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User:Lady Azura

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Flag UK.png This user is from Great Britain.
FemaleIcon.png This user is female.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.

About Me[edit]

Obviously, my username here is Lady Azura. My most commonly used nickname is Kirbs. I'm currently twenty, though that's slowly changing, one second at a time. I'm from London, England, and studying Biomedical Sciences at university. I play lots of different games, on many different consoles. I own a PC, a PS2 and an Xbox 360 (gamertag = Silver and Cold).
I basically joined to help out on the Oblivion section of the site. I know quite a lot about Oblivion and Skyrim, not to mention their add-ons/expansions, but not too much about the other Elder Scrolls games.

Oblivion Characters[edit]

My Oblivion characters are currently lost to the void - broken laptops are not cool. When I get back on an OS that can play Oblivion, perhaps I'll have some more up. My new characters are on the Xbox version of Skyrim (see below).

Skyrim Characters[edit]


Race: Bosmer
Level: 34
Play style: Thief-assassin-illusionist

You wish me to tell the story of the Bosmer Dovahkiin?
First you would have to specify which one. For there are many tales of the shadowed young elf, none of which can be clearly separated into fact and fiction, due to her shadowy and secretive nature.
Kiesah. It's a word from an otherworldly language, meaning cold. The Nords of Skyrim speak of her pale skin, white hair and completely black eyes; traits that were considered evil before she'd even had time to decide her fate for herself. Ostracised by most of society, they say she initially took to petty thievery and smuggling from a young age. Caught crossing the border along with a horse-thief (who, being unimportant, has lost his name to the sands of time) and members of the Stormcloak rebellion (including the infamous Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak), it seemed that Kiesah's story was over before it even began. And, indeed, it would have been, had the return of Alduin not destroyed Helgen at the very moment her neck lay on the block. Escorted through the blazing ruins by Ralof, a Stormcloak soldier, she ended up in Riverwood.
From there, she travelled on foot to the Whiterun Stables, resting in the Hold capital before travelling by carriage to Winterhold. Here, she stayed for a while in the inn until hearing of the College of Winterhold. She had heard of mages who could manipulate the minds of enemies, and wishing to train in these skills, she gained entrance to the institution, peacefully practicing her spells for quite some time and attaining a very high level of competence in the Illusion school of magic.
However, as you can imagine, the Dovahkiin grew restless over time. She was not suited to a life of quiet and peaceful study, but more to excitement and adrenaline. And so, without revoking her membership, she informed Arch-Mage Aren of her intention to travel all around Skyrim - a course that lead her straight to Riften.
Well, you can imagine what happened next. Riften was home to the notorious Thieves Guild, an organization who, though seemingly suffering from a bout of otherworldy bad luck, was still alive and kicking. From the position of lowly debt collector, the Bosmer girl worked her way up through the ranks, all the way up to slaying the traitorous Mercer Frey, stealing the fabled Eyes of the Falmer, welcoming Karliah back into the guild, and restoring the Skeleton Key back to its rightful place in the Twilight Sepulchre.