
Online:Blackwood Achievements

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Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Savior of Blackwood.png Savior of Blackwood 50 Complete quests, defeat bosses, and explore delves to become the Savior of Blackwood. Title: Savior of Blackwood
Marshnettle TitianMarshnettle Titian
ON-icon-achievement-Ill-Gotten Gains.png Blackwood Larcenist 15 At the Leyawiin Outlaws Refuge in Blackwood, receive 20,000 gold for fencing items.
ON-icon-misc-Skyshard.png Blackwood Skyshard Hunter 10 Discover all 18 Skyshards in the Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-DLC Master Angler.png Blackwood Master Angler 5 Catch all 12 rare fish in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate.png Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate 15 Acquire and use 50 Inscribed Shards.
ON-icon-achievement-Thrafey Debutante Gown.png Thrafey Debutante Gown 15 Acquire and use 50 Scaly Cloth Scraps.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Ancestral Akaviri Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Ancestral Akaviri style book, obtained by following antiquity leads that are occasionally found by opening treasure map chests.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Black Fin Legion Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Black Fin Legion style book, acquired by completing daily delve jobs in Blackwood.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Ivory Brigade Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Ivory Brigade style book, acquired by completing world boss daily jobs in Blackwood.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-A Friend to All.png A Friend to All 50 Gain the favor of Bastian Hallix and Mirri Elendis.
ON-icon-achievement-Brother-in-Arms.png Brother-in-Arms 15 Gain Bastian's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Bastian's Julianos Medallion
ON-icon-achievement-Bastian's Companion.png Bastian's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Bastian Hallix.
ON-icon-achievement-Bastian's Favor.png Bastian's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Bastian Hallix by completing specific tasks at his side.
ON-icon-achievement-Treasured Comrade.png Treasured Comrade 15 Gain Mirri's favor by completing the achievements and tasks listed below. Keepsake: Ancient Anticipations Idol
ON-icon-achievement-Mirri's Companion.png Mirri's Companion 10 Complete the companion quests for Mirri Elendis.
ON-icon-achievement-Mirri's Favor.png Mirri's Favor 10 Increase rapport with Mirri Elendis by completing specific tasks at her side.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Blackwood Master Explorer 15 Discover and clear all caves and striking locales in Blackwood. Xi-Tsei Stone Idol (page) 000040004,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Discover Locales.png Blackwood Pathfinder 10 Discover all the striking locales in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Leyawiin's Master Burglar.png Leyawiin's Master Burglar 10 Steal the Luxurious Lockbox from the Leyawiin Guard Tower.
ON-icon-achievement-Bane of the Sul-Xan.png Bane of the Sul-Xan 10 Destroy the Sul-Xan totems inside their encampments.
ON-icon-achievement-Most Admired.png Most Admired 10 Help the Adoring Admirer find his true goal.
ON-icon-achievement-Lost in the Wilds.png Lost in the Wilds 10 Follow the clues to track down a very precious treasure. Pet: Bog Dog (page)
ON-icon-achievement-Enticed by Magic.png Enticed by Magic 10 Draw power from the Ayleid wells of Blackwood.
Public Dungeons
ON-icon-achievement-The Silent Halls Conqueror.png The Silent Halls Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in the Silent Halls.
ON-icon-achievement-Silent Halls Group Event.png The Silent Halls Group Event 50 Defeat Warlord Iaza and his tribe of Sul-Xan warriors in the Silent Halls.
ON-icon-achievement-Zenithar's Abbey Conqueror.png Zenithar's Abbey Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Zenithar's Abbey.
ON-icon-achievement-Zenithar's Abbey Group Event.png Zenithar's Abbey Group Event 50 Defeat Ra'back the Trap Master in Zenithar's Abbey.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Blackwood Cave Delver 15 Explore and clear all six explorable caves in Blackwood. Deadlands Chandelier, Caged (page) 0001000010,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Arpenia Explorer 5 Explore and clear Arpenia.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Bloodrun Cave Explorer 5 Explore and clear Bloodrun Cave.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Doomvault Porcixid Explorer 5 Explore and clear Doomvault Porcixid.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Undertow Cavern Explorer 5 Explore and clear Undertow Cavern.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Vunalk Explorer 5 Explore and clear the ruins of Vunalk.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Xi-Tsei Explorer 5 Explore and clear Xi-Tsei.
