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User:Vordur Steel-Hammer/Roleplay Resources/Widower's Journal

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Widower's Journal
A journal of a man who lost his wife

[This journal has had most of its pages ripped out. Only a few final entries remain.]

It's over. It's all over. The Knights of the Dragon came to the house today. They said my love is dead. Killed while riding through Cyrodiil. My sweetheart. My Lady. This just cannot be true. By the Eight, I cannot bear the pain.

The Knights of the Dragon would not provide any details on how she died. They just say she was a "victim of war". I will have to conduct my own investigation.


According to my sources, there was a division of the Covenant army camped near the village of Aleswell, where my dear was found dead. It's supposedly the Third Regiment from Northpoint, under the leadership of Sir Cedric Lamont. Lamont is said to be a great Warrior, and apparently is considered an Alliance War hero by the townsfolk of Northpoint. I must make my way there and learn more.


Treason! With the right words whispered into the right ear, and the right amount of coin passed into right hands, I was able to uncover the terrible truth.

My dear met Lamont and his men on her final day, as she was riding her Steed through the Heartlands. Because of her race, she was immediately called an "Ebonheart Pact spy". She denied, and told them that she is loyal citizen of the Covenant. In the end, she begged for her like. They didn't listen. Lamont himself murdered her in cold blood. And there is evidence that they did even worse things to her before she died.

I can't believe it. But all the evidence, all the sources eventually lead to the same conclusion. There can be no mistake.


So these are the values that the Covenant stands for? To murder an innocent citizen for the sake of some stupid war? The Covenant is no better than the Dominion or the Pact - or even outright worse.

By the holy scales of Akatosh, the Covenant will pay dearly for what Lamont and his men have done. The Thief who robbed me of my love will suffer what I have suffered. His beloved city shall be the first to receive justice.


I have finally acquired the runestones I was looking for. Soon Northpoint will be cleansed with a righteous flame. Cedric Lamont will be the first to answer. And in time, I will get every single one of them - a lowly guard and a Dorell Lord alike.


This ruin will be an ideal base of operations. It is remote enough, and with both my powers and its intrinsic magicka, I can easily protect it from random trespassers.

Here, in the Shadow of the crumbled Doomcrag of Erokii, I can feel the power of the ancient Ayleids that once inhabited these walls. I wish I could get my hands on the infamous Abagandra. How much sweeter would my payment become.

People of the Covenant, prepare yourselves. For the reckoning is coming, and the judge will not be merciful.