Moons of Elsweyr

Legends:Moons of Elsweyr

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Moons of Elsweyr
LG-icon-Moons of Elsweyr.png
Mechanics and Effects Wax, Wane, Consume
Release Date June 27, 2019
Statistics Strength 14Intelligence 14Willpower 14Agility 14Endurance 14Neutral 6Dual Attribute 2
Common 32Rare 15Epic 11Legendary 20
The Khajiit homeland is in turmoil as Imperial forces, led by Euraxia Tharn, occupy the city of Rimmen and have begun spreading their influence throughout Elsweyr. Things become more dire as ancient dragons are unleashed upon the land with devastating machinations all their own. -Official Summary[1]

Moons of Elsweyr is the fourth card expansion for The Elder Scrolls Legends with the design codename Sage. It can be obtained by buying new card packs separate from the Core Set, which can be opened to earn 75+ new cards themed after the Elsweyr Chapter in ESO. The expansion released on June 27, 2019 on PC, mobile, and tablet devices.


The following cards can be found in card packs of the Moons of Elsweyr expansion.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Blastbones Blastbones Creature (Skeleton) Strength Strength 5 3 1 3Epic Epic Charge
Last Gasp
: Deal 1 damage to all creatures in this lane.
Devouring Flame Devouring Flame Action Strength Strength 2 2Rare Rare Deal 2 damage to a creature. If this would kill it, instead Banish it.
Enraged Dragonknight Enraged Dragonknight Creature (Imperial) Strength Strength 4 5 4 2Rare Rare Summon: Consume a creature to deal 2 damage to each player.
Euraxian Berserker Euraxian Berserker Creature (Imperial) Strength Strength 3 2 4 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature to gain +2/+0.
Fear Totem Fear Totem Action Strength Strength 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Unsummon a creature and reduce its cost by 3.
Flamespear Dragon Flamespear Dragon Creature (Dragon) Strength Strength 4 4 5 4Legendary Legendary When your opponent summons a creature, Flamespear Dragon aims at it. At the start of your turn, Flamespear Dragon deals 1 damage to the creature it's aiming at.
Imbued Minotaur Imbued Minotaur Creature (Minotaur) Strength Strength 3 5 2 1Common Common Breakthrough
When Imbued Minotaur is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Breakthrough.
Mulaamnir Mulaamnir Creature (Dragon) Strength Strength 9 9 8 4Legendary Legendary Summon and Slay: Battle an enemy creature with less power then Mulaamnir's health.
Pouncing Senche Pouncing Senche Creature (Khajiit) Strength Strength 7 4 7 2Rare Rare Guard
Wax: +3/+0
Wane: Charge
Prowl Smuggler Prowl Smuggler Creature (Khajiit) Strength Strength 2 3 2 1Common Common Pilfer: Equip a Steel Dagger to a friendly creature.
Rimmen Siege Weapons Rimmen Siege Weapons Support Strength Strength 3 4Legendary Legendary Ongoing
At the start of your turn, each friendly creature deals 1 damage to your opponent.
Senche Noble Senche Noble Creature (Khajiit) Strength Strength 6 7 4 1Common Common Guard
Senche-raht Graveprowler Senche-raht Graveprowler Creature (Khajiit) Strength Strength 6 5 5 3Epic Epic Pilfer: Consume a creature to gain power and health equal to the consumed creature's.
War-Hardened Senche War-Hardened Senche Creature (Khajiit) Strength Strength 4 4 3 1Common Common Wax: +1/+1
Wane: Battle an enemy creature.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Alfiq Conjurer Alfiq Conjurer Creature (Khajiit) Intelligence Intelligence 6 3 3 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Summon: Consume a creature to summon a Flame Atronach. If you consumed an Atronach, instead summon a Storm Atronach.
Black Worm Neophyte Black Worm Neophyte Creature (Imperial) Intelligence Intelligence 4 4 3 3Epic Epic Summon: Consume a creature. Summon a 1/1 Skeleton with its Keywords.
Cartel Arcanist Cartel Arcanist Creature (Khajiit) Intelligence Intelligence 3 2 3 2Rare Rare Wax: +2/+0
Wane: Shackle an enemy creature.
Discerning Thief Discerning Thief Creature (Khajiit) Intelligence Intelligence 3 3 4 1Common Common Pilfer: Draw a card, then discard a card.
