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Tamriel Rebuilt:Dagorda Cavern

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Dagorda Cavern
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
"Dagorda Cavern"
Dagon Urul, [23,11]
Dagorda Cavern (pre-Embers of Empire release)

Dagorda Cavern is a small smugglers' cave near Tel Oren containing smugglers.

It lies in the valley that runs between two Daedric shrines (southeast from Ebunammidan and northwest from Onimushili). The entrance is a short distance north of the Dwemer ruin of Yaztaramz.

The NPCs in the cavern seem to be skooma smugglers, judging from the quantity of moon sugar to be found in crates and barrels. In a pool by the waterfall in the northwestern chamber there are two diamonds and a ruby. Dryan Theris holds the Dagorda Cavern Key, which opens two gates in the cave.

Two slaves can be found in the northeast along with the body of a third and the skeleton of a fourth. Moradil Duril possesses the slave key.


The murdered corpse
Another corpse, crushed by a falling rock
Name Gender Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Dryan Theris Male Dark Elf Smuggler 9 93 92 0 90
Ga'marr Male Khajiit Smuggler 6 68 88 0 90
Gharamul the Goblinkin Male Orc Smuggler 23 194 96 0 90
Mah-Ku Male Argonian Slave 1 40 80 0 30
Meden Selas Male Dark Elf Acrobat 10 102 94 0 90
Medilo Berendal Female Dark Elf Assassin 12 78 122 0 90
Miaribhi Female Khajiit Slave 1 23 80 0 30
Moradil Duril Male Dark Elf Archer 11 97 92 0 90
Moshira Female Khajiit Slave 1 0 100 0 30 Already dead
Sala Trokari Male Dark Elf Smuggler 8 86 92 0 90


Map of Dagorda Cavern