Tamriel Rebuilt:Duke Phyrios Mattimus

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Duke Phyrios Mattimus (TR_m3_Phyrios Mattimus)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Palace: High Chambers
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 15 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 123 Magicka 124
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Duke Phyrios Mattimus

Duke Phyrios Mattimus is an Imperial noble and the Duke of the Deshaan District of Morrowind, who is a resident of Old Ebonheart. He can be found in the High Chambers of the Palace in the Ebon Tower, and at the time of your arrival has developed something of a romantic obsession with the thief, Beru Vesuri, who recently tried to rob him only to be imprisoned in the attempt. He will engage you to secure her affections - and continued confinement.

He wears an expensive Imperial cap, an extravagant shirt, a pair of extravagant pants, a pair of extravagant shoes, and a pair of common gloves. He wields a silver dagger.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


The Exiled Duke's Affair: The Duke wants a lover and the thief wants out.


  • Greetings:
"How do you do? I am Duke Phyrios Mattimus of Deshaan."
(If you are a woman):
"Why, hello, my dear. I am Duke Phyrios Mattimus of Deshaan, but please, call me Phyrios."
  • Background:
"I am Phyrios Mattimus, Duke of Deshaan, slayer of a thousand hearts, appointed by His Majesty King Hlaalu Helseth. My position comes with a vast amount of responsibility, and there are those who would kill me if they were able. That is why I am currently here at Ebonheart, rather than ruling in my Duchy."
  • Helseth:
"Yes, my cousin? He is the King of Morrowind."
  • my trade:
"I have no idea why my Duchy, Deshaan, is so unruly. I have deemed it more prudent to rule from a discreet distance."

The Exiled Duke's Affair[edit]

