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Oblivion:Valen Dreth

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Valen Dreth
Valen Dreth
(RefID: 0001FC43)
Location The Bastion
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Pilgrim
RefID 0001FC43 BaseID 00025200
Other Information
Health 16 Magicka 100
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Valen Dreth's EEEVIL
Valen Dreth
(RefID: 0002DF7B)
Location The Bastion
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Pilgrim
RefID 0002DF7B BaseID 0002DF7A
Other Information
Health 16 Magicka 100
Responsibility 0 Aggression 30
Faction(s) Dark Brotherhood Generic Evil

Valen Dreth is the first person you see in the game. He's the Dark Elf prisoner in the cell opposite yours who taunts you. If you choose to join the Dark Brotherhood, you'll get your revenge later on in the Scheduled for Execution quest.

Valen wears a sack cloth shirt and a pair of sack cloth pants. He also carries a small amount of gold. He spends all his days pacing around his cell, never stopping to either eat nor sleep.

There are actually two different versions of Valen. The top set of stats are for the Valen that you first meet during the tutorial, the bottom set is the one that you kill during Scheduled for Execution.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-related Events[edit]



Valen will taunt you through your cell door when you first start the game, throwing a variety of insults your way, depending on your character's race.

Race Male Female
Altmer "Well, well, look at the high and mighty Altmer. Where's your dignity now, huh? Where's that famous High Elf poise and bearing? You know, my time's almost up. Pretty soon I'll be free, and you'll still be stuck in this rat hole, waiting for your execution. That's right. I heard some of the guards talking. You're going to die in here, "High" Elf! You hear me? You're going to die in here!" "Well, well, look at the elegant Altmer maiden. Where's your dignity now, huh? Where's that famous High Elf poise and bearing? You know, my time's almost up. Pretty soon I'll be free, and you'll still be stuck in this rat hole, waiting for your execution. That's right. I heard some of the guards talking. You're going to die in here, "High" Elf! You hear me? You're going to die in here!"
Argonian "Hey, lizard! It must break your heart, huh? Being so close to the water, knowing you'll never get to swim again... You know, sometimes, when they let us in the yard, you can hear the sounds from the lake. The boats, the gulls. So close... No, you'll never get to swim again, Argonian. But don't worry, you'll be dead soon enough. That's right. You're going to die in here!"
Breton "Pale skin, snotty expression. You're a Breton! The masters of magicka, right? Hmph. Nothing but a bunch of stuck-up snobs with cheap parlor tricks. Go ahead, try your magicka in here. Let's see you make those bars disappear. No? What's the matter? Not so powerful now, are you Breton? You're not leaving this prison 'til they throw your body in the lake. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, Breton! You're going to die!" "Pale skin, snotty expression. You're a Breton! The masters of magicka, right? Hmph. You're nothing but a stuck-up harlot with cheap parlor tricks. Go ahead, try your magicka in here. Let's see you make those bars disappear. No? What's the matter? Not so powerful now, are you Breton? You're not leaving this prison 'til they throw your body in the lake. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, Breton! You're going to die!"
Bosmer "Hey! Wood Elf! You're a little far from the forest, huh? Looks like your days of woodland frolicking have come to a tragic end. To go from the gladed realm of Valenwood to a rat-infested hole like this... how very sad. Those walls must feel like they're closing in on you. Pretty soon you'll go mad, and the guards will cut your throat just to stop the ranting. That's right. You're going to die in here, Wood Elf! Die!" "Well now, a pretty little Wood Elf. You're a little far from the forest, huh? Looks like your days of woodland frolicking have come to a tragic end. To go from the gladed realm of Valenwood to a rat-infested hole like this... how very sad. Those walls must feel like they're closing in on you. Pretty soon you'll go mad, and the guards will cut your throat just to stop the ranting. That's right. You're going to die in here, Wood Elf! Die!"
Dunmer "Hey, there! You! Kinsman! I haven't seen another Dunmer in here in I don't know how long. Where you from, huh? Vvardenfell? You got a wife back home? Tell you what. I'm getting out of here in a couple of weeks. When I get back to Morrowind I'll look her up. She must be so lonely. Don't you worry, eh? I'll take care of her long after you're dead. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here!" "I must surely be dead, and in the halls of Azura to look upon such a vision. You are so beautiful, my dear Dunmer maiden... One of the guards owes me a favor, you know. I could get us put in the same cell. Would you like that? You should have some fun before the end. Yeah, you heard me. No matter what the law says. No matter what they told you. You're going to die in here! You're going to die!"
Imperial "Oh, look, an Imperial in the Imperial Prison. I guess they don't play favorites, huh? Your own kinsmen think you're a piece of human trash. How sad. I bet the guards give you "special" treatment before the end. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, Imperial! You're going to die! Imperial criminal scum like you give the Empire a bad name, you see. You're an embarrassment. Best if you just... disappeared."
Khajiit "Wake up, kitty kitty. That's it. There's a rat in my cell, Khajiit. A fat, tasty rat. Does the kitty want it? Is the kitty hungry? You'd better take whatever you can get in here, Khajiit. They don't feed the new prisoners. Didn't you know that? First they starve you. Then they beat you. Then, if you're lucky, they kill you. That's right. You're going to die in here!"
Nord "My, my, you're a big one. A Nord, I'd guess, right? So strong... But you can't bend steel, can you boy? You can't do anything to get out of here. And those big muscles? They're going to waste away. When the end comes, you won't even have the strength to cry for your mother. That's right. You're going to die in here. You hear me, Nord? You're going to die in here!" "Oooh, aren't you a fair lass. Your skin is so pale, so pure. And your body is so... strong. Let me guess. A Nord, right? I bet you think you're pretty tough, huh? I bet you can swing a sword and everything. Well, it doesn't matter! Not in here. It does no good to fight. But don't worry. The guards always treat the pretty ones nice. Right 'til the end. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, Nord!"
Orc "By the Nine Divines, you're an ugly one. But then, all Orcs are ugly. The most repulsive race in all of Tamriel, really. At least you've got that brutish strength, huh? Must be nice to just rip someone apart like some kind of monster. Oh, but you must be the one Orc weakling, huh? Captured by Imperials. How pathetic. You're going to die in here, Orc! Like an animal in a cage!" "By the Nine Divines, you're an ugly one. And female, no less. But then, all Orcs are ugly. The most repulsive race in all of Tamriel, really. At least you've got that brutish strength, huh? Who needs pretty when you can just rip someone apart like some kind of monster. Oh, but you must be the one Orc weakling, huh? Captured by Imperials. How pathetic. You're going to die in here, Orc! Like an animal in a cage!"
Redguard "Wake up, Redguard! Ah, there you are. How do you like your cell, huh? Roomy enough for you? I can't even imagine what it's like for you. No more sunshine, no more open seas. Just a box and a dirty beam of light for the rest of your life. Bet you're glad it won't last long, huh? Oh, didn't you know? No one ever leaves this prison alive! You're going to die in here, Redguard! Die!" "Wake up, pretty Redguard! Ah, there you are. How do you like your cell, huh? Roomy enough for you? I can't even imagine what it's like for you. No more sunshine, no more open seas. Just a box and a dirty beam of light for the rest of your life. Bet you're glad it won't last long, huh? Oh, didn't you know? No one ever leaves this prison alive! You're going to die in here, Redguard! Die!"
"He he he he he he."

