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Tamriel Rebuilt:Mundrethi Plantation

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Mundrethi Plantation
Console Location Code(s)
"Mundrethi Plantation, Manor", "Mundrethi Plantation, Workers' House", "Mundrethi Plantation, Slave Market"
Aanthirin, [2,-20]
Mundrethi Plantation Manor

Mundrethi Plantation is a major plantation owned by Lethys Mundrethi.

Mundrethi Plantation Slave Market

While Lethys is the ultimate owner of the plantation, it is his wife Tenisi who manages the finances of the plantation and attached slave market - and as a result, it is unclear which of the two has brought in the Camonna Tong members as bodyguards.

The Mundrethi family's fields themselves are small, and their main source of income is therefore the slave trade. The local slave market is one of the busiest in Morrowind, owing to the central location and the relatively big port. It can be reached by following the road running east from the plantation.

Slaves here can be purchased for 1000 gold apiece, or freed by taking the key from under the pillow of Lethys Mundrethi's bed in the manor. Copies are also carried by Lethys Mundrethi himself, and the slave salesmer at the market, Nadara Llarvan.

Related Quests[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Ahniri Female Khajiit Slave 5 67 86 5 30 Slave Market Cells
Arvs Male Dark Elf Sailor 5 71 86 100 40 Galisa's Pike
Ayahni Female Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 0 30 Slave Market Field
Captain Galisa Female Dark Elf Sailor 6 72 88 100 30 Galisa's Pike
Darav Ollan Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 90 30 Slave Market
Do'Kirr Male Khajiit Slave 6 73 88 0 30 Warehouse
Dovene Varon Female Dark Elf Rogue Camonna Tong Tough(Tough) 6 67 88 100 30 Slave Market
Dur-Juu Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 0 30 Slave Market Cage
Farandrano Male High Elf Rogue 4 54 104 100 30 Slave Market Quest giver
Golvyr Marvos Male Dark Elf Caretaker 3 59 88 100 30 Manor
Hephimus Sansalas Male Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Deckhand(Deckhand) 2 51 82 0 30 Galisa's Pike Imprisoned on the Galisa's Pike
Ilver Dals Male Dark Elf Rogue 5 66 86 100 30 Slave Market
Ilveshirr Male Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 10 0 Manor
Jukeeus Male Argonian Slave 4 60 84 5 30 Slave Market Cage
Llanani Daran Female Dark Elf Rogue 4 54 84 100 30 Slave Market
Lethys Mundrethi Male Dark Elf Nightblade Great House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 19 108 120 100 30 Manor
Ma'Sava Male Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 5 30 Slave Market Cage
Merengor Male Wood Elf Shipmaster 5 49 108 0 30 Slave Market Pier
Nadara Llarvan Female Dark Elf Merchant Great House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 15 128 144 100 30 Slave Market Sells slaves: 1000 gold each
Naros Male Dark Elf Sailor 5 71 86 100 40 Galisa's Pike
Nelu Sorothren Female Dark Elf Farmer 2 47 82 100 30 Workers' House
Nemesa Driler Female Dark Elf Enforcer Camonna Tong Tough(Tough) 4 49 86 100 30 Manor
Nol gro-Yalagrump Male Orc Gondolier Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 5 71 68 80 30 Slave Market Pier
Qa'Varrverr Male Khajiit Slave 5 67 86 20 30 Manor Courtyard
Raasra Female Khajiit Slave 1 40 80 10 0 Manor
Shala-ra Female Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 15 30 Slave Market Cage
Tenisi Mundrethi Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 4 53 90 100 30 Manor
Thalmus Male Dark Elf Sailor 5 71 86 100 40 Galisa's Pike
Tobazur Male Khajiit Slave 3 53 84 15 30 Slave Market Cage
Tulsi Retharyn Female Dark Elf Scout Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 7 85 94 0 30 Merengor's House Trains Athletics, Block and Long Blade
Twice-Shed-Scales Female Argonian Slave 2 46 102 20 30 Workers' House
Vorguk Male Orc Sailor 5 78 66 100 95 Galisa's Pike