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Morrowind:Falanu Indaren

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Quests: not written

Services: not written

Personal Inventory: not written

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos (a solid start, at least); Wolfborn (remaining quest-related dialogue

Spells: written by Jeancey
Falanu Indaren (falanu indaren)
Location Ashlands [-3,7] (map)
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 63 Magicka 88
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Falanu Indaren

Falanu Indaren is a Dark Elf commoner and the wife of Drerel Indaren. She can be found near the road just west of Ald'ruhn. By talking to her, you discover that she and her husband have been separated by nix-hounds. She asks for help to find and retrieve her husband, who will reward you for your help with the Block skill book A Dance in Fire, Chapter 2. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Somewhat strangely perhaps, Falanu only has quest-related dialogue if you speak to her before you manage to find her husband. Should you find (and speak to) Drerel before speaking to her, she has nothing but generic commoner greetings to share with you. Should you, however, find her before you accept their quest from Drerel, she will desperately ask you to find her potentially injured husband for her:

  • "Please, can you help me? My husband and I were traveling through here, and we were attacked by a pack of wild nix hounds."
  • wild nix hounds
    • "There were at least three of them; they seemed to come out of nowhere. My husband, Drerel Indaren tried to fight them off, but they were too much for him, and he was forced to flee. I tried to play dead, in hopes the hounds would find no sport in me. I just hope I can find Drerel before the hounds come back."
    • I'll look for your husband.
      • "You're willing to do that? Thank you so much! I'm sure he didn't go too far, because the hounds seemed to have hurt him. If I remember correctly, he ran off to the west, but in all the confusion, I can't be sure."
    • I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do for you.
      • "Well, hopefully, he'll find his way back, and the nix hounds won't come back for me. Take care, stranger."

Regardless of whether or not you agree to look for her husband, mentioning wild nix hounds again will elicit the same response:

  • wild nix hounds
    • "I can only pray those hounds don't return before my husband has returned."


  • Falanu Indaren belongs to the Indaren family, which has their own ancestral tomb.