Online:Repeatable Quests
There are 676 repeatable quests that can be completed by each of your characters. Some of these quests can only be completed once a day (commonly called daily quests or dailies) while others can be repeated as many times as wanted (commonly called repeatables). Repeatable quests are aimed at offering end-game characters an option for earning further rewards and experience. The specific details of each type are described below. Note that there is a cap of 50 repeatable quests that may be accepted and completed per character each day.
An alphabetical listing of all repeatable quests can be found in the category page. See also: Immediately Repeatable Quests.
- 1 Undaunted Pledges
- 2 Guild Daily Quests
- 3 Crafting Writs
- 4 Trials
- 5 Arenas
- 6 Craglorn Quests
- 7 Cyrodilic Collections
- 8 Northern Elsweyr Defense Force
- 9 Imperial City Quests
- 10 Wrothgar Quests
- 11 Thieves Guild Quests
- 12 Gold Coast Quests
- 13 Vvardenfell Quests
- 14 Clockwork City Quests
- 15 Summerset Quests
- 16 Murkmire Quests
- 17 Elsweyr Quests
- 18 Dragonhold Quests
- 19 Western Skyrim Quests
- 20 The Reach Quests
- 21 Blackwood Quests
- 22 Deadlands Quests
- 23 High Isle Quests
- 24 Galen Quests
- 25 Necrom Quests
- 26 West Weald Quests
- 27 Infinite Archive Quests
- 28 Cyrodiil Settlement Quests
- 29 Fighters Guild Bounty Quests
- 30 PvP Quests
- 31 Hadran's Caravan Quests
- 32 Event Quests
- 32.1 New Life Festival
- 32.2 Jester's Festival
- 32.3 Whitestrakes's Mayhem
- 32.4 Witches Festival
- 32.5 Dawn of the Dragonguard
- 32.6 Year One Celebration
- 32.7 Bounties of Blackwood
- 32.8 Daedric War Celebration Event
- 32.9 Set Sail for High Isle
- 32.10 Zeal of Zenithar
- 32.11 Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration
- 32.12 Secrets of the Telvanni
- 32.13 Gates of Oblivion Celebration
- 32.14 Fallen Leaves of West Weald
Undaunted Pledges[edit]
Undaunted Pledges are daily quests available at Undaunted Enclaves. You must be level 45 to receive a Normal pledge and level 50 to receive a Veteran pledge. Only one of each type of pledge is offered per day, although technically a pledge from a previous day can also be completed if it was obtained but not completed. For more information, including the pledge rotation order, see this page.
Maj al-Ragath's Pledges[edit]
Pledge: Darkshade Caverns I: Explore Darkshade Caverns I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Darkshade II: Explore Darkshade Caverns II and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Elden Hollow I: Explore Elden Hollow I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Elden Hollow II: Explore Elden Hollow II and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Fungal Grotto I: Explore Fungal Grotto I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Fungal Grotto II: Explore Fungal Grotto II and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Spindleclutch I: Explore Spindleclutch I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Spindleclutch II: Explore Spindleclutch II and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Banished Cells I: Explore the Banished Cells I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Banished Cells II: Explore The Banished Cells II and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Wayrest Sewers I: Explore Wayrest Sewers I and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Wayrest Sewers II: Explore Wayrest Sewers II and return Undaunted.
Glirion the Redbeard's Pledges[edit]
Pledge: Arx Corinium: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Arx Corinium.
Pledge: Blackheart Haven: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Blackheart Haven.
Pledge: Blessed Crucible: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Blessed Crucible.
Pledge: City of Ash I: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the City of Ash I.
Pledge: City of Ash II: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the City of Ash II.
Pledge: Crypt of Hearts I: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the Crypt of Hearts I.
Pledge: Crypt of Hearts II: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the Crypt of Hearts II.
Pledge: Direfrost Keep: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Direfrost Keep.
Pledge: Selene's Web: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Selene's Web.
Pledge: Tempest Island: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Tempest Island.
Pledge: Vaults of Madness: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the Vaults of Madness.
Pledge: Volenfell: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Volenfell.
Urgarlag Chief-bane's Pledges[edit]
Pledge: Cradle of Shadows
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the Cradle of Shadows.
Pledge: Imperial City Prison
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Imperial City Prison.
Pledge: Ruins of Mazzatun
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by conquering the Ruins of Mazzatun.
Pledge: White-Gold Tower
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing White-Gold Tower.
Pledge: Bloodroot Forge
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Bloodroot Forge.
Pledge: Falkreath Hold
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Falkreath Hold.
Pledge: Fang Lair
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Fang Lair.
Pledge: Scalecaller Peak
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Scalecaller Peak.
Pledge: March of Sacrifices
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the March of Sacrifices.
Pledge: Moon Hunter Keep
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing the Moon Hunter Keep.
Pledge: Depths of Malatar
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Depths of Malatar.
Pledge: Frostvault
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Frostvault.
Pledge: Lair of Maarselok
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by conquering Lair of Maarselok.
Pledge: Moongrave Fane
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by conquering Moongrave Fane.
Pledge: Icereach
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Icereach.
Pledge: Unhallowed Grave
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Unhallowed Grave.
Pledge: Castle Thorn
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Castle Thorn.
Pledge: Stone Garden
: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Stone Garden.
Pledge: Black Drake Villa
: Enter Black Drake Villa and return Undaunted.
Pledge: The Cauldron
: Enter the Cauldron and return Undaunted.
Pledge: The Dread Cellar
: Enter The Dread Cellar and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Red Petal Bastion
: Enter Red Petal Bastion and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Coral Aerie
: Enter Coral Aerie and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Shipwright's Regret
: Enter Shipwright's Regret and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Earthen Root Enclave
: Enter Earthen Root Enclave and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Graven Deep
: Explore Graven Deep and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Bal Sunnar
: Explore Bal Sunnar and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Scrivener's Hall
: Explore Scrivener's Hall and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Bedlam Veil
: Explore Bedlam Veil and return Undaunted.