Frazzled Alfiq Frazzled Alfiq Creature (Khajiit) Intelligence Intelligence 2 1 2 3Epic Epic Wax: Deal 1 damage.
Wane: +1/+1
After you play another card Waxed, deal 1 damage.
After you play another card Waned, +1/+1.
Glacial Dragon Glacial Dragon Creature (Dragon) Intelligence Intelligence 6 4 5 4Legendary Legendary Shackle enemy creatures damaged by friendly Dragons.
Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Goutfang Adept Goutfang Adept Creature (Khajiit) Intelligence Intelligence 4 2 4 1Common Common Wax: Draw a card.
Wane: +1/+1 and Guard.
Grave Grasp Grave Grasp Action Intelligence Intelligence 4 1Common Common Prophecy
an enemy creature. Summon a 1/1 Skeleton for each enemy creature in its lane.
Imbued Breton Imbued Breton Creature (Breton) Intelligence Intelligence 5 4 4 1Common Common Ward
When Imbued Breton is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Ward.
Khajiiti Warhelm Khajiiti Warhelm Item Intelligence Intelligence 2 2Rare Rare +1/+3
Summon: The wielder deals 1 damage to your opponent.
Midnight Trespasser Midnight Trespasser Creature (Dark Elf) Intelligence Intelligence 1 2 2 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature to gain +1/+1.
Skeletal Mage Skeletal Mage Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 7 3 5 2Rare Rare Summon: Consume a creature. Deal damage equal to its power to a creature.
Vastarie Vastarie Creature (High Elf) Intelligence Intelligence 5 1 4 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Fill this lane with 1/1 Skeletons.
Vastarie has +1/+0 for each friendly Spirit and Skeleton.
Wandering Skeleton Wandering Skeleton Creature (Skeleton) Intelligence Intelligence 2 2 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Alfiq Illusionist Alfiq Illusionist Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 3 2 1 2Rare Rare Wax: Summon an Alfiq Illusionist in the other lane.
Wane: +1/+2 and Guard.
Be At Peace Be At Peace Action Willpower Willpower 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Set a creature's power to 1.
Cygnus Standard Bearer Cygnus Standard Bearer Creature (Imperial) Willpower Willpower 4 3 2 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Summon a 2/2 Imperial Soldier for each friendly support.
When you summon a support, summon a 2/2 Imperial Soldier.
Imbued Khajiit Imbued Khajiit Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 3 2 4 1Common Common Drain
When Imbued Khajiit is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Drain.
Kaalgrontiid Kaalgrontiid Creature (Dragon) Willpower Willpower 12 8 9 4Legendary Legendary Guard
Summon: Summon the Halls of Colossus.
Mercenary Captain Mercenary Captain Creature (Nord) Willpower Willpower 4 2 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Consume a creature to give other friendly creatures +1/+1.
Monastic Champion Monastic Champion Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 5 6 5 3Epic Epic Breakthrough
Pilfer: Summon a 3/3 Cathay-raht.
Moon Bishop Moon Bishop Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 1 1 1 1Common Common Wax: +0/+4
Wane: You gain 4 health.
Queen's Captain Queen's Captain Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 8 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Wax: Draw two cards.
Wane: Destroy a creature.
Rebel Warden Rebel Warden Creature (Khajiit) Willpower Willpower 1 1 1 1Common Common Pilfer: Summon a 1/1 Recruit.
Shrewd Strategist Shrewd Strategist Creature (Imperial) Willpower Willpower 4 4 5 3Epic Epic Summon: Consume a creature. Give all creatures in your hand and deck with the same name +2/+2.
Smash and Grab Smash and Grab Action Willpower Willpower 2 2Rare Rare Give friendly creatures with Pilfer +2/+0 and Breakthrough this turn.
Tenarr Zalviit Lurker Tenarr Zalviit Lurker Creature (Khajiit, Vampire) Willpower Willpower 6 5 6 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature. You gain health equal to its health.
Wily Kee'va Wily Kee'va Creature (Beast) Willpower Willpower 2 2 4 1Common Common


