User:Kalis Agea/Sandbox/9

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Clutter Dump[edit]

This sandbox is used to get rid of clutter on my pages/sandboxes.


Welcome to this wiki. I am Iamgoofball, Divine Crusader,Grand champion of the arena, and the Champion Of Cyrrodil. I would like to welcome you to this place. I would also like to warn you, as you are planning to usurp the throne of the Empire, and, as the Divine Crusader and the Champion Of Cyrrodil, I must stop you.--Iamgoofball 00:33, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the welcome! On this second point, I will see to it that you are either eliminated or brought around to our way of seeing things. ;) Kalis Agea 00:38, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Sorry, but i shall never be turned, and if you try to kill me, i shall utterly destroy thee like i did to Umaril the Unfeathered. First, I killed the physical form, then, i traveled to the spirit realm and then killed his spirit.--Iamgoofball 00:40, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Umaril? That bafoon? The power that "King" possessed was that of an earthworm in scope to mine. I come with the blessing of four Daedric Princes; and you, with the help of your Gods. Remember this: you are nothing but a plaything in the eyes of the Gods you serve; we Elves are the Elder Race, destined to rule all of Dawn's Beauty with an iron fist. Soon, very soon, shall your laughable Empire be ripped assunder with such fury that you shall abandon all hope in the first day of our invasion. If you thought the first Oblivion Crisis was bad, just wait and see what the New Dawn will bring. Kalis Agea 00:47, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I am the proud owner of the Skeleton Key and Azura's Star. All of Tamriel will come to my aid at my call, being the Champion of Cyrrodil, and the person who prevented the daedric prince of destruction from taking over the world! Ye shall be smited by The Eight and One!--Iamgoofball 00:51, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
The Empire is leaderless; until there is an Emperor or at least a half-competent High Chancellor, there will be no aid for you in Tamriel save your fledging Order of Knights. When last invaded, you barely made it through. Only the Amulet of Kings saved you and your corrupt Empire from total destruction, and now it is gone. The Gates to Oblivion cannot be completely sealed; that is simply against Divine Mandate. And now the Amulet of Kings is gone, the Dragonfires dark, and the "Eight and One" have no conduit with which to aid you. And so, you are left with only you Knights and military. If you miraculously manage to bring Tamriel to your aid, it will do you now good. With no way to close every Gates to Oblivion, you and your forces shall be trampled underfoot by the countless Daedra which shall issue forth from the gates. You have one year to stop this, Champion. Should you actually manage to defeat me, I shall yeild to you and become your servant (or be killed, whatever the Divine Crusader's will may be). But if I win, I shall have no sway over your judgement or Mundus; I do this not for personal glory or power. Like Mankar Camoran, I serve a Higher Power, only many of them and on a much larger scale. Peace be with you, Champion. Kalis Agea 01:08, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Hmm... I think you may have convinced me. What do i get in the way of a reward if you succeed and i help?--Iamgoofball 01:14, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

I honestly cannot say. If the Daedra succeed... well... perhaps... (trails off and begins a plan of possible betrayal. After awhile he returns to himself). I believe I have a plan... tell me if you wish to know how we may rid ourselves of these Daedric Princes. Kalis Agea 01:18, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
If we could manage that, and still get their artifacts, that would be great! I should go see about getting the Dark Brotherhood to start causing high ranking officials in the Empire to start "accidentally" dieing.--Iamgoofball 01:21, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Back to realism, my friend, I wish to propose the idea of writing a fanfiction on this. What do you think? Kalis Agea 01:23, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I agree! I think this sounds great! As long as we can both edit it, that is great. Also, I only own Oblivion on the Ps3, so i am likely to be confused if you start asking me about anything like shivering isles or anything non KOTN and Oblivion related.--Iamgoofball 01:27, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Alright. When either one of us first create the page, we'll need make a simple note at the very top of the page stating that anyone has a right to edit the page for spelling and grammar, but that only me and you will be aloud to edit the actual story. Hopefully that'll do. Kalis Agea 01:33, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Ok. I think we should have two pages, one that i made that is from the Divine Crusader's point of view, and one that you made from the ayleid lord's view. Also, The crusader is named Mage.--Iamgoofball 01:37, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
My apologies for the delayed response. That sounds good. I'm quite familiar with fanfiction and the article for it, etc (before now I shared a joint account with my brother) so if you have any questions just ask. I'll get to work on writing my end of the story for the rest of today and the rest of the week. Kalis Agea 01:52, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I have 2 questions, how do you make the pages be connected to your user page? and also, what is the name of the story?--Iamgoofball 01:56, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