  • Greetings:
(After helping Beru escape):
"I do have to wonder if you're stupid enough or smart enough to seek me out. No matter. You see, my dear Beru managed to escape from her prison, and clearly, someone aided her escape. It wasn't difficult to figure out that this "someone" was you, %PCName... Tell me, do you think I'm a fool?"
  • As a matter of fact, yes. / What you did had nothing to do with law!:
"Wrong answer, %PCName. Keep talking like that and I'll have you thrown in jail to rot for the rest of your pathetic life. You don't believe me? I may not have evidence, but I will find it. And even if I won't, I'm the Duke of Deshaan! It's your word against mine. Who do you think they will believe? Now, since I'm feeling exceptionally generous as of late, I will assume that you have learned your lesson and I will not punish you. We have nothing else to discuss. Do not repeat your mistake." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a woman):
"Wrong answer, %PCName. Keep talking like that and I'll have you thrown into that cell instead of Beru, and this time I won't be so kind. You don't believe me? I may not have evidence, but I will find it. And even if I won't, I'm the Duke of Deshaan! It's your word against mine. Who do you think they will believe? Now, since I'm feeling exceptionally generous as of late, I will assume that you have learned your lesson and I will not punish you. We have nothing else to discuss. Do not repeat your mistake." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are at least a Champion of the Imperial Legion):
"And what makes you think you have more authority to decide this than I do, %PCName? I'm the Duke of Deeshan! It's not your place to judge my actions. Your foolish idealism caused me too much trouble. But, as I'm feeling exceptionally generous as of late, I will assume that this was all a misunderstanding and I will not punish you. We have nothing else to discuss. Do not repeat your mistake." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a Councilman of House Hlaalu):
"You disappoint me. I would expect a Hlaalu to have a better understanding of how these things work, but I suppose I shouldn't have put so much faith in you. Tell me, %PCName, was it worth it? It might be tricky to get rid of you without causing a scandal, but it's not impossible. How far would your business get without the help of the Empire? You owe all of your success to us and I will remind you of that if I must. Consider this your warning. We have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a Lay Elder of House Indoril):
"Is that so? Do you think your title enables you to do whatever you want, Indoril? Couldn't stand the sight of this innocent thief being so cruelly treated like a queen? Well, let me remind you something. Morrowind is first and foremost an imperial province. It might be tricky to get rid of you without causing a scandal, but it's not impossible. Your own gods bowed before us. Maybe you should learn from their wisdom. Consider this your warning. We have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a Councilman of House Redoran):
"Is that so? Do you think your title enables you to do whatever you want, Redoran? Couldn't stand the sight of this innocent thief being so cruelly treated like a queen? Well, let me remind you something. Morrowind is first and foremost an imperial province. It might be tricky to get rid of you without causing a scandal, but it's not impossible. Don't believe me? Your Great House is hardly a threat. Maybe it's time for you learn that you can't solve all problems with duels. We have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a Master of House Telvanni):
"Is that so? Maybe you think your title enables you to do whatever you want, Telvanni? Well, let me remind you something. Morrowind is first and foremost an imperial province. It might be tricky to get rid of you without causing a scandal, but it's not impossible. Don't believe me? It won't be that difficult. No one likes your kind, and your own "kin" will be the first to betray you if given enough reason to. Consider this your warning. We have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you are a Magnate of House Dres):
"Is that so? Maybe you think your title enables you to do whatever you want, Dres? Well, let me remind you something. Morrowind is first and foremost an imperial province. It might be tricky to get rid of you without causing a scandal, but it's not impossible. Don't believe me? I'm the Duke of Deeshan! Your kind may have ignored me in the past, but I still hold the power over your district and I will find a way to make you life very difficult. Consider this your warning. We have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
(If you have defeated Dagoth Ur):
"Is that so? Maybe you think you can do whatever you want now, Nerevarine? You defeating Dagoth Ur sounds like nonsense to me, but I will pretend for a moment that you are indeed this powerful god slayer. You will have to learn that you can't solve all problems with sheer strength. Don't believe me? Many people are worried about your future actions, a light push in the right direction will make your life harder than you can imagine. We have nothing else to discuss. Don't repeat your mistake." Goodbye (Disposition -40)
  • Forgive me, your grace, I will not cause you any more trouble.:
"I certainly hope you won't, %PCName. For your own sake. Now, since I'm feeling exceptionally generous as of late, I will assume that you have learned your lesson and I will not punish you. I have nothing else to discuss. Do not repeat your mistake." Goodbye (Disposition -20)
(If you are at least a Champion of the Imperial Legion):
"I do have to wonder if you're stupid enough or smart enough to seek me out. No matter. You see, my dear Beru managed to escape from her prison, and clearly, someone aided her escape. It wasn't difficult to figure out that this "someone" was you, %PCName... You're an officer of the Imperial Legion! You're supposed to catch criminals, not help them escape. Have you no respect for the law?" (See "nothing to do with law" and "Forgive me, your grace" choices above)
(If you have talked with the Duke's guards at the southern gate of Old Ebonheart):
"I see my guards have found you and you were smart enough to listen to them. Very well, let's talk. You see, my dear Beru managed to escape from her prison, and clearly, someone aided her escape. It wasn't difficult to figure out that this "someone" was you, %PCName... Tell me, do you think I'm a fool?" (See "As a matter of fact, yes" and "Forgive me, your grace" choices above)
