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User talk:Nephele/Archive-2007-01

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One last question (honestly!)[edit]

Right, here I am again, hopefully for the last time (: I made this signature: M'aiqM'aiq thinks talk serves no purpose. but when I try to save it at the Preferences, it gives me an error about wrong HTML tags. I don't know much about that- could you maybe help me convert it to the right syntax or do you know anyone who knows how? I'd be very grateful (and yes, I know I'm making a lot of trouble out of a silly, unimportant thing) (:

Oh, by the way, the links for the Swordplay article are almost done. M'aiq 16:12, 11 January 2007 (EST)

I just tried cutting and pasting the contents of your /Sig page into my signature box and I didn't get any error messages. (And then I almost signed this as you, which would have really confused everyone!) I'd suggest double checking that you copied the whole string, i.e., that you didn't leave off a character at the start or end. --Nephele 16:26, 11 January 2007 (EST)
M'aiq thanks you very much! If you need some work done, be sure to call M'aiq, as I am indebted to you for your help (: M'aiqM'aiq thinks talk serves no purpose. 16:42, 11 January 2007 (EST)

Just a hello[edit]

Hi, Nephele. How's it going? :) What's up? --FMan 15:39, 21 December 2006 (EST)

Hi, FMan, good to hear from you again :) Life's pretty good at the moment: spent the day downhill skiing and snowshoeing, and now a storm is dumping a lot of new snow, so tomorrow should be even better! --Nephele 23:28, 21 December 2006 (EST)
Wow, sounds like you're having lots of fun! Not really any snow here - and I'm in Finland! It's been unusally warm. I was away for 50 days due to the move, but now I'm pretty much settled at the new place. Making some contributions again. :) --FMan 12:08, 22 December 2006 (EST)


I am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused this site, I did not realize I was plagiarizing and would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have had. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Thanks for the apology :) You are still welcome to contribute to the site, as long as you are making original contributions. The pages you added to are obviously somewhat short on content, so if you would like to add information, for example paraphrasing some of the information from the Pocket Guide to the Empire and adding links to the source, that would definitely help those pages. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. --Nephele 12:22, 23 December 2006 (EST)

sack time[edit]

Hey hey.. I'll be back in a few hours, but thanks for all the work you do around here. ⌈Uniblab 06:06, 5 January 2007 (EST)⌋

Thanks uniblab! --Nephele 12:51, 5 January 2007 (EST)

Sign me up[edit]

I'd be happy to take the patroller position. I have a bad habit of not checking the community pages regularly, I'll have to put a link on my page to remind myself. Is there any tutorial I need to go through for this before I start on anything?

Your new superpowers won't kick in until Daveh makes the required changes ;) Before then, I'm planning on putting together a page to help everyone get started. And then I think the first couple weeks will probably be more like an experiment, as everyone tries things out and discusses the details of how we'd like to do this. --Nephele 14:29, 7 January 2007 (EST)

On the recent changes page, it shows that DaveH has changed my group to Patrollers, but I don't seem to be able to see the red exclamation marks. I also cannot change my preferences to mark my edits as patrolled. I look in my editing section, but the option simply isn't there. Of course, this may just take time to fully install, so that may be all this is. --WerdnanoslenTalk 20:06, 8 January 2007 (EST)

Thanks for letting me know! DaveH just tweaked a setting that might have been incorrect... could you try again and see whether things look different now? Thanks --Nephele 20:27, 8 January 2007 (EST)
All better. Thanks! --WerdnanoslenTalk 20:31, 8 January 2007 (EST)

Oreyn's picture[edit]

Haha actually no, it's a redirect from another site. BUT, I actually took a picture of it myself, but couldn't find the upload file button, so thanks for pointing it out for me :) (I'm fairly new to all wikis, not just this one). I'll upload it, just tell me, where you want it? On Modryn Oreyn's page or The Hist (as it actually pops up then, right?). Oh btw, you want the edited picture (cut out by Photoshop) or the whole? Lisan al Gaib 13:52, 10 January 2007 (EST)

It'll definitely need to go through photoshop to convert it from a bmp to a jpg, so I'd say you might as well crop it to just show the painting. And Modryn Oreyn's page would definitely be a great place for it; a thumbnail might also be nice on Oblivion:Easter Eggs#Miscellaneous where it gets mentioned. --Nephele 13:59, 10 January 2007 (EST)
Ok, I've uploaded the picture under the name MOpic.jpg. However, I would ask you to download and upload it again for two reasons: 1) Bad name. I only noticed that later :/ 2) I don't really get the licencing stuff, so I don't know if I chose the right one (probably not; looked like the right thing when I was choosing from the drop-down menu, but when I read it afterwards, it seemed wrong). Btw I added it to Modryn Oreyn's page (so change the link please), but I couldn't fit it in the Easter Eggs one nicely Lisan al Gaib 15:33, 10 January 2007 (EST)
Thanks. You did have the right license to start with (and the license can be changed without re-uploading the image). But renaming images does require re-upload and delete, so I took care of that. I renamed it to Image:OB-Img-OreynPainting.jpg, although the image naming is pretty inconsistent, so really any name will do. --Nephele 16:28, 10 January 2007 (EST)


Thanks for the info on the Alchemy discussion page. Really quick, helpful response, and a great introduction to the wiki community. I can't believe that you haven't played Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul mod, though. It's really very neat, a complete workover for the game. I wouldn't go without it! He's released a new version fairly recently, too - here's a link if you're interested. — Unsigned comment by Stemmers? (talkcontribs)

I'm glad the answers were helpful. And it's great to see that you got an account: welcome to the wiki! As for OOO, I'm primarily playing on Xbox 360 at the moment, which is why I don't use mods. I figure once I finally make it through all the quests I'll probably start using some mods on my PC version to get a new experience :) --Nephele 00:12, 11 January 2007 (EST)

A few beginner's questions[edit]

Good day, and thanks for the (first) welcome on this great wiki (: I hope I'll be a good addition!

