This user has been on UESPWiki for 6 years and 25 days. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user is a Mage. |
This user worships Daedric Princes. |
Scriptname AAAxWCxArmorCurHelmDemoralize extends activemagiceffect int property dProb auto float oCnf Event OnEffectStartActor akTarget Actor akCaster oCnf akTargetGetActorValueconfidence akTargetSetActorValueconfidence int Ran Utilityrandomint dProb if Ran utilitywait akTargetKill debugnotificationEnemy died of fright endif endEvent Event OnEffectFinish Actor akTarget Actor akCaster akTargetSetActorValueconfidence oCnf endEvent
I love the feeling of creating evil spells!
About Me[edit]
I am into producing mods for Bethesda games, and as I find things inside the Creation Kit, I will try to add that info to the wiki. If you ask me, there is nothing like hard facts and throbbing statistics to make a wiki page as accurate as possible!
If there is anything you would like to talk about, go for it.
You may use my discussion page, or PM me on my Nexus forum account.