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collecting conversations between NPCs in Skyrim


Idgrod: "I like your shop, Lami."
Lami: "Thank you, dear. It must be nice to get out of the hall every now and then."
Idgrod: "Oh, I quite like living in the hall. Mother says it's an honor to live there and serve Morthal."
Lami: "Oh, of course! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that it's not."
Idgrod: "Morthal will be mine to govern someday. I have a great deal to learn."
Lami: "Yes, I'm sure that's true."

Random Conversation[edit]

Inside the Temple of Kynareth, Danica and fellow healer Ahlam will often discuss Ahlam's useless husband Nazeem. Danica always starts the conversation and chooses between a number of random statements and Ahlam will do the same, as seen in the table below:

Speaker Conversation
Danica "Something wrong, Ahlam?"
"Are you alright, Ahlam? You haven't seemed yourself today."
"What's wrong, dear friend? You seem... distracted today."
Ahlam "Oh, it's Nazeem. He's been spending more and more time fawning over the Jarl. I swear, we're hardly ever home at the same time anymore."
"It's nothing, I just... It's Nazeem. How did we get to this point, Danica? Is there no love left between us?"
"Hmm? Oh, well... To be honest, I was just thinking of Nazeem. The gap between us seems to be widening. He is just so... self-absorbed."
Danica "Now, now, my friend. You must look on the bright side. If soldiers storm the city, there's a good chance your husband may get killed."
"If you don't mind me saying so, Ahlam, your husband is a damn fool. Any moment spent thinking about him is a moment wasted."
"Ahlam, let's be honest. Your husband is an arrogant, domineering buffoon. These are the words you used to describe him to me... remember?"
"Oh dearest, who cares? So your husband is a lout. The work you do here, with me, is invaluable. The people of Whiterun know your true worth."
Ahlam "But it's more than that. Nazeem is obsessed with this civil war, as is all of Skyrim. I swear, it will consume us all."
"Maybe Nazeem's obsession has merit. This civil war seems so big, so unceasing... I'm afraid, Danica. Afraid for us all."
"Ha! Well, when you put it like that, it certainly puts things into perspective. But enough wallowing. And thank you, Danica."
"Oh, you are terrible. You do know that, right? Ha ha ha ha ha."

Water Stone[edit]

"We're already late. Not sure why we decided to take such an extended shore time."
"Hope our shipments are still good. How long has it been?"
"When the tide goes, we'll go with it."
"It's a long way back to Windhelm from here."
"Think we've got to get back to our ship now."
"Best be shoving off now."


Kleppr and Frabbi have some scripted conversations which can be triggered at some specific points:

  • Sit on a chair in the inn

Kleppr: "Frabbi, a customer needs a drink!"
Frabbi: "Too lazy to give him [sic] a drink yourself? Oaf."
Frabbi: "You want a drink?"
What's on the menu?
Frabbi: "Depends. Are you thirsty, hungry, both?"
Open general merchants interface


If you have finished Civil War questline, Season Unending won't be triggered. You may return to Sky Haven Temple and find Delphine and Esbern outside the temple. Esbern will tell her about his nightmare.

"I used to dream of it. In the dream, I was standing... someplace high up... a tower, or mountain. It was always just before dawn. The whole world was in darkness. Then came the flash of light - just on the horizon, within the clouds that mark the border between worlds. It could have been lightning, but there was no thunder. In the dream, the sense of foreboding grew, but I could never wake up. Then it came again, this time more distinct. Closer. Definitely not lightning now. It was orange - brilliant orange, the color of hearth and dawn. And a sound, too. Dustinct and in distinct. Not thunder... something else. Something I should recognize, but in the dream I cannot place it. I want to leave my high place, to seek shelter. From what, I don't yet know. In the manner of dreams, I cannot escape. I'm forced to wait and watch. Then, finally, realization and horror arrive together. The orange is flame, heat. The sound a roar, a challenge in their ancient tongue. But now it's too late for escape. The dragon is upon me - fire and darkness descending like a thunderbolt. And not just any dragon, but the Dragon - Alduin, the World-Eater, the dragon who devours both the living and the dead. And then I would wake up. And hope that it was just a dream... but know that it was not."

After their conversation, Delphine will approach you and trigger the quest Paarthurnax as normal.