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(RefID: 00003641)
Home City Cheydinhal
Store Mach-Na's Books
Race Argonian Gender Female
Level 10 Class Bookseller
RefID 00003641 BaseID 00023FEA
Available 8am-12pm; 1pm-8pm every day
Training Trainer (Basic)Mercantile (Basic) Mercantile, Basic
Gold 1200 Mercantile Expert (80)
Sells Books,
Chronicle of Sacrifice
Other Information
Health 84 Magicka 170
Responsibility 80 Aggression 5
Essential Always
Faction(s) Cheydinhal Citizens
Mach-Na in her Cheydinhal bookstore

Mach-Na is an Argonian merchant at Mach-Na's Books in Cheydinhal. Mach-Na sells books and offers basic training in Mercantile. The unique Chronicle of Sacrifice can be purchased here and nowhere else. For some reason, Cheydinhal citizens refer to her as a grumpy old man.

Mach-Na works hard in her bookstore every day of the week; after a six-hour sleep, she gets out of bed at 6am and spends a few hours on the ground floor before she unlocks the door for customers at 8am. After four hours she locks up for an hour to have lunch, before opening up again at 1pm. At 8pm she locks up for the day and spends the rest of the evening wandering around the main trading room until her bedtime at midnight.

She wears a set of lower-class clothing: a coarse linen shirt, laced leather pants with a pair of rough leather shoes. She carries her key, the security skill book Advances in Lock Picking and a small amount of gold.


She greets her customers in a very to the point manner:

"Books. I sell books. Go ahead. Look. Buy some."

If her Disposition towards you is at least 50, asking Mach-Na about Cheydinhal will cause her to share some personal opinions with you:

"Imperials hate Dark Elves; Dark Elves hate Imperials. Imperials hate that a no-name Hlaalu trader got made into a count. Andel Indarys doesn't help his case by having a prat for a son, and a wife that dies in very suspicious circumstances. Our Dark Elves left Morrowind to get away from the Church and State, and they don't like it when Imperials get all holy and patriotic with them. Of course, local Dark Elves tend to be money-grubbing, alcoholic low-brows with little education or culture. Since I read a lot, and speak well, and don't drink brandy from milk pails, I guess I qualify as an Imperial. But on the whole, I like Cheydinhal's Dark Elves better than I like the Imperials, so go figure...."


The people of Cheydinhal all seems to have the wrong impression of the busy Argonian; not only will they all mistakenly use male pronouns (see bugs), they will also refer to her as grouchy and surly:

"Have you ever shopped at Mach-Na's Books?"
"Don't you think Mach-Na runs an excellent bookstore?"
"Mach-Na runs a good business. He's a grumpy old man, though."
"There are some quality books at Mach-Na's. Just don't catch him when he's in a bad mood."
"I've bought a few things at Mach-Na's, but he's always so surly."
"He runs a nice store, but Mach-Na is a grouchy old man."

In the Imperial City, bookstore owner Phintias will recommend Mach-Na's bookstore as well:

"This is the only book store in the city. There's also Renoit's Books in Chorrol, Mach-Na's in Cheydinhal, and Southern Books in Leyawiin."

Unused Dialogue[edit]

Similar to many of the publicans around Cyrodiil, Mach-Na was at one point meant to have multiple topics related to the city she resided in. Three player-only topics still remain in the files:

Cheydinhal's culture?
Cheydinhal's characters?
Cheydinhal's mysteries?

Her Cheydinhal topic response in the final game appears to be taken from the first topic.

There are also three more player-only topics tied to Mach-Na:

Black Ring
sigil stone
Liminal Bridges

These topics appear to be related to the main quest, as Baurus has a similarly empty topic about Mach-Na, as well as duplicates of the topics seen here.


  • Despite not being related to any quests, Mach-Na is permanently marked as essential. It is very possible that this is a leftover from when they played a role in the main quest. Leftover dialogue topics tie Mach-Na to the book Liminal Bridges, a black ring, a sigil stone, and Baurus.
    • PC Only The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.5.0, addresses this issue. Mach-Na is no longer essential at any point in the game.
