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User talk:Grim765

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Welcome to my Page.

Maximum Difficulty Playthrough (Mods please read)[edit]

I began this on 6/17/2013. My goal is to complete every questline in the game. I am on PC, however, I am not using mods or the console. I am also not looking at guides or this wiki in regards to making it easier. My hope to have this page linked to the main page about Oblivion Master Difficulty. When I save this, I will add a comment asking a moderator to contact me with information regarding that. If you are one who could make this happen, please comment here. Please note that all quests and gameplay will be documented in a similiar fashion to what is on my main page. When the play-through is fully complete, I will file an official request, unless otherwise told here in the comments that this will not happen. However, I will still continue the guide regardless. At the absolute least, I hope to have a link here, if not a separate page with the text copy/pasted in.

I may not be a administrator, but I have a feeling of what they would say to this:
I would say make yourself a sandbox (you can learn how by reading this page). Because your walkthrough will be a personal story, I don't think it would belong as an part of the site's Policies and Guidelines. Once your walkthrough is completed, you will probably be able to create a page from your Userpage for members of the community to read. I'm not sure if there will be access from elsewhere beyond your page (maybe on the OB walkthrough page...?).
Again, I'm no admin and it's up to them what happens. I hope you don't take this personally like "Who does this guy think he is? Yada-yada..". just trying to help! Good luck with your walkthrough; that's gotta be hard and frustrating :) *WoahBro►talk 06:33, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
Thanks for the input. I know that the play-through doesn't conform to the policies and guidelines, however, I will fix that at the end. For now, simply playing the game is hard enough without having to worry about it. For example, 2 hits of a mudcrab will kill you early game, even with full iron armor. The bolded words in the playthrough not only highlight the keypoints, but also will make it easier for me to link them to other pages. What I might end up doing to turn this from a play-through to a walk-through is completely re-write it, using the same things, but with correct formatting and such. As I said, I just want to make this as painless as possible, especially when the DB questline starts, as any sneak-attack is doomed to fail. Grim765 (talk) 06:44, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
(EDIT) I see that you are working on the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project. I myself could never get into it, but I contributed to the OBNPCRP :) Grim765 (talk) 06:46, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
That sounds like a pretty good idea! It would probably be useful for people wanting to do the same thing or even just looking for perspective of what it's like to do so. Two hits by a mud crab? That's insane! Whenever this quest of yours is over, I'm sure that you'll have put a ridiculous amount of hours into your game! Have fun!
About the projects, I'd been sort of active on this site until I saw this news article and I decided to get active. For me, it kills time and I have an excuse to play Oblivion again haha. Thanks for contributing to the OBNPCRP by the way! *WoahBro►talk 14:38, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
Thanks! Anyway, I've decided to make a sandbox page and write the actual walkthrough as I go. I've been working for the last hour on translating it, and am only half-way done with the Tutorial. Grim765 (talk) 15:05, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
I think this is a cool idea, but I doubt that it will be linked from anywhere else. While I'm only a low-level admin and don't speak for everyone, we do not recommend specific ways for people to complete the game and just give information for the most part.
I'm curious though. Have you thought about how you will handle any bugs that might occur? Also, what will you do if you die? --AN|L (talk) 15:29, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
Trial and error is a necessary part of playing on the highest difficulty. I've already logged enough hours in Oblivion to avoid simple mistakes, but now I have to try different strategies. I am very close to finishing translating the tutorial, so click the link to see the finished, formatted thing. As for bugs, I will try to either reload, or, if it is common, I'll put in with the walk-through, in addition to the normal, non-glitched way. Grim765 (talk) 15:44, 17 June 2013 (GMT)
(UPDATE) I have put hours and hours into this. There are thousands upon thousands of words. However, it has gotten to the point that everything is solved the same way. Conjure a Frost Atronach and hide behind him. I'm not putting new tactics in. By now you should be pretty damn close to 100 conjuration. I'm running through in the Arch-Mages robes, as I don't even need armor. I ask anyone who reads this, should I finish the fighters guild and wrap this up. I can't put a walk-through for 100% reflect damage and spells, as I'm only level 7. The leveled loot tops out at level 25. I'd add tips, but the walkthrough would be over. Besides, any boss battle is solved by the Skull of Corruption. If you can't beat something by now, you shouldn't be playing on max difficulty. Please read the guide, at least skim it, and tell me Grim765The Reaper 19:14, 21 June 2013 (GMT)

Mentor Program[edit]

Hi there Grim765! I saw that you added your name to the Mentor list, however I have removed your name as you fail to meet the criteria set in place intitally. If you look here, you will see it states clearly "...Fewer than 200 constructive edits outside "User" and "Talk" namespaces...." which you currently fall under as if you go to Special:Editcount, you have a total of merely 225 edits, 89 of those pertaining to the Userspace, and 59 of those pertaining to talkpages. It's great that you are wanting to help out with UESPWiki, but I would advise that you refrain from adding yourself to the mentor list until you meet that certain criteria, and I'm not trying to discourage you in the slightest :) Thanks! -helenaanne  talk ♥ 22:21, 10 July 2013 (GMT)

Hey Helenaannevalentine. When I thought about becoming a mentor, I was worried that my edit count didn't meet the criteria, I just didn't think that I fell so low below (somewhere in the 20-25 talkpage edits). Anyway, thanks for letting me know where I stand on all of that. BTW, I love your work and keep it up. I'll do some seriously editing and get that number up. Grim765The Reaper 22:37, 10 July 2013 (GMT)
Thank you very much, and I definitely encourage you to keep striving towards editing consistently and always try to remember this key rule - "quality over quantity" :) -helenaanne  talk ♥ 22:39, 10 July 2013 (GMT)