World Bosses
ON-icon-achievement-Defender of Blackwood.png Defender of Blackwood 15 Defeat all six world bosses in Blackwood. Entwined Snakes, Crystal Holder (page) 0001200012,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Bull-Fighter.png Bull-Fighter 10 Defeat the Minotaurs Bhrum and Koska near Fort Blueblood.
ON-icon-achievement-Tongue-Taker.png Tongue-Taker 10 Kill the Goblin War Chief Zathmoz at the Toad-Tongue War Camp.
ON-icon-achievement-Sul-Xan Sacker.png Sul-Xan Sacker 10 Kill the Sul-Xan Ritualists at Sul-Xan Ritual Site.
ON-icon-achievement-Wart-Wacker.png Wart-Wacker 10 Defeat the death hopper, Old Deathwart, at Old Deathwart's Pond.
ON-icon-achievement-Havocrel Harrower.png Havocrel Harrower 10 Defeat Ghemvas the Harbinger at the Shattered Xanmeer.
ON-icon-achievement-Trophy-Taker's Taker.png Trophy-Taker's Taker 10 Defeat the Argonian Behemoth Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker at Xeemhok's Lagoon.
Oblivion Portals
ON-icon-achievement-Defender of the Plane.png Defender of the Plane 5 Enter 1 Oblivion Portal and destroy the antecedent cataclyst machine you find there.
ON-icon-achievement-Portal Punisher.png Portal Punisher 10 Enter 10 Oblivion Portals and destroy the antecedent cataclyst machines you find there.
ON-icon-achievement-Multiplanar Devastator.png Multiplanar Devastator 15 Enter 30 Oblivion Portals and destroy the antecedent cataclyst machines you find there.
ON-icon-achievement-Oblivion Obliterator.png Oblivion Obliterator 10 Defeat all the generals of the Oblivion Portals as they start their incursion.
ON-icon-achievement-Ruinach Rumble.png Ruinach Rumble 10 Defeat the Count of Cataclysms hidden in the Oblivion Portals.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Antiquarian Chase.png Antiquarian Chase: Blackwood 50 Acquire the Mythic Items discovered by the Antiquarian Circle during your adventures in Blackwood.
ON-icon-armor-Death Dealer's Fete.png Death Dealer's Fete 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Death Dealer's Fete, in Blackwood.
ON-icon-armor-Gaze of Sithis.png Gaze of Sithis 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Gaze of Sithis, in Blackwood.
ON-icon-armor-Harpooner's Wading Kilt.png Harpooner's Wading Kilt 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Harpooner's Wading Kilt, in Blackwood.
ON-icon-armor-Shapeshifter's Chain.png Shapeshifter's Chain 15 Acquire the Mythic Item, Shapeshifter's Chain, in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Tapestry.png Blackwood Tapestry 15 Find all the fragments in Blackwood and assemble the Blackwood Tapestry antiquity.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Grand Adventurer.png Blackwood Grand Adventurer 50 Complete 26 unique quests in Blackwood. Banner of Leyawiin (page) 0001200012,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Champion of Blackwood.png Champion of Blackwood 50 Investigate the threat against Blackwood and restore peace to the region. Title: Champion of Blackwood
Seal of the Ambitions (page) 0002500025,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Leyawiin Mercenary.png Leyawiin Mercenary 10 Complete "A Deadly Secret" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Investigator.png Blackwood Investigator 10 Complete "An Unexpected Adversary" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Ambition Acquirer.png Ambition Acquirer 10 Complete "A Hidden Vault" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Party Crasher.png Party Crasher 10 Complete "A Mysterious Event" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Ambition's Advocate.png Ambition's Advocate 10 Complete the "Weapons of Destruction" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Disaster Averter.png Disaster Averter 10 Complete the "Pyre of Ambition" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Daedric Dispeller.png Daedric Dispeller 10 Complete the "Heroes of Blackwood" quest in Blackwood.
