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Lore:Artifacts L

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Lamp of Clarity[edit]

Lamp of Clarity

The Lamp of Clarity was an artifact created by the Daedric Prince Azura in order to aid in Ithelia's imprisonment. It possessed the ability to illuminate the presence of Ithelia and her Unseen on a Path and to reveal and open portals to the Many Paths, or pull alternate versions of things from the Many Paths into reality. The Lamp was ultimately destroyed when it was used as part of a spell originating from Hermaeus Mora, which was provided to the Vestige in order to repair the reality tears created by Ithelia's power that were threatening to unravel all existence. After the spell was cast the Lamp of Clarity became a normal lamp, its Daedric power fully expended.

Lamp of the Satakalaam[edit]

Lamp of the Satakalaam

The Lamp of the Satakalaam is a sacred ornament that dates back to the time of the Ra Gada. It is an item of importance to the Redguard culture and religion. Together with Sword of Shabnam and Majeel's Scroll, they represent the aspects of the Redguard in body, mind, and spirit. The lamp represented the spirit.

Together with two other relics, it was dedicated centuries before the time of the Three Banners War, back when the High Temple of Satakalaam was built. Since then, they have been the sacred tokens of Satakalaam's High Temple. Although all temples had relics to honor the gods, the Lamp of the Satakalaam was specific to this temple.

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Light of Day[edit]

Light of Day

The Light of Day is a uniquely crafted iron mace with powerful enchantments that make it a bane to any vampires, as it deals large amounts of damage to the undead. Its enchantments are so strong that any vampires who attempt to wield it are killed. It originally belonged to Ano Vando, a Dunmer vampire hunter. By 4E 201 it, among many other artifacts, had come into the possession of a cult of Tribunal Temple heretics on Solstheim.

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Loom of the Untraveled Road[edit]

Loom of the Untraveled Road

The Loom of the Untraveled Road is a Daedric apparatus of unimaginable power created by Ithelia. It is said to be what Hermaeus Mora feared, leading to him taking action against Ithelia. Described as a series of portals within portals leading to the Many Paths, it is more of a place than an engine, residing within a pocket dimension within Fargrave. With the Loom Ithelia is said to be able to reshape the fates, accessing alternate fates and histories from the Many Paths and weaving them into reality, or even granting each being their own desired history to break fate's shackles. Places that were part of Mirrormoor are said to be fundamentally connected to the Loom, and artifacts used in such locations will have their power drained by the Loom as it gains power. Through the Loom Ithelia can also draw immense amounts of power from the Many Paths, though the untold amounts of energy ultimately overwhelm her, transforming her into the Last Tomorrow, the threat Hermaeus Mora foresaw. Even after being destroyed through the use of Boethiah's Blade, Abolisher, the Loom still radiates power, preventing approach through portal magic and making the area around the Loom itself unstable, threatening anyone lingering there with the possibility of becoming lost in the Many Paths.

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  • ESO

Lord's Mail[edit]

The Lord's Mail

The Lord's Mail (also called the Armor of Morihaus or the Gift of Kynareth) is an artifact given to mortals by Kynareth, one of the Eight Divines. It is an ancient plated adamantium or mithril cuirass of unsurpassable quality, considered to be heavy armor. It grants the wearer the power to absorb or regenerate health, resist the effects of spells, and resist or even cure poison. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one. The Mail was originally owned during the Merethic Era by the bull Morihaus, a demigod and early cultural hero of the Cyro-Nordics who was closely associated with Kynareth and the Lord. The cuirass was rumored to have later been taken from Morihaus by Kynareth herself due to his arrogance. The cuirass is considered an Imperial relic, and is accepted as a uniform in the Imperial Legion. Indeed, the armor has been known to bear the red dragon sigil of the Third Empire on its breastplate.