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Apex Predator Apex Predator Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 5 5 5 3Epic Epic When Apex Predator moves, deal 2 damage to your opponent and you gain 2 health.
At the end of your turn, if there are no enemy creatures in this lane, move Apex Predator.
Cartel Bruiser Cartel Bruiser Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 5 4 4 1Common Common Pilfer: +2/+2
Corinthe Brawler Corinthe Brawler Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 5 4 4 2Rare Rare Wax: +1/+1 and your opponent can't target Corinthe Brawler with actions.
Wane: Gain 1 magicka this turn for each enemy creature in this lane.
Devious Bandit Devious Bandit Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 6 3 3 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and you gain 3 health.
Devious Bandit has the Pilfer abilities of all your creatures.
Illicit Butcher Illicit Butcher Creature (Wood Elf) Agility Agility 4 4 3 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature to Shackle an enemy creature.
Imbued Bosmer Imbued Bosmer Creature (Wood Elf) Agility Agility 1 1 1 1Common Common Lethal
When Imbued Bosmer is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Lethal.
Mausoleum Delver Mausoleum Delver Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 4 2 5 3Epic Epic Charge
Steal a card from your opponent's discard pile to yours.
Moonphase Suthay Moonphase Suthay Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 3 2 2 1Common Common Wax: +1/+1 and Drain.
Wane: Draw a card.
Razum-Dar Razum-Dar Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 7 4 3 4Legendary Legendary Charge
Draw a copy of the first card your opponent draws each turn.
Rebellion General Rebellion General Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 4 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Wax: +1/+0 and trigger the Wax of each non-Rebellion General friendly creature.
Wane: +0/+1 and trigger the Wane of each non-Rebellion General friendly creature.
Slinking Jackal Slinking Jackal Creature (Beast) Agility Agility 2 4 2 1Common Common
Suthay Bootlegger Suthay Bootlegger Creature (Khajiit) Agility Agility 2 1 5 2Rare Rare Guard
Summon: Another friendly creature ignores Guards this turn.
Tenarr Zalviit Nightstalker Tenarr Zalviit Nightstalker Creature (Khajiit, Vampire) Agility Agility 2 3 4 2Rare Rare At the start of your turn, Consume a creature. If you can't, sacrifice Tenarr Zalviit Nightstalker.
Whispering Claw Strike Whispering Claw Strike Action Agility Agility 6 1Common Common Prophecy
Give an enemy creature -2/-2 and a friendly creature +2/+2.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Arise Arise Action Endurance Endurance 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon a 1/1 Risen Dead with Guard in each lane.
Bone Armor Bone Armor Item Endurance Endurance 2 2Rare Rare Summon: The wielder Consumes a creature and gains its health.
Boneweaver Boneweaver Creature (Khajiit) Endurance Endurance 5 5 5 3Epic Epic Guard
Summon: Consume a creature. Draw a creature with the same name from your discard pile.
Dro-m'Athra Reaper Dro-m'Athra Reaper Creature (Khajiit, Spirit) Endurance Endurance 2 3 2 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Consume a creature.
When a creature leaves your discard pile, Dro-m'Athra Reaper gains +0/+1 and you gain 1 health.
Expunge Expunge Action Endurance Endurance 2 2Rare Rare Heal a creature and give it immune to Shackle this turn. Draw a card.
Fallen Dragon Fallen Dragon Creature (Dragon) Endurance Endurance 5 5 10 1Common Common Summon: Fallen Dragon deals 5 damage to itself.
Imbued Argonian Imbued Argonian Creature (Argonian) Endurance Endurance 1 1 3 1Common Common Guard
When Imbued Argonian is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Guard.
Moontouched Guardian Moontouched Guardian Creature (Khajiit) Endurance Endurance 4 3 3 2Rare Rare Wax: Give a creature in your hand +2/+2.
Wane: Guard and Ward.
Nibenese Mercenary Nibenese Mercenary Creature (Imperial) Endurance Endurance 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Consume a creature to gain +0/+2.
Reanimate Reanimate Action Endurance Endurance 9 4Legendary Legendary Summon a creature from your discard pile.
Ruin Shambler Ruin Shambler Creature (Mummy) Endurance Endurance 4 1 1 3Epic Epic Summon: Discard the top three cards of your deck, then Consume all creatures that entered your discard pile this turn. Ruin Shambler gains +1/+1 for each creature consumed.
Seeker of the Black Arts Seeker of the Black Arts Creature (Khajiit) Endurance Endurance 2 2 3 1Common Common Pilfer: Discard the top three cards of your deck.
Servant of Ja-Kha'jay Servant of Ja-Kha'jay Creature (Khajiit) Endurance Endurance 3 2 2 1Common Common Wax: +2/+2
Wane: Silence a creature.
Zumog Phoom Zumog Phoom Creature (Orc) Endurance Endurance 6 4 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Choose another creature.