Pledge: Oathsworn Pit
: Explore Oathsworn Pit and return Undaunted.
Guild Daily Quests[edit]
Fighters Guild Daily Quests[edit]
These are offered by Cardea Gallus, who can be found at the Fighters Guild Halls in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.
Dark Anchors in Alik'r Desert: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Alik'r Desert.
Dark Anchors in Auridon: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Auridon.
Dark Anchors in Bangkorai: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Bangkorai.
Dark Anchors in Deshaan: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Deshaan.
Dark Anchors in Eastmarch: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Eastmarch.
Dark Anchors in Glenumbra: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Glenumbra.
Dark Anchors in Grahtwood: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Grahtwood.
Dark Anchors in Greenshade: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Greenshade.
Dark Anchors in Malabal Tor: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Malabal Tor.
Dark Anchors in Reaper's March: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Reaper's March.
Dark Anchors in Rivenspire: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Rivenspire.
Dark Anchors in Shadowfen: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Shadowfen.
Dark Anchors in Stonefalls: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Stonefalls.
Dark Anchors in Stormhaven: Help destroy Dark Anchors in Stormhaven.
Dark Anchors in the Rift: Help destroy Dark Anchors in the Rift.
Mages Guild Daily Quests[edit]
These are offered by Alvur Baren, who can be found at the Mages Guild Halls in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.
Madness in Alik'r Desert: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Alik'r.
Madness in Auridon: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Auridon.
Madness in Bangkorai: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Bangkorai.
Madness in Deshaan: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Deshaan.
Madness in Eastmarch: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Eastmarch.
Madness in Glenumbra: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Glenumbra.
Madness in Grahtwood: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Grahtwood.
Madness in Greenshade: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Greenshade.
Madness in Malabal Tor: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Malabal Tor.
Madness in Reaper's March: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Reaper's March.
Madness in Rivenspire: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Rivenspire.
Madness in Shadowfen: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Shadowfen.
Madness in Stonefalls: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Stonefalls.
Madness in Stormhaven: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in Stormhaven.
Madness in the Rift: Help recover a relic of the Mad God in the Rift.
Undaunted Daily Quests[edit]
These are offered by Bolgrul, who can be found at the Undaunted Enclave in Elden Root (Grahtwood), Wayrest (Stormhaven), and Mournhold (Deshaan). One can be completed per day, and they can be shared with others.
Ancestor Wards in Deshaan: Contain the spirits by placing wards and killing the strongest.
Ancient Armaments in Bangkorai: Collect fragmented arms and lift the curse by defeating the Thief-Lord.
Ayleid Trinkets in Grahtwood: Collect Ayleid trinkets and defeat Raynia.
Culinary Justice in Greenshade: Extract justice from the leader of the Veiled Heritance in Naril Nagaia.
Cursed Baubles of Stormhaven: Return cursed items to a Daedra-infested ruin.
Darkness Blooms in Rivenspire: Prove your worth to Bolgrul by taking a bet in Orc's Finger Ruins.
Dwarven Relics of Stonefalls: Gather dwarven relics for a pair of interested patrons.
Give and Take in Shadowfen: Recover stolen relics from Atanaz Ruins.
Icy Intrigue in Eastmarch: Defeat Nomeg Chal and recover the Hidden Package in Chill Hollow.
Inflamed Pyres of The Rift: Light memorial pyres and defeat Jakalor in Shroud Hearth Barrow.
Mascot Theft in Reaper's March: Defeat the leader of the skooma peddlers and rescue a Bantam Guar mascot.
Molten Pearls of Alik'r Desert: Gather a molten pearl from a Dwemer ruin and prove your bravery.
Red Rook Ransack in Glenumbra: Pick a fight with the Red Rooks and retrieve the stolen heirlooms.
The Spirit Trap in Malabal Tor: Put the spirits of Shael Ruins to rest.
Veiled Darkness in Auridon: Banish Daedra in Mehrunes' Spite.
Crafting Writs[edit]
Crafting Writs are repeatable quests available to certified crafters. After the initial certification quest, a daily writ can be accepted from the relevant noticeboard in most major cities. Days for crafting writs reset at 10:00AM UTC (5:00AM EST or 6:00AM EDT, 2:00AM PST or 3:00AM PDT).
Consumables Crafting Writs[edit]
These are available from Consumables Crafting Writs Boards. Each writ can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Alchemist Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver alchemical products.
Enchanter Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver enchanting items.
Provisioner Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver provisioner items.
Equipment Crafting Writs[edit]
These are available from Equipment Crafting Writs Boards. Each writ can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Blacksmith Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver blacksmithing goods.
Clothier Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver clothing goods.
Jewelry Crafting Writ
: Fulfill a contract to deliver Jewelry Crafting goods.
Woodworker Writ: Fulfill a contract to deliver woodworking goods.
Master Writs[edit]
Sealed Master Writs may be awarded at the higher levels for completing normal crafting writs, and opening one will start a Master Writ quest. These can be completed as many times as you have collected Sealed Master Writs, and are not restricted in the number you can complete per day. You can only have one Master Writ quest active at one time, but you may have items for other writs pre-crafted before starting them, allowing you to turn in as many writs as you want in one visit. They cannot be shared with others.
A Masterful Concoction: Concoct a specific Alchemical product.
A Masterful Feast: Cook up a specific Provisioning product.
A Masterful Glyph: Craft a specific Enchanting glyph.
Masterful Leatherwear: Sew a specific Medium Armor.
A Masterful Plate: Forge a specific Heavy Armor.
A Masterful Shield: Construct a specific Shield.
Masterful Tailoring: Sew a specific Light Armor.
Masterful Jewelry
: Craft a specific piece of Jewelry.
A Masterful Weapon: Forge a specific metal Weapon.
A Masterful Weapon: Construct a specific wooden Weapon.
