Tamriel Data:First Council Census, 2E 622

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First Council Census, 2E 622
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ID T_Bk_FirstCouncilCensus2E622TR
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Census of the First Council, 2E 622

I am Yassour Rathyron, loyal servant of the Mage and Mystery. For my faith, I have been tasked with an ordeal, which I aim to fulfill to the utmost of my capability.

My Lord commands that these tales are ever retold anew, compiled and rewritten by anoth clear mind, to properly understand mortal limitations. History is to gods as songs are to us, notes turning into a sequence of improperly impersonalized truth. I do not blaspheme by claiming to understand these words, I merely record them as I was tasked to.

I do not despair, for it said among the elders that this ordeal has been fulfilled many times, once a generation, and each new interpretation was taken to the true city of Sotha Sil, of which this congregation of buildings in the mortal world is a mere shadow.

I am Yassour Rathyron and I am writing this in the year 622 of the Common Era.


In the days of Resdayn, the Dunmer lived in Clans and Houses. Clans owed no fealty to other Clans or Houses, but were not protected. When a Clan chose to serve or accept servitude of an other, they became a House. A House with no fealty or lord was dissolved by its kin, to avoid shame and loss. The number of Unhoused Clans ever dwindled as Veloth's generation became ever more distant.

Houses served the strong by choice, so that their strength shielded the weaker. First they fought against the Dwemer, then against Ysmir's brood. Fealty was owed to the House Khans. When a Khan died, all fealty had to be sworn anew or it was extinguished.

Oath-bonds were formed by force of arms and wit, and young scions were often gifted as shield-bearers or wit-wielders to a greater House, to learn and grow into adults in service of their betters. Often, such servants were adopted into their lord's House, to the elevation of their old kin.

In time, this too passed.

In the wake of Indoril Mora, who performed all deeds backwards, the seven greatest Houses swore fealty to him and each other only, thus becoming a council of peers.

These were their numbers and rulers:

House Indoril, first and greatest of the Houses, was ruled by Khan Laesa Indoril, a shrewd politician and fearsome warrior. She held fealty over as many servant Houses as there were stars in the sky.

House Andrano, bowed but not broken by the Nordic invaders, was ruled by Khan Andrano Udami Adren, a mighty warlord and first of his people. He held fealty over as many Houses as there were chinks in an armor.

House Raathim, always envious of House Indoril and prosperous only in greens and bows, was ruled by Khan Moraelyn Raathim, whose deeds were as golden as his soul. He held fealty over all Houses around the Thirr.

House Sul, hailing from the southern great forests and far from the other Houses, was ruled by Khan Urshamusa Sul, whose son Alaundro was gifted to Indoril Mora as shield-bearer. She held fealty over none but her own House, but many southern Clans followed her omens.

House Arwia, holding seat over many rocks and blades, was ruled by Khan Zairan Arwia due to many gifts. She held fealty over many feared beasts and nonce was she crossed.

House Dagoth, cursed but remembered be their name, was ruled by Khan Voryn Dagoth, who claimed dominion over the grazelands east and north of Red Mountain and ruled over as many lesser Houses as there are fleas on a dog. They are mentioned here for their own damnation.

House Dwemer, ruled by Khan Dumalac Ur, gifted the First Council a seat on their Syndicate of Clansteads in reciprocation. He ruled not as the other Houses did, but by eloquently appealing to god-kings of brass. They are mentioned here for their own damnation.

The eastern mystics, housed beyond the river Chi-lani and in the abandoned houses of our great-forefathers, were not invited and did not give counsel unless uninvited. They are mentioned here for their own damnation.


In time, this too passed.

The first and greatest of all councils grew old and weary and was used up.

The seventh House rose against the others to spite Indoril Mora and his yet unrevealed patrons, and he grew angry and called his Houses and their Houses and the Clans to battle.

The sixth, the cursed sorcerer-schemers, invited all sorts of foreign evils in their madness.

Ysmir's brood, as yet un-blooded in their new skins, shouted their envy into the heavens until Red Mountain erupted and tore Resdayn asunder.

The First Council fell as the First Empire did, buried under ash.


In service of ALMSIVI, who secure our oath-bonds and give trust like water, the Great Houses formed after to prevent a void ghost forming from the absence of the First. Under their benevolent rule, a Grand Council was formed, with a hopeful face of permanence. No longer was loyality [sic] broken unto death, for our rulers were and are forever immortal; by their virtue our weakness was expunged, forever wandering the wastes.

These are the names and rulers of the Five Houses of the Grand Council:

House Indoril, first and greatest of the Houses, is ruled by the Alma Rula, given position at the suffering of the Lady Almalexia. While it is their right to rule, they wisely stayed their hand at the command of the Mother.

House Redoran, the sword and shield, is ruled by Lord Tens Morvayn, given position by the oath-bond of House Andrano and the dismissal of heretics and outcasts at the carcass of a great crab. They have guarded Morrowind in the past and will do so again, until all oath-bonds break.

House Hlaalu, the silver tongue of the Dunmer, is ruled by Mivanu Hlaalu, given position by acquiescence of House Raathim and the hands of many southern merchants. While humble in their origin, their ways are of many origins.

House Dres, the farming and reaping hand, is ruled by the Satchem-ithil, Lord of all Clans, Arvs Nehardeaa, given position by the gratitude of Indoril Mora towards House Sul and their busy hands. They rule over many pious pits for the glory of ALMSIVI.

House Telvanni, thought and mystery, is ruled by Rilvin Dral, given position by the emptiness.

In time, this too will pass.