When the chosen creature dies, summon it as a 1/1.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Cadwell the Betrayer Cadwell the Betrayer Creature (Imperial) Neutral Neutral 4 3 5 4Legendary Legendary Cadwell the Betrayer can attack you.
Cadwell the Soul Shriven Cadwell the Soul Shriven Creature (Imperial) Neutral Neutral 1 0 1 4Legendary Legendary Immune to Shackle.
When a rune is destroyed, Cadwell the Soul Shriven gains +1/+0.
Crocodile Brute Crocodile Brute Creature (Reptile) Neutral Neutral 2 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy
When Crocodile Brute is Consumed, draw a card.
Ill-Fated Scholar Ill-Fated Scholar Creature (Redguard) Neutral Neutral 3 3 2 4Legendary Legendary When Ill-Fated Scholar is Consumed, summon a 3/2 Insidious Spirit.
Lunar Sway Lunar Sway Action Neutral Neutral 1 3Epic Epic Wax: Put a 3/3 Cathay-raht into your hand.
Wane: Put a 4/4 Dagi-raht with Guard into your hand.
Moon Gate Moon Gate Support Neutral Neutral 1 1Common Common Uses: 2
Activate: Get both Wax and Wane effects this turn.


Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text

Khamira Khamira Creature (Khajiit) WillpowerAgility Monk 5 5 6 4Legendary Legendary Pilfer: Give Khajiit in your deck +1/+1.

Euraxia Tharn Euraxia Tharn Creature (Imperial) WillpowerEndurance Spellsword 9 6 6 4Legendary Legendary Summon: Steal an enemy creature or support.
Last Gasp: Your opponent steals it back.

Created Cards[edit]

Name Type (Subtype) Attribute/Class Magicka Power Health Rarity Text
Cathay-raht Cathay-raht Creature (Khajiit) Neutral Neutral 2 3 3 3Epic Epic
Dagi-raht Dagi-raht Creature (Khajiit) Neutral Neutral 3 4 4 3Epic Epic Guard
Halls of Colossus Halls of Colossus Support Willpower Willpower 12 4Legendary Legendary Uses: 3
Activate: Summon a non-Unique Dragon of your choice from your deck.
Imperial Soldier Imperial Soldier Creature (Imperial) Willpower Willpower 2 2 2 1Common Common
Insidious Spirit Insidious Spirit Creature (Spirit) Neutral Neutral 3 3 2 4Legendary Legendary
