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Jagar Tharn, who has been described as a "mongrel elf" and is known to have Imperial ancestry

Many different mortal and immortal races inhabit the realms of the Aurbis. The mortals of Tamriel can typically be categorized into one of these racial groups. However, multiracial people do exist and can exhibit the traits of two or more races. They are sometimes described as hybrids,[1] or derogatorily as half-breeds[2][3][4] and mongrels.[5][6]

One view on multiracial reproduction is set out in Notes on Racial Phylogeny, a text published by the Imperial University's Council of Healers. Generally, the offspring of such a union will bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present.[7] Some take an absolutist stance on this view, stating that all children inherit their mother's race.[8] Others have stated that if a pair of different human races have children, the offspring will bear features of both races, instead of only the maternal side.[UOL 1] Children born to the same parents may be of different races.[9][10] For more information on racial compatibility, see the article on sex.

Interracial Couples in Society[edit]

An interracial couple with their child (Castles)

Interracial relationships are somewhat common, but they may be looked upon poorly in some cultures. Some Dunmer consider it heresy to marry outside of their race.[11] The Altmer consider interracial relationships to be the worst possible offense given their stance on racial purity, and have gone to the extreme to punish those involved in such relationships. For example, an Orc named Gurlak was in a relationship with his owner and slave master Nuralanya. When the relationship was found out, Gurlak was bound to a magical circle which extended his lifespan. He outlived his lover who was also imprisoned nearby and went on to live for thousands of years in this state of imprisonment.[12] "Half-elf" has been used as an insult within Altmeri culture against Bosmer, aspersing their height.[13] In Cyrodiil, Human-Bosmer marriages are generally frowned upon.[14] The Bosmer have been recorded in early history as "soiling Time's line" by taking Mannish wives.[15]

Akaviri × Tamrielic[edit]

  • There exists trace Akaviri ancestry in many distinguished Imperial families, who sometimes even possess trace facial features of their ancestors. Akaviri surnames are rare and prized possessions among Cyrodilic citizenry.[16]
  • The Rim-Men are a group of Imperials who resided in Hakoshae that are known for their Tsaesci ancestry, which dates back to the time of the fading Akaviri Potentate.[17][18][19]
  • The infamous Blades captain Lorant Bouchard, who wielded a powerful Tsaesci blade, was rumored to be part serpent.[20] The Tsaesci are sometimes described as serpentine beastfolk.[21]
  • The mercenary lord Duadeen has been described as half-Akaviri or "half-viri".[22][UOL 2][UOL 3]
  • Ardent Flame: Draconic or Endemic? mentions a half-Akaviri arms-trainer, who was knowledgeable about the topic of the Dragonknight techniques.[23]
  • Abnur Tharn described Chevalier Renald as exhibiting traits typical of Imperials with a significant amount of Akaviri heritage, noting his eyes and hair as indicative features.[24] However, Renald's identity is possibly more complex, as he made cryptic comments about shedding his skin when it's time for a new beginning.[25]

Elf × Elf[edit]




  • Athellor, an Altmer, believed he had Snow Elven ancestry. He theorized that the Snow Elves gradually faded away by interbreeding with the other elven races.[29]


  • Relationships between Altmer and Maormer were largely frowned upon by both races at the time of the Interregnum.[30] An Altmer woman in Greenshade believed that her father could have been a Maormer.[31]


  • Ayleid refugees fleeing from the Alessian Order were known to intermingle with the Bosmer. According to the "Theorem of Disheritage", the Valenwood Ayleids eventually became unable to breed among themselves and could only produce offspring by mating with the local Bosmer.[32][33]


  • The Oreyn family is an Elven bloodline from Valenwood that consists of both Bosmer and Dunmer.


  • The Dwemer king Dumac was known by names such as "Dumac Dwarf-Orc" and "Dumalacath",[34][35] but it is never specified if these were literal references to him being part-Orcish or merely figurative or derogatory titles.