I have decided to name the story. It shall be called: The Ayleid Lord.--Iamgoofball 02:11, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

To create a sub-page just go to your user-page and add /whateveryouwantyournewpagecalled at the end of the URL. This will allow you to create a new page. Or you can create a link to a non-exitant page, clicking on it will give you the option to create the page. --AKB Talk Contribs Email 02:14, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks. I shall remember this for next time i want to do this.--Iamgoofball 02:18, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Alright I'm gonna go ahead and create my page for the story now. I'll just leave the name at "The Ayleid Lord". Kalis Agea 02:23, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I put :The crusader's view. at the end of mine. You should add :The Ayleid Lord's view at the end of the name for your page.--Iamgoofball 02:41, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I original intended to do so, but decided it sounded a bit redundant. I couldn't think of any other names that sounded "catchy" per se, but if you have any I will gladly change the name of the page. Kalis Agea 03:01, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Ok, I have finished the first chapter of my half. You can view it here:User:Iamgoofball/The_Ayleid_Lord:_The_Crusader's_View. Please tell me what you think. This is a first draft so if there are spelling errors, keep that in mind.--Iamgoofball 03:06, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Darn, only just found your half by searching for it. You should put a link on your talk page. After he closes the gate i will have him receive the message.--Iamgoofball 03:10, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Here is the link to The Ayleid Lord that you wanted. I just read your half; the second chapter (which shall be written tonight) will detail how the Oblivion Gate was opened. I should have the first three chapters tonight. Chapter One will contain a meeting with the Cyrodilic branch of the Thalmor at Kalis' city of Mallarisel. The second shall cover how that Oblivion Gate was opened. The third will address the aftermath of the battle, in which Kalis leaves Mage the note. Kalis Agea 03:16, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Ok. Thanks for the link, i bookmarked it. What do you think of my half so far?--Iamgoofball 03:18, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I did the same for your story. As for what I thought of said story, it seems to flow flawlessly plot-wise, which is always a good sign. The writing was fairly easy to follow, and flowed pretty well. The only problem I have (and it's not really so much of a problem as it is me just nit-picking) is that the dialogue is all together; I'm a real "Grammar Nazi" (as my friends have come to call me) so I like for each person to have their own paragraph for dialogue; just like a book. :p anyways, other than that. It's perfect. Great work! Now what did you think of mine so far? Kalis Agea 03:22, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
So far, it looks pretty good! I like how you described the city.--Iamgoofball 03:24, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
Oops. I meant for you to put a link to it on your user page. Sorry. Also, I changed the formatting of the page.--Iamgoofball 03:30, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I had put one there in the first place anyway. Oh, also, I now have no complaints with your story :D Kalis Agea 03:35, 10 March 2011 (UTC)
I made a account on the fourm. You should do the same so we can communicate without filling the recent changes.--Iamgoofball 03:49, 10 March 2011 (UTC)

Hey, its me. Just curious if a update to your half of the story is coming soon. I would update mine, but mainly i'm waiting for Kalis to catch up. To my char, its just a possible remainder of mythic dawn thinking they can start another war, but to your char, you are preparing for war so I can expect to wait a little while for him to catch up. Also, does the Epilogue part have anything to do with the actual story? because this takes place after the Oblivion crisis.--Iamgoofball 03:23, 13 April 2011 (UTC)

