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User:Daric Gaersmith/TES Fan Fiction Collection/Gaersmith Legacy/Reference Material/Places

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01:09, 27 May 2014 (GMT): I'm back playing Skyrim once again. I am not in ESO, so please don't ask.

Pa — working on Alfwyn's map of Solstheim.

Veh — Apocryphal - the language on the Diiv Word Wall.
Ged — adding a referencing stylesheet to the Cite web references.
Gal — Empty or undefined.
Or — Rewriting the proposed "guidelines" for DLC namespaces. See The Silencer's sandbox for more details.

Un — new content for the Geode Vein page.
Transparent.gif introduction  
Transparent.gif Some places that are especially important to the storyline of The Gaersmith Legacy will have their own wiki page. As with the characters of the story, places may be unique, such as Travendon Hall, or they may be existing places from one of the Elder Scrolls games. Keeping a page for each place mentioned in the storyline aids internal consistency. It also gives the opportunity for additional fan-fic related information to be added to places from the ES games without it affecting the gamespace information on the wiki.

Unique Places

Important Places From TES Lore

  • High Rock — a province in the northwest section of Tamriel. Most of the province is inhabited by the Bretons, who have divided the province into multiple Breton city states and minor kingdoms.
  • Shornhelm — a city in northern High Rock. In 3E 277, the kingdom was offered to Andorak Lariat in order to persuade him to drop his claim to the Imperial throne. The Lariat family reigned in the kingdom from that point on.[1]