Holiday Writs[edit]
Deep Winter Charity Writs and Imperial Charity Writs are awarded for completing quests during the New Life Festival. These can be completed as many times as you have collected Deep Winter Charity Writs and Imperial Charity Writs, and are not restricted in the number you can complete per day. You can only have one Deep Winter Charity Writ and Imperial Charity Writ quest active at one time, but you may have items for other writs pre-crafted before starting them, allowing you to turn in as many writs as you want in one visit. They cannot be shared with others.
A Charitable Contribution: Create furnishings for the Orsinium Home for Displaced Children.
A Charitable Contribution: Create supplies for the Skaal and other people in the far north.
A Charitable Contribution: Create supplies for refugees displaced by the Three Banners War.
Trial quests can be repeated immediately, but will only provide loot containers once per week per character. They can be accepted at the entrance to the trial itself. Those in Craglorn are also offered at the Star-Gazer's Observatory.
Assaulting the Citadel: Launch an attack on the Celestial Warrior's stronghold.
The Fight for Kyne's Aegis
: Retake Kyne's Aegis from a Vampire Lord's army.
Forging the Future
: Stem the tide of fabricants before they overwhelm Tel Fyr.
Into the Maw
: Stop the dro-m'Athra from flooding into Tamriel.
Of Stone and Steam
: Save the souls of Rockgrove's fallen and drive back the Dagonite invaders.
The Knot Awaits
: Enter Lucent Citadel and steal the Arcane Knot.
The Mage's Tower: Defeat the Celestial Mage to save her from the Serpent.
The Oldest Ghost: Launch a direct assault on the Celestial Serpent.
The Return of Alkosh
: Defeat the Alkosh pretender and liberate the faithful of Sunspire.
Reavers of the Reef
: Drive the Dreadsail pirates from the Systres.
Saints' Mercy
: Neutralize a threat within the Asylum Sanctorium.
War Within
: Enter the Daedra-possessed mind of a wizard in Sanity's Edge.
Woe of the Welkynars
: Help a Gryphon Knight defeat a powerful Sea Sload sorceress and save Cloudrest.
Arena quests can be repeated immediately, but not all provide loot containers. They can be accepted at the entrance to the arena itself.
Maelstrom Arena
: Compete in an otherworldly Daedric arena.
Veteran Maelstrom Arena
: Compete in an otherworldly Daedric arena.
The Black Gauntlet
: Enter a deadly gauntlet held by the Blackguards of Blackrose Prison.
Vateshran's Rites
: Partake in a local clan's rite of passage.
Veteran Vateshran's Rites
: Face the challenges of the Vateshran Hollows.
Craglorn Quests[edit]
Almost all side quests in Craglorn can be repeated daily. This even extends to Quest Hubs, which can only be completed once in other zones. While you will earn Quest XP every time you complete the quest, you only get the extra Completion XP reward for the Quest Hub once.
Lower Craglorn[edit]
Critical Mass: Enter a giant obelisk and help stabilize its core.
The Fallen City of Shada: Cleanse the waters of Shada's Tear.
The Reason We Fight: Release an undead Nedic priest from his curse.
The Seeker's Archive: Uncover the secret in the ancient library.
Supreme Power: Free Elinhir from the Blackcaster Mages.
The Trials of Rahni'Za: Find out what has happened to the swordsmen at an elite Redguard training school.
Waters Run Foul: Release the researchers from the Nereid Queen's influence.
Upper Craglorn[edit]
The Blood of Nirn: Prevent the Scaled Court from acquiring a large supply of nirncrux.
The Gray Passage: Gain the Stars' favor by completing this pilgrimage.
Iron and Scales: Avenge the Iron Orcs by striking back at the Scaled Court's minion.
Souls of the Betrayed: Investigate a claim of necromancy and disturbed undead in Upper Craglorn.
Taken Alive: Find Scattered-Leaves' missing guards in the Valley of Scars.
The Truer Fangs: Assassinate three Satakal worshippers who converted to the Scaled Court.
Uncaged: Seal an ancient laboratory filled with angry Celestials.
Cyrodilic Collections[edit]
After completing the prologue for Murkmire, you will be able to assist Jee-Lar, a representative of the Cyrodilic Collections in preparing for expeditions into Black Marsh.
You can do one quest per day.
A Taste for Toxins: Capture a poison-eating lizard for Cyrodilic Collections' expeditions to Murkmire.
Anti-Venom Agitation: Create an anti-venom for Cyrodilic Collections' trips to Murkmire.
Bug Off!: Collect ingredients to make bug repellent candles for the expedition to Murkmire.
Reeling in Recruits: Help recruit new adventurers for Cyrodilic Collections' expeditions to Murkmire.
Salty Meats: Help gather food supplies for Cyrodilic Collections latest Murkmire expedition.
The Winds of Kyne: Supply accurate weather forecasts for Cyrodilic Collections' Murkmire expeditions.
Northern Elsweyr Defense Force[edit]
After completing the prologue for Elsweyr, you will be able to assist Zahari, a representative of the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in preparing their defense.
You can do one quest per day.
Dark Souls, Mighty Weapons: Collect Daedra souls for the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force.
Dragon Lore: Icehammer's Vault: Find a scroll in Icehammer's Vault that will help the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in their mission against the Dragons.
Dragon Lore: Shroud Hearth: Find a scroll in Shroud Hearth Barrow that will help the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in their mission against the Dragons.
Dragon Lore: Stormcrag Crypt: Find a scroll in Stormcrag Crypt that will help the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force in their mission against the Dragons.
Goblin Demonstration: Show a Northern Elsweyr Defense Force recruit how to combat goblins.
Lamia Demonstration: Show a Northern Elsweyr Defense Force recruit how to combat lamia.
Lurcher Demonstration: Show a Northern Elsweyr Defense Force recruit how to combat lurchers.
Skeleton Demonstration: Show a Northern Elsweyr Defense Force recruit how to combat skeletons.
Spider Demonstration: Show a Northern Elsweyr Defense Force recruit how to combat spiders.