Human × Human[edit]


  • A Nord known as Sapphire had a Breton father.[36][37]
  • Evette San, a Nord, had a Breton father.[38][39]
  • Virkmund, a Nord, inherited his race from his father, despite his mother being a Breton.[40][41]
  • The Nord King Odar the Brave and the Breton Queen Ysabel of Camlorn had three children: two Nords, Jofarr and Melora, and one Breton, Tobin.[42]


  • Although sometimes categorized as Bretons, the Reachmen are usually believed to be a distinct race of people. Primarily of human descent, the Reachmen are often described as a mongrel breed, even for Bretons. Their lineage is said to include nearly every race imaginable.[43] For more information on the racial history of Reachmen, see the main article.
  • Giraud Scraeg was half-Breton on his mother's side and half-Reachman on his father's side.[44]
  • Conversely, Gargrell Sorick was half-Breton on his father's side and half-Reachman on his mother's side.[45]
  • The Anchorite was a Reachman[46] born to a Breton mother[47] and Reachman father.[48]


  • Angelie Blakeley was a Redguard woman whose father Grantham was a Breton.[49]
  • Conversely, Julienne and Clinton Lylvieve were two Bretons whose mother Michel was a Breton and whose father Azzada was a Redguard.[50]
  • The Breton King Gothryd and the Redguard Queen Aubk-i had four known children together,[51] including Prince Camaron.[52]


In the early First Era, Breton warbands were hired by Alessia to assist in her slave revolt in exchange for rich land and trade. After their victory in 1E 243, these warriors were quick to assimilate with the Nibenese of eastern Cyrodiil.[53]

  • Lord Bacaro Volorus was half-Imperial and half-Breton, displaying traits from both.[54]
  • Matthias Draconis was a Breton born to an Imperial mother and had three Imperial siblings.[55][56]


Cyro-Nords are a mix between an Imperial (or "Cyrodil") and a Nord.[57] The Colovians are one of the two main Imperial culture groups in Cyrodiil. They are the descendants of Cyro-Nords that settled western Cyrodiill.[43][UOL 4] The language of Middle Cyro-Norst was active around the time of Alessia, who called herself by the Cyro-Nordic word that came to mean "Empress" in Tamrielic.[UOL 5]


  • Aeliah Renmus was half-Imperial and half-Redguard, displaying traits from both. She possessed lighter skin than most Redguards.[67]


Half-Giants are the descendants of normal sized humans and Giants or Sea Giants.[68] For more information on Half-Giants, see the main article.

  • Sinmur was a Half-Giant from the Merethic Era.[69] He possessed the same towering height of ordinary Giants[70] and was referred to as such by his adversaries.[71][72]
  • The legendary Companion Lyris Titanborn is one of the most well known Half-Giants, despite only having Giant ancestry unlike true Half-Giants. Her father, Gjalder, was also a Nord with Giant ancestry.[73][74][75]



  • Kayd, a Redguard, had a Nord father and Redguard mother.[77][78]
  • Rustleif, a male Nord, and Seren, a female Redguard, were expecting their first child.[79]

Human × Elf[edit]

Manmer (Aldmer-Nede)[edit]

The most famous example of multiraciality are the Bretons of High Rock. Historically known as Manmer, the Nedic population of High Rock was forced to interbreed with the Aldmer (Altmer in modern times, but Aldmer back then)[80] of Clan Direnni. Over many generations, this resulted in a magically-inclined distinct race .[5] Whether Bretons themselves are humans or elves is a topic of debate,[80] with most people believing that they are the former.[81] For more information on the racial history of Bretons, see the main article.