ON-icon-achievement-Leyawiin Laborer.png Leyawiin Laborer 5 Complete 1 solo daily job for Deetum-Jas in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Leyawiin Agent.png Leyawiin Agent 10 Complete 10 solo daily jobs for Deetum-Jas in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Leyawiin Professional.png Leyawiin Professional 15 Complete 30 solo daily jobs for Deetum-Jas in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Monster Hunter.png Blackwood Monster Hunter 5 Complete 1 world boss daily job for Britta Silanus in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Monster Slayer.png Blackwood Monster Slayer 10 Complete 10 world boss daily jobs for Britta Silanus in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.
ON-icon-achievement-Blackwood Monster Exterminator.png Blackwood Monster Exterminator 15 Complete 30 world boss daily jobs for Britta Silanus in Leyawiin within the Blackwood zone.


Achievement Points Description Reward
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Sul-Xan Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Sul-Xan style book, acquired by defeating the final boss in Rockgrove.
Needed for Xalvakka's Bane
ON-icon-achievement-Xalvakka's Bane.png Xalvakka's Bane 50 Complete the listed achievements for Rockgrove. Title: Daedric Bane
Mount: Sul-Xan Fleshripper (page)
ON-icon-achievement-Rockgrove Completed.png Rockgrove Vanquisher 10 Defeat Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka in Rockgrove. Title: Defender of Rockgrove
Glenbridge GreenGlenbridge Green
Banner, Tattered Mehrunes Dagon (page) 0001200012,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Rockgrove Conqueror.png Rockgrove Conqueror 10 Defeat Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka in Veteran Rockgrove. Title: Ca-Uxith Warrior
Body Markings: Sul-Xan Raider Body Markings (page)
ON-icon-achievement-Rockgrove Vanquisher.png Xanmeer's Protector 50 Defeat Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Rockgrove, in one run. Title: Xalvakka's Scourge
Head Markings: Sul-Xan Raider Face Markings (page)
Inert Oblivion Gate (page) 0005000050,000 Gold
ON-icon-achievement-Time Trial Halls of Fabrication.png Rockgrove Sprinter 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Rockgrove. Your timer starts when you engage the first group of enemies. Defeating Basks-In-Snakes and the injured Sul-Xan Militants is not required for the completion.
ON-icon-achievement-Soul Savior.png Soul Savior 50 Defeat Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka along with all their hostile followers after raising the challenge banner for each of them, without suffering a group member death, within 30 minutes of entering Veteran Rockgrove. Defeating Basks-In-Snakes and the injured Sul-Xan Militants is not required for completion. Title: Planesbreaker
ON-icon-achievement-Sul-Xan Slayer.png Sul-Xan Slayer 10 Defeat 300 Sul-Xan in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Havocrel Slayer.png Havocrel Slayer 10 Defeat 100 Havocrel in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Turtle Soup.png Turtle Soup 10 Sacrifice the haj mota to the Grand Geyser in Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Light Stepper.png Light Stepper 10 Complete Rockgrove without a single party member triggering a deadly plant or a trap.
ON-icon-achievement-What is this Filth.png What is this Filth? 10 For every time that Noxious Sludge is cleansed, use all 4 cleansing pools to simultaneously remove it from 4 different infected party members, then defeat Oaxiltso in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Keep Your Distance.png Keep Your Distance 10 Avoid infecting any party member with Death Touch by a separate party member, then defeat Flame-Herald Bahsei in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Soul Bombardier.png Soul Bombardier 10 Use Purge Soul to feed 15 Corrupted Azureplasms until they explode during the fight with Xalvakka in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Behemoth Beleaguerer.png Behemoth Beleaguerer 15 Defeat Oaxiltso after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Slay the Messenger.png Slay the Messenger 15 Defeat Flame-Herald Bahsei after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Rockgrove.
ON-icon-achievement-Well-Oiled Machine.png Will of Stone 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to Oaxiltso, Flame-Herald Bahsei, and Xalvakka in Veteran Rockgrove without suffering a group member death. Defeating Basks-In-Snakes and the injured Sul-Xan Militants is not required for the completion.