Imperial City Quests
In the Imperial City, daily quests will be offered in each of the six Districts. Originally this required completion of the quest The Sublime Brazier, but this prerequisite was removed in Update 26.
Dousing the Fires of Industry
: Halt Legion Zero's production of siege weaponry. (Elven Gardens District)
Historical Accuracy
: Help an archivist preserve Imperial documents. (Arboretum)
The Lifeblood of an Empire
: Rescue Imperial citizens from the Daedra. (Arena District)
Priceless Treasures
: Place a ward on the Temple of the One's treasured artifacts. (Temple District)
Speaking For The Dead
: Create an undead spy network to keep an eye on the Worm Cultists. (Memorial District)
Watch Your Step
: Set traps for ogrim in the Nobles District. (Nobles District)
Wrothgar Quests
There are two types of daily repeatable quests in Wrothgar.
These are given by Arzorag in Skalar's Hostel and involve defeating World Bosses in Wrothgar. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Heresy of Ignorance
: Stop the Worm Cult from summoning a terrible champion.
Meat for the Masses
: Get supplies for the workers rebuilding Orsinium.
Nature's Bounty
: Cleanse the corruption that is blighting the Wrothgar wilderness.
Reeking of Foul Play
: Deal with the Riekrs who are raiding caravans.
Scholarly Salvage
: Find the pages of a scholar's lost work and deal with a mad ogre.
Snow and Steam
: Deal with some dangerous Dwarven machines.
These are given by Guruzug in Morkul Stronghold and involve exploring Delves in Wrothgar. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Breakfast of the Bizarre
: Collect strange eggs in Coldperch Cavern for a client.
Fire in the Hold
: Deal with the bandits in Watcher's Hold.
Free Spirits
: Set free the spirits trapped by the evil sorcerer Gorlar the Dark.
Getting a Bellyful
: Obtain special durzog feed from Nikolvara's Kennel for an interested client.
Parts of the Whole
: Collect data on the constructs of Zthenganaz.
The Skin Trade
: Collect werewolf pelts for a client in Argent Mine.
Thieves Guild Quests
Larceny quests are repeatable quests offered in the Thieves Den to members of the Thieves Guild. Heists are unlocked only after reaching the requisite rank in the Thieves Guild skill line. Larceny quests are the only way to continue gaining Reputation with the guild once you've exhausted the story content, which is needed to max out the skill line. Delve quests can be done whenever desired.
Guild Jobs[edit]
These are given by the Tip Board in the Thieves Den and involve going to all base-game, non-starter, and non-PvP zones and involve thievery. They are repeatable immediately and cannot be shared with others.
The Covetous Countess
: Pilfer and launder sentimental objects for a wealthy patron.
Crime Spree
: Commit a series of conspicuous safebox robberies.
Idle Hands
: Send laborers a gentle reminder to pay their protection dues.
Plucking Fingers
: Remind entertainers that they don't work without the Guild's permission.
Under Our Thumb
: 'Encourage' law-abiding citizens to mind their own business.
These quests will take you to instanced heist areas with the goal of obtaining stolen goods and can be completed solo or in a group. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other four.
Heist: Deadhollow Halls
: Recover some Daedric idols stashed away in Deadhollow Halls.
Heist: Glittering Grotto
: Appropriate some rare gems hidden inside the Glittering Grotto.
Heist: The Hideaway
: Recover some treasures stashed in The Hideaway.
Heist: Secluded Sewers
: Appropriate some treasures stashed in the Secluded Sewers.
Heist: Underground Sepulcher
: Appropriate some treasures hidden away in the Underground Sepulcher.
These are given by the Reacquisitions Board in the Thieves Den and involve exploring Delves or World Bosses in Hew's Bane. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other three.
The Lost Pearls
: Retrieve an old silver pendant that once belonged to a patron's wife.
Memories of Youth
: Recover a lost engagement ring.
The Sailor's Pipe
: Recover an old sailor's favorite wooden pipe.
Thrall Cove
: Retrieve a captain's spyglass and rescue his captured crewmen.
Gold Coast Quests
Three different types of repeatable quests are available in the Gold Coast as part of the Dark Brotherhood DLC. Contract and Sacrament quests are offered to members of the Dark Brotherhood, while Bounty quests are available in the zone's two major cities, Kvatch and Anvil.
Dark Brotherhood Contracts[edit]
These are given by the Marked for Death ledger in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and involve assassinating a target and involve going to all base-game, non-starter, and non-PvP zones to perform assassinations. The introductory quest Contract: Kvatch is excluded from this list since it can only be done once. They are repeatable immediately and cannot be shared with others.
Contract: Alik'r Desert: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Alik'r Desert Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Auridon: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Auridon Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Bangkorai: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Bangkorai Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Deshaan: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Deshaan Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Eastmarch: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Eastmarch Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Glenumbra: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Glenumbra Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Gold Coast Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Grahtwood: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Grahtwood Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Greenshade: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Greenshade Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Malabal Tor: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Malabal Tor Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Reaper's March: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Reaper's March Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Rivenspire: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Rivenspire Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Shadowfen: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Shadowfen Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Stonefalls: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Stonefalls Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Stormhaven: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: Stormhaven Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: The Rift: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Contract: The Rift Spree: Carry out a contract on behalf of the Dark Brotherhood.
Dark Brotherhood Sacraments[edit]
These are given by Speaker Terenus in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and involve assassinating a target in an instanced area. One can be obtained per day and they cannot be shared.
Sacrament: Smuggler's Den
: Carry out a contract at a smugglers' den.
Sacrament: Sewer Tenement
: Carry out a contract in an inhabited sewer system.
Sacrament: Trader's Cove
: Carry out a contract at a secluded cove.
These are given by the Bounty Board in Kvatch and involve defeating World Bosses in the Gold Coast. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.
Looming Shadows
: Recover ancient relics found in the ruins of Fort Faleria.
The Roar of the Crowds
: Defeat a Kvatch Arena champion.