  • The Dumonte Breton family was known for its considerable familial connection with the Altmeri Clan Direnni (previously of the Aldmer race).[82]


  • During the early Alessian Doctrines, the Nede Nunex Faleria had three children with an unnamed female Ayleid. Their offspring were described as "Elven children". When their son fathered a child with an unnamed female Imperial, the result was a child with enough elven features for the Falerias to be executed by the Empire.[83]




  • Mith was a half Chimer-half Nord, being born to a Chimer mother and Nordic father, taking on mostly the elven appearance of his mother although he did have his father's red hair.[86]



  • Rahim al-Elinhir, a male Redguard, and Davilia Beleth, a female Dunmer, had two known children. Their son, Galiel Beleth, inherited his mother's race,[9] while their daughter, Fadiya, inherited her father's.[10]
  • Maramal, a male Redguard, and Dinya Balu, a female Dunmer, were expecting their first child.[88]


  • The Gray Prince was a half-Orc and half-Imperial. His skin was a paler green compared to other Orcs, and it was believed that his fighting prowess may have been an inherited trait from his vampiric father.[89]
  • Prince Adrien of Evermore was a Breton who was rumored to have sired a half-Orc bastard.[90]

Unspecified Human-Mer Pairings[edit]

  • According to the Altmeri account The Heart of the World, Bosmer were said to take mannish wives.[15]
  • Hasah, a human from Dragonstar, and Irrielle, an elf from Firsthold, had a daughter together. Their exact races are unknown, and the child is not described in detail.[91]
  • Tiber Septim, a human having Atmoran,[16] Nordic,[92] or Breton ancestry (sources conflict),[57] supposedly conceived a child with the Dunmer Barenziah.[87]
  • The Dunmeri House Mora has had human blood since its creation.[87]

Beastfolk × Other[edit]



  • Jirolin Doran was an Imperial who believed himself to have Ogre ancestry.[94][UOL 6]


  • There have been mentions of extinct "orcoblins",[95] which are presumably some cross between an Orc and a Goblin.

Hybrid Races[edit]

The following races have been described as "half-breed" or "hybrid" races, either literally or metaphorically:

  • Harpies, being an all-female race, are said to reproduce by kidnapping human males. They are also said to be "deranged half-breed" creatures, but it is unclear how literal this is due to their cursed origins.[2][96]
  • Minotaurs are a bull-like beastfolk, and it is said the demigod Morihaus gave rise to the race through his dalliances with the Nedic Slave-Queen Alessia and the birth of her son, Belharza the Man-Bull. This origin would paint them as a cross between Nedes and a demigod in bull form.[97]
  • Proto-Bretons or "Half-Elves" were the first Bretons from the early First Era and were more elven in appearance than their modern counterparts.[43][5]
  • Maormer have been theorized to be the result of interbreeding between Aldmer and the indigenous bestial tribes of Pyandonea.[98] The tall, bestial and hunchbacked Maormer Leviathans are described as "the spawn of some unholy and sorcerous coupling of Sea Elf and Sea Serpent".[99]
  • Xivkyn were "bred" by Molag Bal to be his personal guard, made as a hybrid race from both Xivilai and Dremora.[100] However, their creation was the result of a vestigial hybridization process; Xivilai and Dremora are immortal Daedric beings, and do not reproduce.[101]


  • Jagar Tharn of Nibenese House Tharn has an unclear mixed background, with one source stating that Jagar was born in southern Valenwood to a Bosmer mother and that his racial traits are a result of interracial relationships between elves, specifically Altmer and Dunmer.[102]
  • Umaril the Unfeathered was born to an Ayleid mother. As for his father, Umaril claimed divine parentage; his father was supposedly a god of the prior kalpa's World-River.[103] With this half-mortal half-divine parentage, Umaril was known as an Ada and referred to as a half-Elf.[104]
  • There is a dubious tale that claims the Lamias of Craglorn are descended from Frederic Croyens (a man of unspecified race) and his Lamia wife.[105]
  • There have been several jokes about the idea of mortals reproducing with Dragons.[106][107] However, Dragons are thought to be incapable of reproduction.[108]


