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Tamriel Rebuilt:Llothis Dralor

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Llothis Dralor (TR_m2_Llothis Dralor)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Tel Mothrivra
House Llothis Dralor's House
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 11 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 82 Magicka 108
Alarm 80 Fight 30
Faction(s) Tribunal Temple 3(Acolyte)
Llothis Dralor

Llothis Dralor is a Dark Elf priest and Acolyte of the Tribunal Temple who can be found in his home in Tel Mothrivra. He is the last of the priests that used to be in Tel Mothrivra, but he stays to provide his services as a healer for the town.

He wears a common robe, a pair of common shoes, and a Mother's Ring. He wields a silver staff, and carries a Standard Restore Health Potion and a jug of sujamma.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Crushing Burden Touch, Dispel, Firebloom, First Barrier, Frostbloom, Great Burden of Sin, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Great Resist Frost, Great Resist Magicka, Great Resist Shock, Greater Resist Poison, Heavy Burden, Iron Will, Magickguard, Shockbite, Spell Absorption, Stamina, Strong Levitate, Temptation, Tinur's Hoptoad, Vivec's Feast, Vivec's Wrath, and Weary.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greeting:

If Dralothas Omothran is dead:

"Dralothas Omothran is dead. The Temple can take the old monastery back!" (Disposition up by 10)
  • Dralothas Omothran:
"He stands for everything the Temple opposes. That battlemage even mocks the Tribunal themselves! And, worst of all, he is specialized in summoning undead: necromancy! He's evil, I tell you! I hope that the Temple or House Indoril takes action against him immediately!"

If Dralothas Omothran is dead:

"It seems that he's dead. May the Gods have as much mercy on his soul as he had for the Temple. Which means eternal suffering."
"Most of their members are Temple worshippers, while some others have more interest in the Daedra our ancestors used to worship. They live in the southeastern part of Morrowind. They are known as slave traders, and they deliver slaves to House Telvanni and even to non-Dunmer races."
  • House Indoril:
"They are the true defenders of the Dunmer culture, and of course the Temple. Their actions and valor are inspired by the faith of the Temple and blessed Almsivi."
"Those are the warriors who follow the way of the Temple. They know that life isn't easy, but all actions should be judged carefully. They are the true defenders of Morrowind along with those from House Indoril."
  • House Telvanni:
"They don't care about the Temple, traditions, or the poor and weak. They are only interested in themselves and their profane studies."
"Our lord Dralothas Omothran keeps them at bay and they leave us alone. Who would oppose that wretched battlemage? Perhaps the Temple? I wouldn't like to see them either. They think that their power, civilization, and gods are reason enough to rule over us. They should know that Almsivi are the ones they should obey."
  • little advice:
"You should always keep an Almsivi scroll with you for an emergency exit. Oh yes, potions can help too in a big fight."
  • local shops:
"Seris Athyon is an enchantress, but she sells all kind of magick supplies. Gadave Sethan sells food and rent beds at The Glass Goblet. If you seek restoration potions or a blessing from Almsivi, you're at the right place."
  • Morrowind lore:
"Let me tell you about the Tribunal Temple. Most Dunmer worship the Tribunal, three mortals who became gods in the distant past before Tiber Septim. The Dunmer are a serious people, and very serious about their gods and the Temple. You won't find beggars in Morrowind; the Temple takes care of the poor. The Temple provides health and education for worshippers, and stresses family duty. The Tribunal are named Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, collectively called Almsivi."
"Necrom is perhaps one of the oldest Dunmer cities. Necrom is the place where our ancient customs are still performed by the Tribunal temple. Passed Dunmer are being transported to this gracious city. This city contains a graveyard and some special caves. If you should ever visit Necrom, try to visit its temple."
  • necromancy:
"Necromancy is a loathesome abomination. Necromancers and vampires are foul and evil beyond reckoning, and must be destroyed. Ignorant foreigners confuse our communication and reliance upon our ancestor spirits with necromancy, but our ancestor veneration is holy and pious, while necromancy is godless, perverse sorcery."
  • Services:
"Seris Athyon is an enchantress, but she sells all kind of magic supplies. Gadave Sethan sells food and rents beds at The Glass Goblet. If you seek spiritual advice or a blessing from Almsivi, you're at the right place."
  • someone in particular:
"Lord Dralothas Omothran is the Telvanni patron of this town and he lives in the old monastery. If you need magical supplies, you can visit Seris Athyon. You may also make use of my shrine. Gadave Sethan offers booze, food, and beds in The Glass Goblet. Kammus Uvayn is the necromancing inhabitant of the southern Telvanni tower."
  • spiritual advice:
"Go read some Temple books like Lives of the Saints or The Pilgrim's Path or other books that are approved by the Tribunal Temple. Do not read books written by the blasphemous Imperials or other races."

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Are you here to mock me? Leave, now!"

If Disposition is at least 60, and you are a member of House Telvanni:

"Go read some Temple books like Lives of the Saints or The Pilgrim's Path or other books that are approved by the Tribunal Temple. Those books should be a guide for your life. Do not read books written by the blasphemous Imperials or other races."
  • Tel Mothrivra:
"Tel Mothrivra used to be our town, a town of the Temple, until that talentless battlemage bought the place. That monastery, where I lived almost my whole life, has now become a Telvanni fortress where profane acts have been performed."
  • Temple:
"We're the faithful ones who follow the ways of our Gods. We keep the old sacred Dunmer customs alive and guard the sacred cities and artifacts together with House Indoril. We show compassion for the weak and the poor by giving them alms. The Temple used to have a monastery here until Dralothas Omothran took it away from us without our permission."

The Trials of Age[edit]

  • too tired:
"Drelasa Hlamen is too tired to move? Well, if a potion is all you need, I happen to have a standard restore endurance potion right here. It will cost you 30 drakes."
If you don't have the gold:
"Sorry, %PCName, but I'm afraid you don't have enough money. Come back again when you do." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)
  • No, thank you.: "Okay then, %PCName. Come see me again if you need anything." (Disposition down by 5)