These are given by Bounty Board in Anvil and involve exploring Delves in the Gold Coast. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain another one.
Buried Evil
: Avenge the fallen warriors in Hrota Cave.
The Common Good
: Kill a dangerous beast which has been smuggled to the Gold Coast from Craglorn.
Vvardenfell Quests
There are four types of daily repeatable quests in Vvardenfell. Beleru Omoril and Traylan Omoril in the Vivec City Hall of Justice give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests (after you have completed A Call For Aid), and Numani-Rasi and Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar in Ald'ruhn give out Relic and Hunt quests (after you have completed Ancestral Ties and Ashlander Relations).
These are given by the Beleru Omoril in the Hall of Justice and involve defeating World Bosses in Vvardenfell. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
The Anxious Apprentice
: Stop a mad mage's experiment before it causes any more harm.
A Creeping Hunger
: Kill a hunger so that researchers can access a ruin.
Culling the Swarm
: Kill the excess kwama of Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine and defeat the Queen's Consort.
Oxen Free
: Collect unique mushroom samples and kill a dangerous nix-ox.
Salothan's Curse
: Banish the lingering spirits of a distressed war council.
Siren's Song
: Defeat a powerful nereid and recover cargo from a wreckage.
These are given by Traylan Omoril in the Hall of Justice and involve exploring Delves in Vvardenfell. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Daedric Disruptions
: Prevent Worm Cultists from completing their Daedra summoning rituals.
Kwama Conundrum
: Investigate a new breed of kwama.
Planting Misinformation
: Disrupt a moon-sugar grow operation by planting false instructions.
Tax Deduction
: Recover stolen taxes from a bandit den.
Tribal Troubles
: Collect several pieces of Dwarven scrap for the Ashlanders of Zainab.
Unsettled Syndicate
: Disrupt the Camonna Tong's slave trading activities at Khartag Point.
These are given by Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar in Ald'ruhn and involve hunting a unique version of Vvardenfell's creatures (and returning with a trophy). One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.
Ash-Eater Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a dire ash beetle.
Great Zexxin Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a deadly nix-ox.
King Razor-Tusk Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a powerful kagouti.
Mother Jagged-Claw Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a giant mudcrab.
Old Stomper Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a crazed cliff strider.
Tarra-Suj Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a deadly nix-hound.
Writhing Sveeth Hunt
: Accept the Erabenimsun Tribe's challenge and hunt a deadly greater hive golem.
These are given by Numani-Rasi in Ald'ruhn and involve going to a Daedric ruin and recovering its relics. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.
Relics of Ashalmawia
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Ashurnabitashpi
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Assarnatamat
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Dushariran
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Ebernanit
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Maelkashishi
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Relics of Yasammidan
: Help recover historical relics from a Daedric ruin.
Clockwork City Quests
There are four types of daily quests given out in the Clockwork City. The Clockwork Facilitator and Novice Holli in the Brass Fortress give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, respectively. Razgurug and the Bursar of Tributes in Slag Town give out the Tarnished and Blackfeather Court quests, respectively.
These are given by the Clockwork Facilitator in the Brass Fortress and involve defeating World Bosses in the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.
A Fine-Feathered Foe
: Defeat the Wraith-of-Crows and other Daedric incursions in Clockwork City's Radius.
Inciting the Imperfect
: Defeat the Imperfect and gather its lost sequence plaques.
These are given by Novice Holli in the Brass Fortress and involve exploring Delves in the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Changing the Filters
: Replace water filters in the Halls of Regulation.
Oiling the Fans
: Oil a ventilation fan within the Halls of Regulation.
Replacing the Commutators
: Replace brass commutators in the Halls of Regulation.
Again Into the Shadows
: Help the Clockwork Apostles to find a missing Mages Guild member.
A Shadow Malfunction
: Find Initiate Favar and complete his analysis.
A Shadow Misplaced
: Find Novice Oscard and gather his notes.
These quests are given out by Razgurug in Slag Town and involve performing various tasks at gathering nodes throughout the Clockwork City. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
A Bitter Pill
: Gather Herbalist's Satchels to assist the people of Slag Town.
A Daily Grind
: Gather flash stone and metal pellets for the residents of Slag Town.
A Sticky Solution
: Gather fabricated husk and counterfeit coal to assist the people of Slag Town.
Enchanted Accumulation
: Gather runestones and runelights to aid the residents of Slag Town in the Brass Fortress.
Fuel for our Fires
: Gather synthetic oils and skimmer mesh to aid the residents of Slag Town in the Brass Fortress.
Loose Strands
: Gather metal strands and artificial lodestones to aid the residents of Slag Town.
Blackfeather Court[edit]
These quests are given out by the Bursar of Tributes in Slag Town and involve finding certain items to give to the Blackfeather Court
Glitter and Gleam
: Retrieve ornate trinkets for the Blackfeather Court.
A Matter of Leisure
: Steal trinkets of leisure for the Blackfeather Court to play with.
A Matter of Respect
: Retrieve cookware and dishes for the Blackfeather Court.
A Matter of Tributes
: Retrieve cosmetics and grooming supplies for the Blackfeather Court.
Morsels and Pecks
: Scavenge items of flesh for the Blackfeather Court.
Nibbles and Bits
: Scavenge hides, husks, and carapaces for the Bursar of Tributes.
Summerset Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Summerset. Justiciar Farowel and Justiciar Tanorian at Rinmawen's Plaza in Alinor give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Battlereeve Tanerline at the Plaza of the Hand gives out Abyssal Geyser quests (after you have completed The Abyssal Cabal).
These are given by Justiciar Farowel at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve defeating World Bosses in Summerset. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
The Abyssal Alchemist
: Clear out Welenkin Cove and eliminate the Sea Sload B'Korgen.
Birds of a Feather
: Defeat Haeliata and Nagravia and collect their feathers.
Never Forgotten
: Defeat Graveld and collect four Scrolls of Oath.
Run Aground
: Kill Keelsplitter and recover intelligence logs.