(If you have talked with the Duke's guards and you are at least a Champion of the Imperial Legion):
"I see my guards have found you and you were smart enough to listen to them. Very well, let's talk. You see, my dear Beru managed to escape from her prison, and clearly, someone aided her escape. It wasn't difficult to figure out that this "someone" was you, %PCName... You're an officer of the Imperial Legion! You're supposed to catch criminals, not help them escape. Have you no respect for the law?" (See "nothing to do with law" and "Forgive me, your grace" choices above)
(If Beru Vesuri is dead):
"I do have to wonder if you're stupid enough or smart enough to seek me out. No matter. You see, my dear Beru was found dead in her prison, and clearly, her death wasn't natural. It wasn't difficult to figure out that it was you who killed her, %PCName... Tell me, do you think I'm a fool?" (See "As a matter of fact, yes" and "Forgive me, your grace" choices above)
(If Beru Vesuri is dead and you have talked with the Duke's guards at the southern gate):
"I see my guards have found you and you were smart enough to listen to them. Very well, let's talk. You see, my dear Beru was found dead in her prison, and clearly, her death wasn't natural. It wasn't difficult to figure out that it was you who killed her, %PCName... Tell me, do you think I'm a fool?" (See "As a matter of fact, yes" and "Forgive me, your grace" choices above)
"I believe we have nothing else to discuss." Goodbye
(If you failed to talk to the Duke within a week of meeting his guards at the southern gate of Old Ebonheart):
"You didn't rot in prison I see. That's a shame." Goodbye
  • Beru Vesuri:
(If Disposition ≥ 50 and you are a man):
"Ah, yes, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Caught her trying to steal from my chamber, so horrible, someone like her doesn't need to resort to thievery to get what she wants. But don't worry, my friend, I intend to fix this injustice. If only she wasn't so stubborn..."
  • I see.:
"Don't worry about me, %PCName. I know what I'm doing."
  • Maybe I could talk some sense into her?:
"I don't know what you could possibly try that I haven't already, but be my guest. Here, just enter the Legion dungeons, located inside the Legion headquarters, and show these papers to the jailor." (You receive a Permission to Enter)
(If Disposition ≥ 50 and you are a woman):
"Ah, yes, the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. No offense to you, of course. Caught her trying to steal from my chamber, so horrible, someone like her doesn't need to resort to thievery to get what she wants. But don't worry, I intend to fix this injustice. If only she wasn't so stubborn..."
  • I see.:
"Don't worry about me, %PCName. I know what I'm doing."
  • Maybe I could talk some sense into her?:
"Hmm... You're right, maybe she'd be more willing to listen to a woman. It's worth a try anyway. Here, just enter the Legion dungeons, located inside the Legion headquarters, and show these papers to the jailor." (You receive a Permission to Enter)
"Ah, you've spoken to her? Let me guess, she hasn't changed her mind. Don't beat yourself over it. As I said, she's a stubborn one."
"You know her, %PCName. Why are you asking?"
(After either helping Beru Vesuri escape or siding with the Duke):
"I don't understand her, I really don't."
(If Beru Vesuri is dead):
"I still can't believe she's gone."
  • Duke's affair:
(If Disposition ≥ 75 and you are a man):
"I have to admit, it's true, I have feelings for Beru Vesuri. I don't think it's quite as scandalous as people make it out to be, really."
  • I see.:
"Now, is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
  • She's trying to run away from you.:
"This is complete nonsense."
  • I'm sorry.:
"Now, is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
  • [Tell him Beru's plan]:
"And of course it's something impossible to prove. What a coincidence." (Disposition -10)
(If Beru Vesuri has asked you to render her unconscious):
"Hmm... How about this. Go along with her plan for now, I'll warn the guards. If what you say is true, I will reward you."
(If Disposition ≥ and you are a woman):
"I don't want to break your heart, but I have to admit, it's true. I have feelings for Beru Vesuri. Some people consider it scandalous, but love is blind, don't you agree?"
  • I see.:
"Now, is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
  • She's trying to run away from you.:
"Look, dear, I understand what you're trying to do. I don't judge, but I don't believe you either."
  • I'm sorry.:
"Now, is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
  • [Tell him Beru's plan]:
"I'm still not convinced, sorry. I see no proof. Stop trying."
(If Beru Vesuri has asked you to knock her out):
"Hmm... How about this. Go along with her plan for now, I'll warn the guards. If what you say is true, I will reward you."
"I'm waiting."
(If Beru Vesuri has escaped):
"I have to admit, it wasn't going as well as I had hoped. It seems someone doesn't understand that I'm not to be trifled with. But you're smarter than that, aren't you, %PCName?"
"I can't believe she ran away after everything I've done for her."
(If you have knocked Beru Vesuri out and have agreed to the Duke's plan):
"You've set her plan in motion? Good. I need to know you're not lying though, so you will have to wait until she tries to escape."
"I couldn't believe it until the very last moment, but everything you said is true. Thank you for warning me, I'm glad that you understand what's best for everyone. Here is your reward. You earned it." (Disposition +50, and you receive 1000 gold)
"This matter is settled, thank you for your help, %PCName."
(If Beru Vesuri is dead):
"It doesn't matter anymore, %PCName."
  • spread rumors:
"No, not another word, I don't care what you think. This is just a misunderstanding, I'm sure of it." (Disposition -10)


  • If you kill the Duke with Eltonbrand and have 1789[1] gold in your inventory, a message will pop up saying "Go to Hell, Duke!" along with the ring of a gong. Eltonbrand will then be replaced with Goldbrand in your inventory. This is a nod to the obscure Eltonbrand easter egg found in vanilla Morrowind.
  • This dialogue choice only appears if you are a at least a Champion of the Imperial Legion.