor would they be able to, environments considering. -Rezalon (talk) 16:52, 1 October 2022 (UTC)

Anniversary edition quest start[edit]

The quest started for me after I picked up a note in a derelict caravan up the hill north of the Bronze Water Cave. Not sure if thats how the quest should start, but it did not start for me automatically. — Unsigned comment by SkyHiRider (talkcontribs) at 16:53 on 15 November 2021‎ (UTC)

Yes, the starting conditions of most CC quests were revised with the Anniversary Edition update, it's normal that it doesn't start automatically after Helgen any more. Or rather, the first objectives are now hidden. SabSparrow (talk) 17:16, 15 November 2021 (UTC)
You did end up skipping some objectives by picking up the wrong note first, but I doubt that would have too much impact. SabSparrow (talk) 17:22, 15 November 2021 (UTC)

While looking at the pedastal with console command open its gives you an FE number in the top middle. Use that to get your player reference number. Mine was 019. for instance it was FE01981E 1

Wooden Plate Glitch Completes Quest Easily[edit]

You can wooden plate glitch the gate as a substitute for solving the puzzle. Bring TWO wooden plates to get the Wraithguard and Sunder. The first wooden plate to glitch inside the cage. Get the Sunder and Wraithguard to complete the quest. Use the second wooden plate to exit the cage. — Unsigned comment by Due0covid21 (talkcontribs) at 08:22 on 17 October 2023 (UTC)


I started the quest by finding the note in Whiterun's Hall of the Dead. I found the note in Windhelm after finishing the quest then the quest starts again. However, when I went to the final caravan, it is empty. I have to use console command to get rid of it.-- 15:00, 4 February 2024 (UTC)