Oh, I had some questions. As I was providing links to the Swordplay article (did you like the changes I made, by the way?) I got to 'Poison'. I was looking for a page that told what a poison was, but there wasn't any page called 'Poison'. I then got to two pages: The Alchemy Effects page and the Potions page. I eventually decided to link to the Alchemy Effects' Poison, but it also raised a question in me:

Why is it made so confusing to get to an article?

There are no little description pages or even redirect links to otherwise very normal things that someone would search for (like 'Claymore' or any other swordtype, 'Bow', 'Poison', or 'Fortify ..'). When someone wants to find the article that provides the info they want, they first have to untick all the boxes, and then have to hope they find the right article- not a lot of effort, but I can imagine it to be quite confusing when someone first starts to make his way around here. Do you think it's a good idea to at least make some redirect links to the articles in which the info about such things can be found? M'aiq 11:08, 11 January 2007 (EST)

It is difficult trying to figure out how to make it easy for everybody to find the information they might be looking for. And the standard wiki search function is far from the best answer. One tip you might find helpful is that in "my preferences" under the "search" tab you can customize the search function a bit, in particular so by default all those boxes you don't want are unticked. But that doesn't really help with the general problem of making information more accessible to all readers.
Basically, your ideas are good ones, and your perspective as a newer member of the wiki is definitely appreciated... it's hard for me to remember some of those problems since I generally know which pages to start by looking at :) But coming up with a perfectsolution is difficult. Just to let you know som e of the concerns:
  • You can only redirect to the top of a page, not the middle of a page. So, for example, if you created an "Oblivion:Bows" page that redirected to "Oblivion:Weapons" it would always place the reader at the top of the page, whereas what you really want is the equivalent of this link that sends the reader straight to the correct section of the page. I just found out yesterday that the wiki software has finally added a fix for this problem, so next time we upgrade the site redirects should become much more useful.
  • Creating a short description page then creates a stub page, which editors are going to want to expand, leading to confusion over which location is the central page for information. You end up with two pages with slightly different information that are out of sync.
  • With weapons in particular there is a pretty big organizational problem: there are probably ten different possible ways to sort the weapons. Some people might want to see all daggers (regular and enchanted), some might want to see just elven daggers, some might want to see all blades with fire damage enchantments, etc., etc. I don't think it's a problem that can be solved by creating 100 different new weapon pages; I personally think it needs some type of more intelligent customized search page.
I'm not trying to say something shouldn't be done, I'm more just trying to explain why there hasn't been a major effort to do something up until now. The wiki really should be set up so that readers can find information no matter how they happen to try searching for it. Given the possibility in the near future of redirects-to-sections, it might be worth starting to set up a more comprehensive set of redirect pages. For example, create a Oblivion:Bows page with the content "#redirect Oblivion:Weapons#Bows". At the moment, these pages would just work as redirects to the top of a page and would only be partially helpful. But when the wiki does next get upgraded, they'd already be in place.
And before I forget: good work on the Swordplay page! It looks like you've been making some real progress on getting rid of some unnecessary repetition, and even starting to add some more links. Thanks! --Nephele 13:07, 11 January 2007 (EST)
Many thanks for the compliment! I will add the rest of the links shortly. Now, about the redirects, I had done some research about it and indeed found out that you can't use the handy section link- I am very glad that an upgrade is on the way! After I'm done providing the links for the Swordplay page, I'll start work on that (or maybe edit some more stuff before that... ah well, you know).
Two final, last, silly questions. I tried to customize my own signature with a color, the way I did it on Wookieepedia, by creating a new page named User:M'aiq/sig. But that didn't work out- are colors in signatures disabled? Or is a custom signature considered stupid/useless on UESP and thus disabled?
Second question: how do I put a little 'talk' tag besides my signature?
Thank you for all the help! M'aiq 14:17, 11 January 2007 (EST)
You can use the signature box under "My preferences" to tweak your signature. If you want do anything fancy, you probably want to check the "raw signatures" box so that the wiki doesn't then try to automatically create a link out of whatever you type. So basically cut and paste what you put on your /Sig page, then perhaps add something like | [[User Talk:M'aiq|Talk]] to get a talk page link. Then experiment using the preview feature to see whether it comes out looking right :) --Nephele 15:19, 11 January 2007 (EST)


Sworry about the punctuation errors. I dont know why they happen. They appear as soon as I click edit next to a particular wiki entry. They are not that many and I will delete them myself. Thanlks for making me aware of them.— Unsigned comment by (talk)

Thanks for the response. I realize you're not doing it intentionally :) If you could try to fix up any that you notice, that would help; it would definitely be easier for us to just have to clean up one or two if they slip through. --Nephele 00:28, 24 January 2007 (EST)

Account Activation[edit]

When do you normally receive an account validation e-mail? My address is and haven't got one so far. User name is The Grey Mare. Thanks in Advance.

You should be able to login and start using your account as soon as you create it; you do not need to have a validation email sent to you in order to enable the account. The email validation is only necessary if you would like to use some of the email notification features. To get a validation email sent, login to your account and choose "my preferences" at the top of the page. There should be an option on that page to get an email sent (or else it will tell you when the authentication email was sent). --Nephele 19:27, 24 January 2007 (EST)

small error on the front page[edit]

under the did you know section of the front page there is a slight error:

"that when going through an Oblivion gates, you're usually going to one of seven random worlds?"

no edit button there, understandably, so I'll just place it here. DO feel free to delete this entire comment once it gets fixed. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out. --Nephele 11:38, 2 February 2007 (EST)