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Online:Flame-Herald Bahsei

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Flame-Herald Bahsei
Location Rockgrove, Xanmeer Pinnacle
Race Naga Gender Female
Health Normal21,812,840Veteran65,201,356
Veteran123,882,576 (Hard Mode)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Sul-Xan
Condition Bone Goliath
Flame-Herald Bahsei
Bahsei before she transforms

Flame-Herald Bahsei is a Naga warrior-mage and member of the Sul-Xan tribe who can be found atop the Xanmeer Pinnacle in Rockgrove. She is the second boss of the trial. She is the leader of the forces that attacked Rockgrove.

Bahsei is a worshipper of Mehrunes Dagon and has opened an Oblivion Gate in an effort to summon Xalvakka to Tamriel. She has used her magic to harvest the souls of all who have died in the attack on the settlement, to be sacrificed to Xalvakka. When you confront her, she will transform into a Bone Goliath before the fight starts.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Twin Strikes
A double-hitting basic melee attack, dealing moderate physical damage.
Savage Blows
A double-hitting basic melee attack, dealing slightly more damage than "Twin Strikes".
Kiss of Death
Flame-Herald Bahsei swings with her magical scythe at targets, dealing high physical damage and staggering.
Rend Flesh
Flame-Herald Bahsei strikes a pose with her dual blades, before delivering a powerful overhead blow with her left blade, dealing massive physical damage. This can be blocked.
Skull Salvo
Flame-Herald Bahsei raises her sword up and shoots a volley of blue skulls at all targets in the arena, dealing high magical damage repeatedly. This can be interrupted.
Cursed Ground
Flame-Herald Bahsei conjures five runes in the arena near her, indicated by large red circles. Standing in a rune applies a curse that deals continuous high magical damage and, after 10 seconds, triggers a magical explosion which deals very high magical damage to the cursed target and nearby allies.
Cursed Wind
Flame-Herald Bahsei conjures three tornado of corrupted magic that swirl around the arena at targets, indicated by red circles. If touched by them, they apply the same curse as "Cursed Ground".
Meteor Swarm
When Flame-Herald Bahsei reaches 25% health, she triggers this execute-phase ability where she calls on a rain of meteors onto the arena, indicated by several large red circles, each dealing very high flame damage. Occasionally, one of them, after landing, turns into Prime Meteor, and if it isn't destroyed fast enough, it explodes, one-shotting nearby targets.
Summoning Runes
After "Cursed Ground" is used, two Flesh Abominations, as well as less-threatening Forgotten Archers, are summoned from the runes. Following the 55% health threshold, these summons cease, in favor of the summon right below.
Summon Behemoth
From 55% health threshold and onward, occasionally, a Fire Behemoth will rush out of the Oblivion portal.
Summon Specters
From 55% health threshold and onward, occasionally, Burning Specters will be summoned from the lava surrounding the arena.
Dagon's Wrath
From 55% health threshold and onward, moving walls of flames will occasionally run through the arena, starting from the lava surrounding the arena, each dealing high flame damage and knocking back. These don't have AoE indicators.


Idling before combat:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "I wonder if your souls are even worth the effort of tearing open your flesh?"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Waiting only hastens Xalvakka's arrival!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Xalvakka is only the first. Soon our lord's power shall cover the land!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Feel honored! You bear witness to the spark that will ignite it all."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "You have come so far. Attack! Let me tear soul from meat."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Destruction waits for you. Either now, or once Xalvakka arrives."

Starting combat:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "The time of Xalvakka draws near!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "I bring forth an unstoppable army!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "I will feed your souls to Xalvakka myself!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "None will be spared from her hunger!"

Summoning Flesh Abominations:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Come forth abomination!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "The power of my lord brings forth abominations!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Flesh and bone, muscle and sinew! Fight for me!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Abominable strength with no equal!"

Summoning Fire Behemoths:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Marvelous! Xalvakka sends her reinforcements!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Xalvakka favors me with gifts!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Arrivals from the other side! Attack!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "The armies of Xalvakka are endless!"

Fire meteors attack:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Burn the sky! Burn it all!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Let the burning fires consume you!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Succumb to my lord's burning flame!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Your flesh shall burn away!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Let flames rain down and burn the land!"


Flame-Herald Bahsei: "I shall take your skull as a keepsake!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Fire consume you!"

End of abomination phase (enter behemot phase

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "The wrath of Mehrunes Dagon melts away the unworthy!"

Summoning her Prime Meteors at 25% Health:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Mehrunes Dagon's fiery might will crush you from above!"

When she's defeated:

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "I happily offer my soul to Xalvakka …."

player dies?

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Fire consume you!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Such insignificant creatures."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "You were doomed from the start."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "You pose no threat to what awaits."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Xalvakka feasts on your soul!"

group wipe?

Flame-Herald Bahsei: "As expected. Nothing matches the power of destruction."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Ha. Merely ashes in the wind."
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Feed, great Xalvakka! Drink deep!"
Flame-Herald Bahsei: "Such weakness. Your souls are merely a snack for Xalvakka."
