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Morrowind:Tul's Escape

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written checked by Forfeit

Reward: not written
Help an "escaped slave" find "safe haven".
Quest Giver: Tul on the road northwest of Suran
Location(s): Sterdecan's Farm
Reward: First Barrier Ring
ID: MV_FakeSlave
There's more to Tul than meets the eye

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Find Tul northwest of Suran.
  2. Lead him to Sterdecan's Farm.
  3. Defend Sterdecan from Tul and receive a reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Meet the Argonian[edit]

Northwest of Suran you will find an Argonian slave named Tul who will beg you to lead him to a nearby Redguard farmer who helps slaves escape.

Find the Farm[edit]

Even if you don't know the area, it isn't hard to find, after a short walk to the northwest, Sterdecan's Farm (ask the locals about friendly Redguards to get information). Find the Redguard Sterdecan tending his fields.


As you approach, Tul will reveal himself to be a Camonna Tong agent sent to kill the Redguard and gives you a chance to leave. If you don't leave, he will attack. Once the assassin is dead, speak to Sterdecan who mentions that people are trying to kill him all the time and even gives you a First Barrier Ring for your troubles.


  • If you refuse to help Tul, his disposition drops 20 points.
  • A clue towards Tul's treachery can be found by asking him about the Twin Lamps. Instead of the usual code reply, he will reply "The Twin Lamps? They...uh...brighten the way, oh most kind, wonderful and helpful friend. Your eyes are like twin lamps of hope, my gracious savior! Yes, that is it!"


  • Telling Tul to wait will cause him to start acting like a normal slave, which means the quest cannot be finished except by killing him.
  • If the above bug happens you must attack Tul and drag him to Sterdecan, the dialogue will come up like normal allowing you to finish the quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Tul's Escape (MV_FakeSlave)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I met an Argonian on the road near Bal Ur named Tul. He has no armor and no weapons I can see, and he desires my help.
20 It seems Tul is an escaped slave from the Dren Plantation. He would like help getting to a nearby abolitionist wayhouse he has heard rumors of. He does not know the location of this place, and would like my help finding it. The wayhouse is [sic] he is probably talking about is Sterdecan's farm, not too far from here.
25 It seems Tul is an escaped slave from the Dren Plantation. He would like help getting to a nearby abolitionist wayhouse he has heard rumors of. He does not know the location of this place, and would like my help finding it. I have no knowledge of any abolitionists in the area, but that doesn't mean one does not exist. It could be difficult to find, though, although he seems to believe the person is a Redguard and nearby.
40 I have agreed to try and lead Tul to Sterdecan's farm nearby. He seems odd for a slave, though. He looks well fed and strong. Perhaps he was a newly acquired slave at the Dren Plantation, although he seems to know the place well.
45 I have agreed to try and help Tul find the nearby abolitionist he's heard rumor of. He seems odd for a slave, though. He looks well fed and strong. Perhaps he was a newly acquired slave at the Dren Plantation, although he seems to know the place well.
50 Finishes quest☑ I have decided not to try and help Tul find the abolitionist. I have no desire to become involved in this.
55 A local has told me that the only Redguard nearby is Sterdecan, who lives to the northwest.
60 We've arrived at Sterdecan's farm. My suspicions about Tul were not unfounded. He is no slave, but rather a bounty hunter, and had been using me to find the abolitionist hideout.
70 Tul and I have parted ways. I have no desire to get into the politics behind the abolitionist movement, and felt it best to walk away from the situation.
80 Tul is dead. The bounty hunter took me for a fool, and he has paid the price.
90 Tul has died on the way to the abolitionist's house.
100 Finishes quest☑ I have spoken with Sterdecan. He was not surprised by the bounty hunter's ruse. For my help, and for my attempt to help free a slave, he rewarded me with a magical ring.
110 Finishes quest☑ Tul tells me that since Sterdecan is dead, he has no further business with me.