About Me[edit]
Why hello there. My name's Aidan, and I love RPGs, especially the Elder Scrolls games (hence me typing this). I own Daggerfall, the Morrowind GOTY, the Oblivion GOTY and the Skyrim CE. I am an avid roleplayer, and I love creating backstories and immersing myself in the world of Nirn. I enjoy playing video games, playing guitar, listening to music, writing and reading. My favourite bands are Opeth, Agalloch, and Anata. My favourite books are A Game of Thrones, The Great Gatsby, Crime and Punishment, and The Lord of the Rings series. My favourite games are Oblivion, Morrowind, Fallout 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Neverwinter Nights and Resident Evil 4. I also play Dungeons and Dragons, my current character is a level 4 Human Ranger. I am also a communist, and I am very politically active within my community.
Backstory of my Oblivion Character[edit]
My (main) character's name is Aramir Northone and he is an Imperial born in Skyrim. He was born under the sign of the Lord to merchant parents who often travelled to Cyrodiil to sell their Nordic goods. On one of their trips, they were robbed and killed by a bandit near Bruma. Aramir was left parent-less and was taken in by one of his parents' friends, Ulthar, a warrior and member of a local fighters guild. Aramir was taught to be a fighter and by the age of twenty had risen to Ulthar's rank. He left to seek out his parents' killer. He tracked the killer to Border Watch where he got his revenge. The Imperial Guard captured him and threw him in prison, until the fateful day of Uriel Septim's assassination...
Backstory of my Skyrim Character[edit]
He is the descendant of the Champion of Cyrodiil, whose family and he had became great nobles within Cyrodiil after the Oblivion Crisis. When the Medes stormed the city, the Champion took his family, and his substantial wealth, to his birthplace of Skyrim. 200 years later, and the family were still among the wealthiest in Skyrim. Arithyr grew up in a luxurious manor in Solitude, every whim attended to. When he left home however, and saw the social and economic inequalities lying outside his front door, he forsook his noble lifestyle, gave all of his wealth to the poor, and took up the life of a ranger and revolutionary.
He met an old man named Thallun, who guided his training in both woodsmanship, and social revolution, primarily through the works of Lrak gro-Xram. Thallun was executed due to his role in various revolts, and Arithyr was left alone again. His first attempt at revolution was towards a Dunmer slaver in Winterhold, where he roused the slaves into revolt, but due to their malnourishment and fatigue from work, they proved no match for the guards, and he was forced to retreat. The memory of the mass killings of the slaves still haunts him, as he places the blame squarely on his own shoulders. His following revolts were mild succeses, still with casualties, but also great gains for the exploited workers and slaves.
Before long, he grew adept at planning, and staging revolts, and in less than 2 years of leaving home, he had taken part in over 50 revolts, 5 assassinations of exploitative bosses, and was in the midst of planning his greatest revolt ever. In collusion with other revolutionaries, he planned a simultaneous revolt of slaves and workers in Windhelm and Solitude, along with a mass escape to Cyrodiil for the slaves who didn't wish to fight. The revolution began when he sabotaged the local industries, bringing production to a halt, as his comrades did likewise in Winterhold. He fought with the workers in Solitude, street by street, closing in on the wealthy and political districts. As he passed his old home in the wealthy area, he noticed his father and brother crossing swords with the slaves and workers, and tried to stop them. They had no time for reason however, and his family turned on him, forcing him to kill those he once, and still loved. But he had no time to mourn. When he felt victory was close at hand, he left to assist the escaping slaves reach Cyrodiil. Upon reaching the border, he and many of the slaves were arrested. The revolution had been quelled in his absence, and he was sentenced to death.
This user is from Canada. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is left-handed. |
This user is an atheist. |
This user is a fan of Heavy Metal music, especially Opeth, Agalloch, Cephalic Carnage and Anata. |
This user is a proud supporter of the LGBT community. |
This user is a communist. |