After his speech to you, upon hearing some people, he will tell you: "Hey, you hear that? The guards are coming... for you! He he he he he he."


Scheduled for Execution[edit]

Once you have completed Accidents Happen, ask Vicente Valtieri for you next assignment and he will fill you in:

"Your target is a Dark Elf named Valen Dreth. He thinks he's safe in prison. He is tragically mistaken."

After describing how you will reach him, he notes:

"Valen Dreth has been imprisoned for many years. His tongue is sharp, but his body is limp and frail. He will prove an easy, pleasurable kill."

When approaching his cell, Dreth will be in the midst of a conversation with an Imperial Guard:

Imperial Prison Guard: "I have to admit, I'm going to miss you, Dreth. The late-night beatings, your pitiful little cries for help..."
Valen Dreth: "Filthy cur! I told you I was going to get out of here! My time's almost up, and there's nothing you can do about it."
Imperial Prison Guard: "Yeah, well, what's it been? Seven, eight years? We've had a good long run, you and me. I always knew it would end someday."
Valen Dreth: "Eleven! Eleven years in this rat-infested hole! But I'm getting out, and you'll still be stuck in here! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Imperial Prison Guard: "Oh yeah? And where will you go? Huh? What will you do? You can't survive out there, Dreth. You're an animal. You belong in that cage."
Valen Dreth: "I'll remember that when I'm lying on the beaches of Sumerset Isle [sic] with your wife, you Imperial pig!"
Imperial Prison Guard: "Right. And you'll be rich, too. Oh, and you'll become a king! You know what I think, Dreth? I think you'll be back. You lot always come back..."
Valen Dreth: "You'll see, you Imperial dog! When I get out of here, all of Tamriel will know my name! Valen Dreth! Valen Dreth!"
Imperial Prison Guard: "All right, all right. I'm tempted to let you out right now if you'll just shut up..."

After the guard has departed, Dreth will be yours for the killing. Instead of killing him right away, however, you can choose to have a 'fun' little chat with him just beforehand. Once he notices someone is near his cell, he will plead with them to release him:

"You've got to get me out of here! Come on, open the door!"

When he sees your face, he will immediately recognize you:

"Wait, I know you... You... You're the one! That day the Emperor was killed! They went through your cell! You lucky bastard! But... you came back? Come on, you've got to help me! Let old Valen out of this cell! You've got your freedom, now give me mine! What do you say, huh? Come on, friend!"

After this, you will have three dialogue options:

The Night Mother says goodbye.
"The Night Mo.... No! No! Guards! Help me! Somebody help! Assassin!"
You're going to die in here.
"What? You filthy little maggot! When I get out of here you're dead! You hear me? Dead!"
[Say nothing.]
"What's the matter with you, huh? You some kind of mute or something? I saw you escape, now you're crazy enough to come back?"

The first one will cause him to panic and try to flee. The other two will make him angry. If you speak to him again afterwards, he will angrily state:

"You dare torment me? Valen Dreth? Let me out of this cell, you fetid piece of Guar dung!" After this, he will become hostile and attack you, but he will be easy to kill.
