Tamriel Rebuilt:Fjalma the Urchin

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Fjalma the Urchin (TR_m3_Fjalma the Urchin)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Old Ebonheart [7, -19]
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 2 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 62
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Fjalma the Urchin

Fjalma the Urchin is a Nord pauper who can be found outside in the alley near The Empress Katariah in Old Ebonheart. She is a reliable source of information on where to find certain people, especially of an illegal nature.

She wears a pair of common pants, and carries a jug of Nord mead and 2 gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield herself, and a natural frost damage spell, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Illicit Inspiration: Help the Imperial officer obtain her portrait from the "extraordinary" painter...


  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"First time in Old Ebonheart, huh? That's cute. I'm Fjalma. You could do with a friend who knows this part of town like the back of her hand. I keep my head down and my eyes and ears open, so I know many a little secret. And all the latest rumors, too."
"All sorts of whispers on the streets these days, my friend. I know a thing or two that you might find interesting."
(If Disposition < 30):
"These streets are tough. But I am tougher. You better remember that, %PCName."
  • little secret:
"One day when I was fishing out septims from the sewer outlet, I saw a Bosmer fly screaming out of the castle tower. I wonder if he's okay."
(If you are looking for S'varr as part of the Thieves Guild quest 'Infiltrating the Gang')
  • S'Varr must die:
"S'varr is behind his house."
  • Thieves Guild:
"You can find them at the Empress Katariah inn. Cap'n Fentus is the local ringleader. Don't tell the guards."
  • Uld Vraech:
"You wouldn't like it there. Cold. Snow. Trolls. Much better to stay here, don't you think?"

Illicit Inspiration[edit]

  • a new dealer:
"I might know a guy... But I would appreciate a small donation of 5 drakes first..."
  • Here's the money.:
"There's a Khajiiti trader named Dar'Hejo who operates off the docks. Near Fort Pelagius. Maybe he could help you. You didn't hear it from me though, you understand?" (Removed 5 gold from your inventory)
(If you don't have the gold):
"You don't have the money. Quit wasting my time." (Disposition -5)
  • No way.:
"I'm afraid I can't help you then, %PCName."
  • Tell me, or I'll break your face.:
"I've been raised by the streets. You honestly think you can threaten me? Beat it." Goodbye (Disposition -65)
(If your Level ≥ 15)
"Whoa, there's no need for violence! I'll talk, I'll talk. There's a Khajiiti trader named Dar'Hejo who operates off the docks. Near Fort Pelagius. Maybe he could help you. You didn't hear it from me though, you understand?"