  • The Elder Scrolls: Castles does not restrict the creation of babies based on race or gender.
  • In The Real Barenziah Part IX, Jagar Tharn is described by Symmachus as a "mongrel elf", allegedly being part Wood Elf, part Dark Elf, and part "only the gods know what", with dubious human ancestry. Jagar himself apparently claimed to be born in Valenwood to a Wood Elf mother. Symmachus was apparently prejudiced against other elves (with Altmer and Bosmer being singled out in the biography as folk Symmachus abhorred for being "effete intellectuals" and "lazy thieves" respectively), instead admiring humans (particularly Bretons) for their intelligence and pragmatism. Tharn's alleged lack of human ancestry according to Symmachus was noted by the author as a perceived flaw rather than indicative of the truth.[6]

See Also[edit]


  1. ^ Crimes of the Daggerfall CovenantAicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination
  2. ^ a b Daggerfall User's Guide
  3. ^ Orcs: The Vermin Among UsAbsolon Sorick
  4. ^ Legacy of the BretonsStefan Mornard
  5. ^ a b c The Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons?Phrastus of Elinhir
  6. ^ a b The Real Barenziah, Part IXAnonymous
  7. ^ Notes on Racial Phylogenythe Council of Healers, Imperial University
  8. ^ Generic dialogue regarding Humanoid Races in Morrowind
  9. ^ a b Appearance of Galiel Beleth in Castles
  10. ^ a b Appearance of Fadiya in Castles
  11. ^ Hrogar's dialogue during Protecting the Hall in ESO
  12. ^ Gurlak's dialogue during The Oldest Orc in ESO
  13. ^ Firthaedal's dialogue in ESO
  14. ^ Anvil rumors in Oblivion
  15. ^ a b The Monomyth
  16. ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: CyrodiilImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  17. ^ The Tonenaka Shrine — Magnate Feina-Darak
  18. ^ Magnate Feina-Darak's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  19. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Elsweyr ConfederacyImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  20. ^ Sellonus's Journal Vol. 1 — Sellonus
  21. ^ 2920, The Last Year of the First EraCarlovac Townway
  22. ^ Tobias' dialogue in Redguard
  23. ^ Ardent Flame: Draconic or Endemic?Gabrielle Benele
  24. ^ Meet the Character - Chevalier RenaldAbnur Tharn
  25. ^ Chevalier Renald's dialogue in ESO: Scalebreaker
  26. ^ The RefugeesGeros Albreigh
  27. ^ Mankar Camoran card in Legends
  28. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Blessed Isle: Alinor and the SummersetsImperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
  29. ^ Athellor's dialogue in Morrowind: Bloodmoon
  30. ^ Castire's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  31. ^ Blue
  32. ^ Ayleid Survivals in ValenwoodCuinur of Cloudrest, 4th Tier Scholar of Tamrielic Minutiae
  33. ^ Green Lady Fertility Fetish item description in ESO
  34. ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 36Vivec
  35. ^ The Tale of Dro'ZiraSonia Vette
  36. ^ Appearance of Sapphire in Skyrim
  37. ^ Glover's LetterGlover Mallory
  38. ^ Appearance of Evette San in Skyrim
  39. ^ Appearance of Octieve San in Skyrim
  40. ^ Thonnir's dialogue in Skyrim
  41. ^ Appearance of Laelette the Vampire in Skyrim
  42. ^ Introduction sequence of Castles
  43. ^ a b c Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High RockImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  44. ^ Giraud Scraeg's dialogue in ESO
