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Morrowind:Drerel Indaren

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Quests: written by An unknown editor, checked by Aegithalos

Services: written by Jeancey (none), checked by WoahBro

Personal Inventory: written by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by WoahBro

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos

Spells: written by Jeancey, checked by WoahBro
Drerel Indaren (drerel indaren)
Location Ashlands -4, 7 (map)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 35 Magicka 94
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Follower During Divided by Nix Hounds
Drerel Indaren

Drerel Indaren is a Dark Elf commoner and the husband of Falanu Indaren. After they were ambushed by a pack of nix-hounds, the couple were separated. During the Divided by Nix Hounds quest, you are asked by him or his wife to escort him back to her.

He is wearing a common shirt with matching pants and shoes and wields a steel dagger. He is also carrying the Block skill book A Dance in Fire, Chapter 2 and a reasonable amount of leveled gold. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Drerel's dialogue greatly depends on whether you accept the quest from him or from his wife. Should you find him before speaking to Falanu, he will urgently ask for your help in finding his wife, who he worries was injured by the wild nix hounds that caused them to be separated:

  • "You. Stranger. Please, can you help me? While traveling with my wife, we were set upon by a pack of wild nix hounds!"
  • wild nix hounds
    • "Yes, there must have been three at least. It was hard to tell in all of the confusion. Perhaps you've seen them around here. Anyway, Falanu smartly tried to play dead while I fought them off. They were too much for me, though, and they chased me off. I ran away from where my wife was lying, so as not to draw them closer to her. I fear, however, that they could have gone back for her. Can you help me? The two of us together can certainly find her, and kill the foul beasts should they show themselves again."
    • Yes, let's go try and find your wife.
      • "Excellent. Let us go quickly, then. I don't want those hounds to return before we do. I believe I came from the east, but in all the confusion, it was difficult to tell. Though I am injured, I'm sure I can make it there with you."
    • I'm sorry. You'll have to find her yourself.
      • "Go on your way, then. I can find her myself, if need be. You could have helped, stranger. Pray to your gods that if you are ever in need, you'll meet someone more charitable than yourself!"

Regardless of whether or not you chose to help him, mentioning the nix hounds again after you have made your decision will prompt him to reiterate that he has to find Falanu as swiftly as possible.

  • wild nix hounds
    • "I must get back to my wife before they return. Go!"

If, however, you speak with him after first talking to his wife and dealing with the nix hounds, he will be relieved to hear that she is alright and suggests that you quickly take him to her:

  • "You've spoken to Falanu? Then she's alive! Let's get back to her quickly!"

Upon safely making it back to Falanu, his dialogue is the same regardless of whether you first found him or Falanu. He expresses his thanks to you (and to the gods, as a pious Dunmer should) and offers you the book A Dance in Fire, Chapter 2 as a token of their heartfelt gratitude:

  • [A Dance in Fire, Chapter 2 has been added to your inventory.] "Thank the gods! We've found her! I never thought I'd see her again. You finding me truly has been a blessing. Thank you so much for your help, %PCName. I wish I had more to offer you, but please take this book. It has meant so much to the two of us. I can only hope you find as much enjoyment in it as we have. Take care!"


  • Drerel Indaren belongs to the Indaren family, which has their own ancestral tomb.