Legends:Solo Arena/Grim Guardsman

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Grim Guardsman
The Victorious
LG-arena-Breton 2.png
Class IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer
Elo 1100
Theme Tempo
Prophecies Prophecy 1x Fharun Defender, 1x Shrieking Harpy, 1x Cursed Spectre, 1x Lightning Bolt
Attributes Intelligence 15Endurance 14Neutral 1
Rarity Common 16Rare 8Epic 3Legendary 3

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Intelligence Firebolt Action 1 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to a creature.
1 Intelligence Abecean Navigator Creature (High Elf) 2 3 1 1Common Common Summon: If the top card of your deck is an action, draw it. Otherwise, put it on the bottom.
1 Endurance Dragontail Savior Creature (Orc) 2 2 3 1Common Common Summon: +1/+0 for each enemy creature in this lane.
1 Intelligence Evermore Steward Creature (Breton) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Guard, Ward
1 Endurance Fharun Defender Prophecy Creature (Orc) 2 1 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Endurance Northpoint Herald Creature (Breton) 2 0 4 1Common Common Guard
1 Endurance Oldgate Warden Creature (Breton) 2 0 5 1Common Common Guard, Regenerate
1 Intelligence Shrieking Harpy Prophecy Creature (Harpy) 2 2 1 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
1 Intelligence Camlorn Hero Creature (Breton) 3 4 2 1Common Common Summon: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1 Neutral Crushing Blow Action 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage.
1 Intelligence Keeper of Whispers Creature (Redguard) 3 3 4 3Epic Epic Other friendly creatures are immune to Silence.
1 Intelligence Mace of Encumbrance Item 3 2Rare Rare +2/+1
Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
2 Endurance Stalwart Ally Creature (Argonian) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: +0/+2 and Guard if the top card of your deck is Endurance.
1 Endurance Archein Venomtongue Creature (Argonian) 4 1 4 2Rare Rare Lethal
Slay: Gain +1 max magicka.
1 Intelligence Ash Servant Creature (Ash Creature) 4 2 2 2Rare Rare Summon: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
1 Endurance Cursed Spectre Prophecy Creature (Spirit) 4 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Silence another creature.
1 Intelligence Dres Guard Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 4 2Rare Rare Guard
1 Intelligence Lightning Bolt Prophecy Action 4 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 4 damage.
1 Endurance Northpoint Lieutenant Creature (Breton) 4 4 2 2Rare Rare
1 Endurance Restless Templar Creature (Skeleton) 4 5 2 1Common Common Last Gasp: Gain 5 health.
1 Intelligence Tome of Alteration Item 4 1Common Common +2/+2
Summon: Draw a card.
1 Intelligence Glenumbra Sorceress Creature (Breton) 5 5 1 2Rare Rare Ward
1 Intelligence Mentor's Ring Item 5 4Legendary Legendary +3/+3
Summon: Give this creature's Keywords to each other friendly creature.
1 Endurance Shadowfen Priest Creature (Argonian) 5 4 4 3Epic Epic Summon: Silence another creature, or destroy an enemy support.
1 Endurance Stampeding Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 5 4 6 3Epic Epic Breakthrough
Stampeding Mammoth has +2/+0 for each other friendly creature with Breakthrough.
1 Endurance Doomcrag Vampire Creature (Vampire) 6 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Lethal
Other friendly creatures in this lane have Lethal.
1 Intelligence Shocking Wamasu Creature (Wamasu) 8 4 4 1Common Common Summon: Deal 4 damage to a creature.
1 Endurance Night Talon Lord Creature (Vampire) 9 8 8 4Legendary Legendary Drain
Slay: Summon the slain creature.