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User talk:Wrye/A's List of Recommended Mods

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A little while back it was pointed out that A's List had become badly dated simply because most of it's links (to TesSource) were now unworkable. Aelius put the list together over a year or so, but suddenly deparated from the community around August 2007. (There was no departure notice, he just disappeared. There may have been health prolems, or he may have just left.) I sent email to him regarding archiving the list here, and did not receive a response, so I'm assuming this is okay. Naturally, if he turns up and objects, we'll remove the page. --Wrye 21:17, 6 June 2008 (EDT)


Sorry about the whole moving mess, just I'm not sure we're really using the Review namespace, even though it does technically exist. It contains only two pages, both of them created by Wrye. Other reviews are listed on General:Reviews, but are all stored in the User spaces of the people that made them. Since this review is by someone who is not a user on this site, I'm not sure exactly where it belongs. Just wondering if we want to make the Review namespace official? Or move this (and the other article in it) into a more widely-used location? --TheRealLurlock Talk 00:16, 7 June 2008 (EDT)

I think that we should leave these articles here in the review space, but continue to use it very sparsely. In particular, glancing over it, none of the reviews linked to from General:Reviews are of sufficient utility/quality to justify "official" recognition.
More general principle: I think that the Review space should be for "officially sanctioned" subjective articles. Those articles should be pretty rare and should be of fairly high utility. They should be subject to review/veto by experienced members of the site. (E.g. when I started Wrye's Fund Videos, I recall that I explictly asked for other admins to check and do veto it if they found it inappropriate or simply of insufficient quality/utility.)
Regarding the use of that for mod lists (one of the primary things I was thinking of since popular mod lists are often abandoned after a while), I originally posted the suggestion on the community portal: UESPWiki:Community_Portal/Archive_8#Proposal:_Recommended_Mod_Lists. (Ironically, the immediate impetus for that list was my desire to see more competitors with Aelius -- since Aelius was compiling his list without actually playing the game.)
Anyway, in Proposal: Recommended Mod Lists, I cover a couple of suggestions for keeping things from getting out of hand. But those largely come down to "common recognition of strong utility". In keeping with that, my votes/comments on the two pages currently in the space are:
  • A's List: Keep. Very well regarded, established list.
  • Wrye's Fun Videos: Abstain (Bias). I think it's useful, but not a huge deal. (Certainly not as useful as A's list and other good list mods.) I put it together as a kind of a test case for the Review namespace. I actually rather wish that someone else had done such a list (so that I wouldn't personally be involved) -- but there's no other such list that I know of. And they are fairly cool videos.
--Wrye 01:16, 7 June 2008 (EDT)
What exactly do we define as "officially sanctioned"? I mean, what that isn't going to run into copyright issues? We obviously can't just copy reviews from other websites here, since almost all of them are subject to copyright. (And even in cases of reviews on other wikis, we've had a general site policy of not copying things from other sites, regardless of their licensing issues, because only a site with the exact same license as ours would be compatible.) I have no problem with either of the articles in this namespace (even though they're really more collections of mod links/videos than actual reviews), but as it is, these two pages are very-nearly orphaned (only linked from Oblivion:Recommended Mods and a few User/talk pages), so the odds of any visitor to the site actually finding them (and thus the odds of anybody adding any other articles in this section) are pretty slim, as evidenced by the fact that the namespace has been in use for over a year, but only one person has made any real contributions to it. I think if we're going to be using this namespace, we should find some way of increasing its visibility such that it can be seen by more visitors to the site. If we don't, the articles would probably be better off in another namespace, either General as I suggested earlier, or since these are both Oblivion-specific, they could be in the Oblivion namespace. General probably makes more sense, as we try to keep the articles in the game-specific namespaces strictly objective and informative, while the General namespace allows for a little more personal expression. (Hence all the Fanfiction is stored there for example.) If you're worried about these getting lost in a sea of Fanfics, we can always add navigational aids - categories, breacrumb trails, links on a General:Reviews (we could make it clear that the other pages on there are of lesser quality somehow), etc. Just a little bit of infrastructure to hold this section together a bit better. --TheRealLurlock Talk 21:06, 7 June 2008 (EDT)
I gotta back Lurlock on this one. We just got our first edit. I can't justify having a personal opinion namespace when we can easily use user space for that. --Ratwar 23:12, 8 June 2008 (EDT)
I sense a long discussion coming on... Let hold off until this weekend. I was just in a long, contentious community discussion on the forums, and I'm going to be busy probably until the weekend. There are good reasons for not userfying it. (E.g. list is by Aelius, but he doesn't have an account here, so he doesn't have a user page to put it on. Also we generally discourage users from adding mini-wikis on their own pages -- moving this to his or my user page would sanction such a policy. Also, the prospect of doing was raised and not objected to quite a while back on the Community Portal. In other words the existence of this page is in compliance with UESP policy -- it's just a little used part of the policy.) But yeah should be discussed since this is a more involved test of the idea.
I'll have time this weekend to talk about it a bit more, so please hold on until then. --Wrye 01:50, 10 June 2008 (EDT)
Found some time. For continued discussion, see UESPWiki_talk:Authored_Lists. --Wrye 19:42, 10 June 2008 (EDT)

Seems like a dead issue, so I've pulled the notice. As stated, I'm okay with moving this to General -- but if that's done, then the resulting redirect needs to stay up permanently. While the list is a bit old, it's still one of the gold standards. (Or at least tarnished silver.) And since a redirect needs to stay up permanently, then I'm not sure of the advantage of moving it. :shrug: --Wrye 01:26, 27 November 2008 (EST)

And I already put it back. It should be moved to your userspace as previously discussed. Articles that cannot be edited don't belong on the wiki. –RpehTCE 01:28, 27 November 2008 (EST)
There was no consensus on moving it to my userspace. But we've already beaten this to death. Time to put it to the vote. --Wrye 02:07, 27 November 2008 (EST)
Lost that one! Moved. --Wrye 00:07, 4 December 2008 (EST)

Link to OOO has changed[edit]

I just tried the link to OOO and it has changed. I tried to edit the main page but couldn't, so hopefully someone who can will read this and make the change themselves. The new link is Servius 22:19, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Done. Unless you were talking about a different page. –Elliot talk 22:30, 24 August 2009 (UTC)

Installing a mod?[edit]

I have read many ways to install mods and i now have one in my document. But what is an oblivion data directory as i can't seem to install mods. — Unsigned comment by TheElderScribe (talkcontribs) on 15 January 2010

The Oblivion Data Directory is found in: Computer/Program Files/Bethesda/Oblivion/Data. Simply copy all files there and check the mod on the OB launcher to play it. --SerCenKing Talk 13:24, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

I'm using windows 7 and now i can't find program files in computer. Is anyone else using windows 7? ``TheElderScribe``

Guild Skill Requirements[edit]

the link for "Guild Skill Requirements" is broken; "Site error, The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

No file exists for this ID."

does anyone has a mirror?

Links broken[edit]

Many links are broken or no longer exist. Someone needs to fix this. With the page locked, the issue is impossible to see dealt with. I actually made a wiki account to change a lot of the issues, just to find it locked.