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Tamriel Rebuilt:Norem

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Velothi Tower:
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 5
Bandits, Vampires, Undead
Console Location Code(s)
"Norem, Ancestral Tomb", "Norem, Camp", "Norem, Interior", "Norem, Lair", "Norem, Sanctuary"
Mephalan Vales, [36,-7]

Norem is a large Velothi tower east of the Windmoth Legion Fort in which a battle is taking place between bandits and vampires.

Norem is a difficult and dangerous place for low level characters, but managing to survive the attacks of the outlaws will give multiple rewards. Important rewards are: either a steel, dwemer, ebony, or daedric cuirass and longsword carried by Zargoryn Thalen, an Ebony Open Helm worn by Ancasarion, and a Daedric Spear under a table in the Lair.


  • The original name of Norem used to be Merdekhes Noirim, which was a derivation of Mercedes and Noirgrim, who was the creator of this interior.


Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Bandit/Vampire Location Comments
Amarie Mertot Female Breton Mage 10 64 150 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Ancasarion Male High Elf Spellsword 22 158 158 0 90 Vampire Norem, Lair
Darriss Male Khajiit Assassin 7 67 116 0 90 Vampire Norem, Sanctuary
Denegil Male Wood Elf Battlemage 11 82 114 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Dro'Dato Male Khajiit Thief 11 87 112 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Flings-Scales Male Argonian Archer 10 98 94 0 90 Bandit Norem, Interior
Gakken gro-Gayash Male Orc Warrior 16 187 84 0 90 Bandit Norem, Interior
Galamarin Female High Elf Apothecary 9 63 164 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Galerus Scilito Male Imperial Nightblade 10 0 100 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior Already Dead
Gilan Savani Male Dark Elf Sorcerer 12 101 152 0 90 Bandit Norem, Camp
Grath gro-Gakkash Male Orc Champion 7 93 70 0 90 Vampire Norem, Sanctuary
Haaknir Male Nord Rogue 9 100 80 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Hasley Female Redguard Rogue 16 143 84 0 90 Bandit Norem, Interior
Herma Homeless Female Nord Barbarian 13 137 80 0 90 Bandit Norem, Sanctuary
Jocey Balarc Female Breton Smuggler 10 90 114 0 90 Bandit Norem, Camp
Khadba gro-Magal Male Orc Assassin 13 111 114 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Kiseera Female Khajiit Bard 10 86 140 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Martia Velurius Female Imperial Witchhunter 13 87 176 0 90 Bandit Norem, Sanctuary
Norusi Garil Male Dark Elf Master-at-Arms 13 0 100 0 30 Vampire Norem, Interior Trainer, Already Dead
Ranhad Male Redguard Archer 8 100 72 0 90 Bandit Norem, Ancestral Tomb
Samera Varrus Female Imperial Archer 10 83 94 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Sathas Marvayn Male Dark Elf Archer 9 97 92 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Skreek Male Argonian Rogue 9 87 92 0 90 Bandit Norem, Camp
Staron Male Redguard Crusader 9 113 78 0 90 Bandit Norem, Interior
Tereemeet Male Argonian Agent 7 66 94 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior Trainer
Tirandus Nesca Male Imperial Spellsword 10 96 106 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Torus Maridus Male Imperial Knight 9 153 100 0 90 Bandit Norem, Interior
Usugh gra-Dogosh Female Orc Archer 11 0 96 0 90 Vampire Norem, Ancestral Tomb Already Dead
Vabba Dorothran Female Dark Elf Crusader 9 98 98 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Waylor Male Redguard Archer 8 80 72 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior
Zargoryn Thalen Male Dark Elf Warrior 23 232 116 0 90 Vampire Norem, Interior Has leveled equipment


Map of Norem
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