The Sickening Sea
: Collect coral crab eggs and defeat the Queen of the Reef.
Taming the Wild
: Kill Caanerin and restrain her spirit.
These are given by Justiciar Tanorian at Rinmawen's Plaza and involve exploring Delves in Summerset. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Culling Serpents
: Curb a growing reef viper population threatening Summerset's mainland.
Pilgrimage's End
: Recover articles of faith for the cult of Phynaster.
Relic Runaround
: Recover several relics and collect plans from the Sagacians.
A Rose's Beauty
: Collect several blossoms of the Rose-of-Archon flower for Sapiarchs.
Snuffing Out the Light
: Burn heretical scriptures and destroy Daedric cocoons in Eton Nir Grotto.
Struck from Memory
: Recover and seal away forbidden tomes.
Abyssal Geysers[edit]
These are given by Battlereeve Tanerline at the Plaza of the Hand and involve completing Summerset's Abyssal Geysers. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Sinking Summerset
: Destroy an abyssal geyser.
Murkmire Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Murkmire. Bolu and Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, respectively. Tuwul in Root-Whisper Village gives out the Root-Whisper dailies (after you have completed By River and Root).
These are given by Bolu in Lilmoth and involve defeating World Bosses in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Grave Circumstances
: Banish a necromancer on behalf of the Naga-Kur.
Grave Expectations
: Purge the corrupted roots of Bok-Xul on behalf of the Naga-Kur.
Grave Mementos
: Banish a necromancer and collect the bones of fallen Naga-Kur warriors.
Old Baubles
: Kill a powerful miregaunt and collect some antiquities.
Old Enemies
: Kill a powerful miregaunt and burn some supply caches.
Old Growth
: Kill a powerful miregaunt and gather some nightbloom vine for the Naga-Kur.
These are given by Varo Hosidias in Lilmoth and involve exploring Murkmire's Delves in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Antique Armor
: Salvage old Imperial armor for Cyrodilic Collections.
Grave Subject Matter
: Collect the remains of sacrifices from an old temple.
Old Scrolls
: An Imperial patron has requested the retrieval of intelligence from the ancient Ninth Legion.
Sacred Candles
: An Imperial patron wishes to carry out a benevolent Argonian rite for long-dead soldiers of the Ninth Legion.
Tools of Slaughter
: Recover ritual objects from a temple to Sithis.
The Weight of Words
: Retrieve the writings of Sithis for further study.
These are given by Tuwul in Root-Whisper Village and require completion of By River and Root. They involve completing a variety of tasks in the delves and overland in Murkmire. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Aloe That Heals
: Collect some aloe plants for the Root-Whisper tribe healers.
Envoys Who Cower
: Search for the missing Root-Whisper envoys in Blackguard Caravan.
Leather That Protects
: Gather some hackwing hides for the Root-Whisper warriors and hunters.
Mushrooms That Nourish
: Collect some mushrooms from Blight Bog Sump.
Offerings That Hide
: Retrieve some stolen offerings for the Root-Whisper tribe.
Elsweyr Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Northern Elsweyr. Nisuzi and Ri'hirr at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Battlereeve Tanerline gives out Dragon World Events quests.
These are given by Ri'hirr at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen and involve defeating World Bosses in Northern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
A Dastardly Duo
: Kill a notorious bandit duo and destroy their cache of contraband goods.
A Waking Nightmare
: Vanquish a powerful dro-m'Athra and return ancient urns to their resting places
Another Day, Another Death
: Kill a powerful necromancer near Orcrest and confiscate his gruesome totems.
Sword of the Serpent
: Kill Sword Master Vhysradue and recover relics from her fallen challengers.
The Senche of Decay
: Kill a dastardly necromancer that is building an army.
The Traders' Terror
: Dispose of a terror bird at Talon Gulch that has been terrorizing moon-sugar traders across Northern Elsweyr.
These are given by Nisuzi at the Job Brokers' tent in Rimmen and involve exploring Delves in Northern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Dousing the Daedric Flame
: Douse daedric braziers to stop cultists from summoning hoards of Daedra.
Rifling Through Ruins
: Bring back enchanted items for a Baandari peddler.
The Hungry Cat's Favor
: Bless ancient altars with blood to gain Hircine's favor.
The Serpent's Stampede
: Break the enchantment on some ancient relics in a tomb full of treasure.
Tangled Tea Leaves
: Harvest Tea Leaves from the Tangle.
Wisdom in the Winds
: Rescue ancient scrolls from Euraxia's troops within the Desert Wind Caverns.
Dragon World Events[edit]
These are given by Battlereeve Tanerline and involve Dragon World Events. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Dragon Hunt
: Hunt down a dragon spotted near their hunting grounds.
Dragonhold Quests
There are four types of daily repeatable quests in Southern Elsweyr. Bruccius Baenius and Guybert Flaubert at the Merchant Square in Senchal give out the Bounty and Exploratory quests, and Chizbari the Chipper and Dirge Truptor at the Dragonguard Sanctum give out the Dragon Hunt and New Moon quests.
These are given by Bruccius Baenius at the Merchant Square in Senchal and involve defeating World Bosses in Southern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
A Rogue and His Rice
: Recover stolen rice from Ri'Atahrashi and his students.
Goutfang Pariah
: Learn the reason for Ri'Atahrashi's exile.
Helping the Healers
: Fetch springmint from a hill guarded by angry Goutfang practitioners.
Dust Smote
: Collect magical dust from a temple inhabited by a powerful Meridian Guardian.
Fletching Fetching
: Retrieve arrows from a dangerous Meridian temple.
Scholarly Observations
: Gather scattered notes detailing a mysterious Meridian temple.
These are given by Guybert Flaubert at the Merchant Square in Senchal and involve exploring Delves in Southern Elsweyr. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Solace By Candlelight
: Quiet the restless dead in the Forsaken Citadel.
Sourcing the Ensorcelled
: Acquire cursed swords from the Forsaken Citadel.
