I'm YessMasster. I have joined UESP in September 2006.
This user is knowledgeable about Arena. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about Redguard. |
My contributions[edit]
For most of my time i have made minor contributions. Bigger ones are listed below
Things i have finished working on[edit]
- Moving walkthrough of TES Legends: Battlespire from old UESP to UESP-Wiki
Current projects[edit]
My Elder Scrolls characters[edit]
I have played through most of Elder Scrolls games, and I'm hunting for those i have not played in order to have all of the titles. In each game I create only one character, adn even if I want to play some game again, from the beginning i'm using the same character.
TES: Arena - Fathiyya[edit]
She's the Redguard. Born in 3E370 in Sentinel. She is a daughter of Captain of Guards, and always wanted to follow her father's steps and she became a knight. After her father was killed by Dark Brotherhood assassin she decided to avenge father's death. SHe came all the way to Imperial City where by killing the assassin she saved one of the Royal Guards. She became one of Royal Guards herself, until she was imprisoned by Jagar Tharn.
TES Legends: Battlespire - Asciene Jes[edit]
Asciene is Breton female and was born in 3E366. As a child she was ofund by the witches of Skeffington Coven. Raides by them she learnt magic and fighting with heavy weapons. She desired to visit great cities, so she ventured to Imperial City. She wanted to cleanse it of corruption, but she was not aware that guards did not appreciate it. Surprisingly she was offered training as an Imperial Battlemage instead of being thrown into prison. She advanced through the training, but her final test was far beyond what anyone would expect.
TES: Daggerfall - Dar'Rahim[edit]
Khajiit male. Born in 3E379. Since his childhood he was learning to become a noble, a knight. He probably would have become one, if only he wasn't betrayed by his friend and mentor, and was not abducted by Orc tribe. Living among Orcs he leant their customs as well as the art of thievery, without which he would starve to death. When opportunity came he escaped Orcish encampment. While robbing Nobleman's house he came across corespondence between Nobleman and Jagar Tharn. He sold the letter, but soon he found importance of it when he was approached by Prince Pelagius, who invited him to White Gold Tower in Imperial City. Dar'Rahim soon was asked for an errand that would change his life by Emperor Uriel Septim himself.
TES: Morrowind - Akum the White[edit]
Akum the White was born in Marakath in Skyrim. He is Nord and was born in 3E405. In his childhood he was a beggar. He would have remain one, but he received help and care by his friend - Fryfnhil. With her help he soon became apprentice at Marakath University of Magical Arts. After he finished his training he travelled through whole Tamriel to study Daedric Cults at the shrines. When he want back to his hometown he learnt thet Fryfnhil became Imeprial Battlemage and in in Imperial City. After arriving to capital of the Empire he was wrongfully imprisoned, only to be released at savage lands of Morrowind.
TES: Oblivion - Skye[edit]
Dunmer, born in 3E413 in laborers' camp near Dren Plantation. Her parents were killed by pack of wild kagouti. She was adopted by Dram Bero who took care of her as good as he could. Bero was killed by Morag Tong assassin. Skye was seeking revenge on Morag Tong, but ironically she was approached by Eno Hlaalu and had no choice but to join Morag Tong's ranks. After she received assassin's training she escaped from the Guild. Her peace did not last long, though, as she was approached by duke Vedam Dren's men. She was forced to be his undercover agent and assassin. After few years she assassinated Eno Hlaalu and had to flee from Morrowind. Skye came to Imperial City where she had to steal to make her living. Theives Guild did not appreciate this, so they helped Guards imprison her.