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Tamriel Rebuilt:Gorne

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Gorne (lore page)
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Indoril
Region: Nedothril

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:



Gorne, a town mentioned in the Poison Song book series is a serene, if sleepy Indoril community on the island of Gorne, east of the mainland and south of Necrom. Despite its small size, Gorne is notable for being the Sandil clanstead and retirement home, a prominent family in House politics. Ranalith Sandil, retired councilor is the highest Sandil noble living in the town and oversees the farmers and merchants.

Interestingly, Gorne island is virtually free of animals, adding to the serene atmosphere. It is revealed in dialogue that they have recently been hunted to extinction by Silyn Avel.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Gorne can only be reached by ship or with a brisk swim. Regular passenger travel occurs between Gorne and Enamor Dayn.

Places of Interest Around Gorne[edit]

  • Directly north of town is the Sandil Ancestral Tomb, fitting for a retirement home.
  • A bit further north is the cave of Vissamu, which houses a wrecked ancestral holding of the pre-Tribunal House Dagoth.
  • The Looted Shipwreck is located on the ocean floor northeast of Sandil Manor.
  • Northwest of Gorne, also on the ocean floor is the entrance to Gormoro Grotto.

Related Quests[edit]



Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Balamus Rendays Male Dark Elf Merchant 5 67 112 100 30 Rendays Manor
Bariel Female Wood Elf Alchemist 7 54 138 100 30 Bariel: Florist
Delamus Andary Male Dark Elf Hunter 9 71 90 100 30 The Emerald Haven
Delyna Savos Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 100 30 Tribunal Chapel
Daryn Tharis Male Dark Elf Enchanter 5 56 122 100 30 Daryn Tharis's House
Dralin Belvayn Female Dark Elf Publican Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 7 66 120 100 30 The Emerald Haven
Fadrel Orvelo Male Dark Elf Farmer 10 112 94 100 30 Outside
Folvoso Female Dark Elf Slave 3 84 136 88 30 Sandil Manor
Fenare Female High Elf Spellsword Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 11 91 128 100 30 Outside
Gorvelo Sethril Female Dark Elf Commoner 4 58 86 91 30 The Ghostly Lady
Idav Theryn Male Dark Elf Farmer 4 67 84 100 30 Outside
Madalin Rendays Female Dark Elf Merchant 11 101 132 100 30 Rendays Manor
Methalas Eves Female Dark Elf Trader 7 77 100 100 30 Methalas Eves: General Trader
Ralis Llarmos Male Dark Elf Acrobat 9 95 92 100 30 Ralis Llarmos' House
Ranalith Sandil Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Illuminated Elder(Illuminated Elder) 28 200 166 100 30 Sandil Manor
Ravos Sorvalith Male Dark Elf Warrior Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 25 244 118 100 30 Sandil Manor
Rellus Delano Male Dark Elf Shipmaster 8 73 116 100 30 Outside
Sadali Rothril Female Dark Elf Commoner 3 52 84 100 30 Outside
Samase Larethi Female Dark Elf Commoner 4 58 86 100 30 Sandil Manor
Sevila Ores Female Dark Elf Spellsword 15 119 120 100 30 Outside
Silyn Avel Male Dark Elf Hunter 11 92 96 100 30 The Emerald Haven
Soln Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 90 30 The Ghostly Lady
Velo Valaro Male Dark Elf Smuggler 8 86 92 100 30 Velo Valaro's House
Vono Sarando Male Dark Elf Priest 19 115 130 100 30 Tribunal Chapel
Zaril Drelo Male Dark Elf Rogue 16 138 104 100 30 The Emerald Haven


Map Key
  • 1. The Ghostly Lady
  • 2. Fadrel Uvelo's House
  • 3. Bariel: Florist
  • 4. The Emerald Haven Inn
  • 5. Idav Theryn's House
  • 6. Guard Tower
  • 7. Rendays Manor
  • 8. Methalas Eves: General Trader
  • 9. Sadali Rothil's House
  • 10. Velo Valaro's House
  • 11. Tribunal Chapel
  • 12. Sandil Manor
  • 13. Ralis Llarmos' House
  • 14. Daryn Tharis' House