Well, I have Chapters 2 and 3 completely finished in a word document. However, after thorough revision I found that I had no grasp of my own backstory! Being the strange person I am, I simply MUST have a cohesive backstory in order to write. To solve the problem I started a new sandbox to get my ideas and lore in order. At any rate, an update will be in order and up by the end of this week (EoW being Sunday, 4/17). As for the epilogue, it originally started as an attempt to get my thoughts going. It takes place 21 years after the Oblivion Crisis (20 years after the Ayleid Lord). It's just a new story featuring Kalis and Innorius Verenion (the new character). It ties into a spin-off/sequel to the Ayleid Lord I have planned. Anyhoo, hope I covered everything. Kalis Agea 23:54, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Hey, we should add another talk page using the same technique we used to make the pages for the fan fiction to talk about the Ayleid Lord so that we don't have to scroll through this gigantic thing of comments. It gets annoying sometimes. Also, will you mind if I introduce non-Oblivion races and magic systems?--Iamgoofball 23:52, 29 April 2011 (UTC)
First off, I agree that it has become a bit cumbersome to sift through this cluttered section. I have a sandbox dedicated to any fanfiction content I can think of; perhaps we should temporarily move this section to that discussion page? Secondly, I intend to add new races, magic systems, and even realms in my story, so of course you may do the same! Kalis Agea 23:57, 29 April 2011 (UTC)

Philosophical and Political Beliefs[edit]

Niccolò Machiavelli, considered by many to be the father of Political Realism.
Ayn Rand, the founder of Objectivism.

Politically, I do not belong to any party. Rather, I am a firm believer in the Realist philosophy, meaning that in politics national interests and secuirity are more important than ideaology or morals. I believe this because it is these values above all others that have kept nations going for thousands of years. And really, we of the modern world are no different than the Sumerian city-states of 6,000+ years ago.

Philosphically, I believe in Objectvism, a philosphy created by Russian writer Ayn Randthat says, in short, that reality is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore, living the reality of another (how others want you to live, anything that does not further you personal goals) is a delusion/illusion of the mind and is detrimental to our mental well-being. Essentially, it is Individualism to the max. To live for one's own fulfillment and pleasure. No, I'm not a narcisist because it is my choice as an Objectivist to include trying to ensure the well-being of others in my personal goals. Adopting this belief, of course, essentially dismisses religion, which is why many people view Objectivists as Narcisists. That, and that some Objectivists actually are narcisists.

Oh, and I almost forgot: if some have seen any would-be inconsistencies between these two beliefs: I have chose to make the interests of others a goal of mine. A conscious choice, not one made for me by someone else. Included in this is some of the interests of the nation I live in (I have lived in the Scotland, Poland, and the US, where I currently live). Whatever these interests I agree with are, they come before any sort of morals or ideaology when dealing in nation interest/secuirity. Politics and Personal Life are two completely different games.

  • Lord of the Rings Series: For the millionth time. Just can't stay away from this masterpiece of Fantasy Literature. Also reading the Silmarillion (for the hundreth time or so ;) ). Written by JRR Tolkien. The readthroughs will never end...
  • Atlas Shrugged -- Written by the (in)famous Ayn Rand, this is my second readthrough of this one-thousand page book. The major problem (there are many) in the book is simple: after years of being nagged for money and contributions to society, the rich CEOs, the inventors, and the intellectuals of the world simply disappear from the world. This was Ayn Rand's magnum opus, where she made ultimately clear her personal beliefs of Objectivism and support of the Individual and the Individual only. Completed as of 6/25/11.
  • Anthem -- Another great novel by Ayn Rand. Her first published book, it layed the path her later work would take. Dealing with the story of one unnamed man, set in a future Dark Age brought on by irrationality and collectivism; in this man burns still the flame of individuality and "Objectivism" (Rand's own political and philosphical belief, and the polar opposite of Collectivism) and the desire to realize his ambitions of individuality lead him to go against the civilized world itself. Finished as of 5/9/11. I like my summary, so its staying until I put it in my Clutter Dump.