Tamriel Data:Wraithmail

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Artifact: Wraithmail (T_De_UNI_Wraithmail_01)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 50 (166 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 50 (166 Max) Health Health 4500
Weight Weight 15 (Medium) Value Value 150000
Constant Effect:
Sanctuary Sanctuary 50 pts on Self
Restore Health Restore Health 3 pts on Self
Sound Sound 20 pts on Self

The Wraithmail is an armored headpiece reconstructed from the ringlets that once made up the armor of Alandro Sul. It is described in unofficial game sources, such as in a portion of the Pocket Guide to the Empire, Second Edition - a community project in part worked upon by Morrowind developer Michael Kirkbride. According to this text, the Wraithmail was imbued with Alandro Sul's memories on his death:

"His thoughts were blasted from his skull by Almsivi, and the things he had witnessed were forever splayed across his chain hood, the Wraithmail. Over time this hood was broken into links, and the links into ringlets, and the ringlets were crafted into piercings, so that now every ashkhan and mabrigash of even the most provincial gathering of netchleather yurts hears the holy whispers of Sul Alandro in their ears."

The Wraithmail is not yet implemented within a Tamriel Rebuilt release, although several ringlets from it can be collected.