Lilies for Remembrance
: Plant lilies in a cave overrun by pirates.
An Answer in Blood
: Collect blood samples from skooma addicts in Moonlit Cove.
Tomes of the Tsaesci
: Search for sealed Akaviri tomes in the Forsaken Citadel.
Moonlit Mushrooms
: Collect mushrooms in a cave overrun by pirates.
Dragon Hunts[edit]
These are given by Chizbari the Chipper at the Dragonguard Sanctum and involve Dragon World Events. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
The Dragonguard's Quarry
: Help the Dragonguard cull the Dragons in Southern Elsweyr.
New Moon[edit]
These are given by Dirge Truptor at the Dragonguard Sanctum and involve fighting against the New Moon at various locations throughout Tamriel. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
File Under D
: Retrieve Dragonguard scrolls from the Reliquary of Stars.
Sticks and Bones
: Stop the Order of the New Moon and the Worm Cult from forging an unholy alliance.
Rude Awakening
: Stop the Order of the New Moon from recruiting in Stormhaven.
Taking Them to Tusk
: Disrupt the Order of the New Moon's courier to the Oathbound clan.
Digging Up the Garden
: Investigate rumors of an Akaviri burial at the Corpse Garden.
A Lonely Grave
: Find a lost Akaviri grave in a distant cave.
Western Skyrim Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Western Skyrim that can be acquired in Solitude. Hidaver gives out the Bounty quests, Tinzen gives out the Exploratory quests, and Swordthane Jylta gives out the Harrowstorm quests.
These are given by Hidaver in Solitude and involve defeating World Bosses in Western Skyrim or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.
Circle of Cheaters
: Help the Swords of Solitude rid the Circle of Champions of a cheater.
Feasting in the Dark
: Help the Shields of Solitude in cleansing a vampire feeding ground.
Lost Along the Shore
: Help the Swords of Solitude with a threat from the northern seas.
Moonlight Kidnapping
: Deal with some goat-rustling werewolves for the Swords of Solitude.
Mother of Shadows
: Defeat a legend come to life and cleanse her corruption.
Problem Growth
: Clear Blackreach of a dangerous self-repairing Dwarven Colossus.
These are given by Tinzen in Solitude and involve exploring Delves in Western Skyrim or Blackreach.One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other one.
Dwemer Disassembly
: Help a researcher gather Dwemer items from the Scraps.
Precious Bark
: Harvest bark from Shadowgreen for an alchemist.
The Preservation of Life
: Collect preserved organs from Dragonhome.
The Strength of Giants
: Help Tinzen test his alchemy recipe.
Spiritual Release
: Investigate a buried barrow.
A Trail Gone Cold
: Assist with an anthropological study of an unknown tribe within Chillwind Depths.
These are given by Swordthane Jylta in Solitude and involve defeating Harrowstorms in Western Skyrim or Blackreach. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Halt the Harrowstorms
: Help liberate Skyrim from the Icereach Coven's threat by disrupting Harrowstorms.
The Reach Quests
There are four types of daily repeatable quests in The Reach that can be acquired in Markarth. Gwenyfe gives out the Bounty quests, Bralthahawn gives out the Exploratory quests, and Swordthane Jylta gives out the Harrowstorm quests.
These are given by Gwenyfe in Markarth and involve defeating World Bosses in The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Discarded Treasures
: Gather scrap metal discarded by a Dwemer construct.
Namira's Perversions
: Rescue captives and interrupt a witch's ritual.
Ruptures in the Reach
: Close tears in the fabric of reality for the Ard's Stonehands.
The Scholar's Request
: Conduct an experiment on Dwarven spiders at Sentinel Point.
Guides to the Deep
: Destroy a massive Dwarven construct in Blackreach.
Notes of the Void
: Retrieve notes detailing a dangerous ritual for the Stonehands to dispose of.
These are given by Bralthahawn in Markarth and involve exploring Delves in The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Unhatched Menace
: Destroy an egg that is in the possession of a mad mage.
Wild Talismans
: Recover lost talismans from Briar Rock Ruins.
What's Hers is Ours
: Retrieve a totem from Briar Rock Ruins on behalf of the Wildblood clan.
Magic Mycology
: Gather mushrooms for the clans.
The Tainted Briarheart
: Stop a wicked ritual from finishing.
Strange Contamination
: Gather fungal mold samples for mages to study.
These are given by Nelldena in Markarth and involve defeating Harrowstorms in The Reach or Blackreach. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Halt the Harrowstorms
: Aid Reachfolk in stopping the Gray Host's machinations by disrupting Harrowstorms.
Wayward Guardian[edit]
These are given by Ardanir in Markarth and involve assorted quest locations all across The Reach or Blackreach. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other six.
Alone in the Dark
: Help Reachfolk exiles escape the Falmer.
Defenders of the Reach
: Wipe out remnants of the Gray Host.
Remnants of the Deep Folk
: Recover Dwarven scrap to arm the Wayward Guardians.
The Language of the Night
: Salvage the ancient language of the Nighthollow Clan.
The Light of Arkthzand
: Salvage gemstones from Dwarven constructs.
The Lost Shrine
: Cleanse a shrine at Lost Valley Redoubt.
To Burn Away Evil
: Recover silver to use against the Gray Host.
Blackwood Quests
There are two types of daily repeatable quests in Blackwood that can be acquired in Leyawiin. Britta Silanus gives out the Bounty quests and Deetum-Jas gives out the Exploratory quests.
These are given by Britta Silanus in Leyawiin and involve defeating World Bosses in Blackwood. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
A Reign of Frogs
: Defeat Old Deathwart and gather singing frogs.
Call of the Ruinach
: Defeat Ghemvas the Harbinger and anoint the bodies of its victims with sanctifying oil.
Goblin Research
: Defeat War Chief Zathmoz at the Toad-Tongue encampment and retrieve the researcher's lost notes.
Legend of the Man-Bull
: Defeat the twin Minotaurs Bhrum and Koska, and retrieve the heirlooms unearthed by the unlucky scholars.
