I have been using the UESP wiki for a few years now, although I have only recently started editing. My first ES game was Morrowind on the original Xbox (never again), waking up early in the morning just to work on the bound weapon cheats and attempt to enter Magas Volar for the millionth time. Eventually, I acquired the GOTY edition on the same Xbox, until I finally made the transition to the PC master race. Since then I have put many hours into Morrowind, vanilla and modded, as well as the GOTY edition of Oblivion, both vanilla and modified as well. I look forward to contributing to the wiki as best as I can, and becoming more familiar with the wiki and it's vast amounts of information.[edit]
"What is the colour of the night? Sanguine, my brother."
This user has been on UESPWiki for 10 years, 11 months, and 21 days. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal. |
This user is a Grand Spymaster in the Blades. |
This user was born under the sign of The Tower. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is male. |