  45. ^ Agents and Reagents: The Bounty of Mundus — David S. J. Hodgson
  46. ^ Appearance of The Anchorite in ESO: The Deadlands
  47. ^ Appearance of Sister Celdina in ESO: The Deadlands
  48. ^ Appearance of Emperor Moricar in ESO: The Deadlands
  49. ^ Angelie's dialogue in Oblivion
  50. ^ Lylvieve family in Skyrim
  51. ^ The Warp in the WestUlvius Tero
  52. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Sons and Daughter of the Direnni West: High RockImperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
  53. ^ The Legendary Sancre TorMatera Chapel
  54. ^ Lord Bacaro Volorus in ESO: High Isle
  55. ^ Appearance of Matthias Draconis in Oblivion
  56. ^ Draconis Gift ListPerennia Draconis
  57. ^ a b The Origin of Cyrus!Michael Kirkbride
  58. ^ Tobias' biography on Redguard's official website
  59. ^ Cyrus' dialogue in Redguard
  60. ^ Mathies' dialogue in Skyrim
  61. ^ Appearance of Minette Vinius in Skyrim
  62. ^ Appearance of Corpulus Vinius in Skyrim
  63. ^ Appearance of Sorex Vinius in Skyrim
  64. ^ Appearance of Faida in Skyrim
  65. ^ Appearance of Emperor Uriel Septim in Oblivion
  66. ^ The Fall of the UsurperPalaux Illthre
  67. ^ Aeliah Renmus' dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
  68. ^ Appearance of Half-Giants in ESO
  69. ^ Skald Svari's dialogue in ESO
  70. ^ Appearance of Sinmur in ESO
  71. ^ Ysgramor's dialogue in ESO
  72. ^ Vigrod Wraithbane's dialogue in ESO
  73. ^ Gjalder's dialogue in ESO
  74. ^ Captain Murthin's dialogue in ESO: Greymoor
  75. ^ Meet the Character - Lyris TitanbornIrnskar, Prince of Windhelm
  76. ^ Ulfsild in ESO
  77. ^ Appearance of Kayd in Skyrim
  78. ^ Appearance of Beirand in Skyrim
  79. ^ Rustleif's dialogue in Skyrim
  80. ^ a b Modern Day Bretons: Man or Mer? — Vastyr Historian Filibert Beauchamp
  81. ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: All the Eras of Man, A Comprehensive History of our HistoryImperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
  82. ^ Augustine Viliane Answers Your Questions — Sibyl Augustine Viliane
  83. ^ The Lost Fort Faleria
  84. ^ Vingalmo's dialogue in Skyrim
  85. ^ a b Brief History of the Empire v 2Stronach k'Thojj III
  86. ^ King Edward, Part IV — Anonymous
  87. ^ a b c The Real BarenziahAnonymous
  88. ^ Maramal's dialogue in Skyrim
  89. ^ Origin of the Gray Prince quest in Oblivion
  90. ^ A Royal EmbarrassmentAemilianus Falto, "A Concerned Citizen"
  91. ^ The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook Vol. 2 — Erin Kwong
    Victoria Rosenthal
  92. ^ Vignar Gray-Mane's dialogue in Skyrim
  93. ^ Fall of Vitharn
  94. ^ Wall hanging in Oblivion
  95. ^ Jester dialogue in Arena
  96. ^ GhraewajTidasus
  97. ^ On MinotaursNonus Caprenius, Temporarily Unaffiliated Scholar of Imperial Antiquities
  98. ^ Ayleid Cities of Valenwood — the Esteemed Historian Homfrey at the University of Gwylim, 2E 455
  99. ^ The Scaled ElvesMarin Laroix
  100. ^ On the XivkynPelagius Habor, Council Daedrologist-in-Residence
  101. ^ Lyranth the Foolkiller Answers Your QuestionsLyranth the Foolkiller
  102. ^ The Real Barenziah, v 5 — Anonymous
  103. ^ The Song of Pelinal, v 7
  104. ^ The Song of Pelinal, v 3
  105. ^ Lamias of CraglornTheoderic Peron
  106. ^ Alchemy's dialogue in ESO: Summerset
  107. ^ Hadvar's dialogue in Skyrim
  108. ^ There Be DragonsTorhal Bjorik

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.