Hey, everyone. Welcome to my talk page! Feel free to contact me here anytime.[edit]
I don't really have an area I focus on just yet as I'm still new to editing but I'm quite interested in editing for Morrowind, various lore pages, and everything in between.
My Story with The Elder Scrolls[edit]
My first game in The Elder Scrolls series was (No surprises) Skyrim, funnily enough I stumbled across iBallisticSquid's series on it and fell in love. Got a second hand copy of the original Skyrim (With the cool metal case and map) for the Xbox 360 around 2016 after my older brother vouched for me to my parents that it was ok for me to play (probably not for an 11 year old lmao) and was hooked. I played the death out of that game, then I got the legendary edition on the 360 and played that to death too.
At some point got a second hand copy of Oblivion and played loads of that as well. Around 2020 Morrowind came out on game pass and while I played a fair bit, it wasn't really my thing and I went back to Skyrim. Around 2022 during my final year of school I got a gaming laptop after my crappy old one died and I modded Skyrim like crazy, then Bethesda updated the game and broke skse so I just gave up. I returned back to Morrowind and absolutely fell in love with it and it has since become my favourite TES game.
Today, my thoughts on Skyrim and Oblivion have soured after playing Morrowind. I still love them but Oblivion especially is hard to play (No thanks to the horrible levelling system) because of all that was lost from Daggerfall and Morrowind. In any case, I absolutely love this series to death and am proud to be knowledgable enough to edit on the UESP.
About Me[edit]
- I am an Animator, mostly focusing on 2D though can do 3D
- The Beatles and The Smiths are my favourite bands. Some more obscure bands you might be interested in are The Sharp and Jellyfish (Very Beatle-y with 90's flair)
- Major cinephile, love analysing films. However you may dislike what I consider to be my favourite movies lol. Those being Ratatouille, 500 Days Of Summer (Due less to the quality of the film, though it is very good and more to how personal it is to me. Also sparked my love of The Smiths) and The Godfather
- Favourite games include Morrowind, Skyrim and Halo 1 - 3 (Halo 2 being the best, Halo 1 being my favourite and Halo 3 being slightly worse due to wonky writing and dialogue)
- Have a rather embarrassing and minor obsession with The Royal Family
What I'm Knowledgable in[edit]
This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
Silly Business[edit]
This user is from Australia. |
This user worships Mara. |
This user is male. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user is not a Fuzzy Wuzzy Teddy Bear. |
This user worships Peryite. |
This user is a Warrior. |
This user was born under the sign of The Steed. |
This user is a master of Acrobatics. |
This user is a heavy drinker of Skooma. |
Pages I've worked on[edit]