Rites of the Sul-Xan
: Defeat the Sul-Xan ritualists and rescue the captives.
The Trophy-Taker
: Defeat Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker and retrieve tokens from his fallen challengers.
These are given by Deetum-Jas in Leyawiin and involve exploring Delves in Blackwood. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
A Proper Blessing
: Gather ingredients for an Argonian ritual.
Beauty Amid Danger
: Scout out the interior of a Daedric ruin in search of poetic inspiration.
Breaking the Chain
: Disrupt Sul-Xan sacrifices at Xi-Tsei.
Conflict of Interest
: Determine the fate of Daedric crow eggs.
Insect Savior
: Save a rare species of torchbug from potential extinction.
Shadow Tactics
: Enter an ancient Dark Brotherhood burial site and destroy documents for the Morag Tong.
Deadlands Quests
There are two types of daily repeatable quests in The Deadlands that can be acquired in Fargrave. Vaveli Indavel gives out the Bounty quests and Luna Beriel gives out the Exploratory quests.
These are given by Vaveli Indavel in Fargrave and involve defeating World Bosses in the Deadlands. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Dangerous Business
: Kill the Unmaker and retrieve daedric treasures.
Retrieval Gone Awry
: Kill the mantikora Taupezu Azzida and destroy liminal rods at the Abomination Cradle.
Unmaker's Hoard
: Kill the Unmaker and retrieve daedric equipment.
Careless Contamination
: Kill the mantikora Taupezu Azzida and collect samples at The Abomination Cradle.
A Paralyzing Lesson
: Kill the mantikora Taupezu Azzida and free prisoners at the Abomination Cradle.
The Mind's Eye
: Kill the Unmaker and place seeing stones in the Den of the Unmaker.
These are given by Luna Beriel in Fargrave and involve exploring Delves in the Deadlands and Fargrave. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Clandestine Communications
: Deliver messages to Gleaners dead drop sites in the Blood Pit.
A Discreet Pickup
: Retrieve goods from the Shambles for the Gleaners.
Forgotten Grave Goods
: Retrieve valuables from False Martyrs' Folly for The Gleaners.
Propaganda Suppressed
: Destroy Waking Flame propaganda in the Brandfire Reformatory.
Flowers in the Folly
: Gather healing plants from False Martyrs' Folly.
Brandfire Reformatory Relics
: Gather relics from the Brandfire Reformatory.
High Isle Quests
There are five types of daily repeatable quests in High Isle that can be acquired in Gonfalon Bay. Parisse Plouff gives out the Bounty quests, Wayllod gives out the Exploratory quests, and Druid Peeska gives out the Volcanic Vents quests. Kishka the Broker and Marunji the Broker are both found in the Gonfalon Gaming Hall, and give out Tales of Tribute quests.
These are given by Parisse Plouff in Gonfalon Bay and involve defeating World Bosses in High Isle. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Ascendant Shadows
: Slay two Ascendant Order leaders, and free some prisoners.
Avarice of the Eldertide
: Stop the encroachment of Eldertide theurges.
The Sable Knight
: Defeat an ancient Soulrazer Knight.
The Serpent Caller
: Slay a Maormer devotee of Satakal.
A Special Reagent
: Obtain ingredients from molting Hadolids.
Wildhorn's Wrath
: Kill a dangerous faun lord.
These are given by Wayllod in Gonfalon Bay and involve exploring Delves in High Isle. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Arcane Research
: Aid a researcher collect information on the Firepot's vents.
Druidic Research
: Aid a researcher collect information on Eldertide druid magic.
A Final Peace
: Recover the skulls of fallen knights at Death's Valor Keep.
Pirate Problems
: Destroy crates containing the uniforms of the three alliances.
Prison Problems
: Find out what happened to the prisoners on Whalefall.
Seek and Destroy
: Destroy supplies stolen by Hadolids.
Volcanic Vents[edit]
There are two with the same name offered by Druid Peeska in Gonfalon Bay and involve completing High Isle's Volcanic Vents. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Venting the Threat
: Disrupt a Volcanic Vent on High Isle.
Tales of Tribute[edit]
These are given by Kishka the Broker in Gonfalon Gaming Hall and involve defeating other NPCs in Tales of Tribute. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Cards Across the Continent
: Win 1-3 Tribute matches vs. NPCs in specified cities across Tamriel.
These are given by Marunji the Broker in Gonfalon Gaming Hall and involve defeating other players in Tales of Tribute. Only one can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Dueling Tributes
: Win 1-3 Tribute Matches Against a Fellow Player.
Galen Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in Galen that can be acquired in Vastyr. Druid Gastoc gives out the Bounty quests, Juline Courcelles gives out the Exploratory quests, and Druid Aishabeh gives out the Volcanic Vents quests.
These are given by Druid Gastoc in Vastyr and involve defeating World Bosses in Galen. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Sunflower Stamina
: Gather giant sunflowers from a dangerous valley.
Three-Pronged Approach
: Defeat a chimera and gather chimera components.
A Wailing Wood
: Rescue hirelings from dangerous valley.
Recovered Relics
: Defeat a chimera and gather druidic relics.
The Moth Study
: Gather some moths for study from the Valley of the Watcher.
Shrines on Shaky Ground
: Defeat a chimera and restore Stonelore shrines.
These are given by Juline Courcelles in Vastyr and involve exploring Delves in Galen. One can be obtained per day, however, you may group with other players to obtain the other five.
Flower Fancier
: Collect kingsblood blossoms in Fauns' Thicket.
Helpful Handbills
: Put up handbills in Llanshara.
Volcanic Virtuoso
: Sketch the beauty of a local cave system.
Radiant Souvenirs
: Gather volcanic cores in Embervine for souvenirs.
Marking the Path
: Mark the trial through Y'ffre's Path.
Critter Capture
: Gather adorable critters from Fauns' Thicket.
Volcanic Vents[edit]
These are given by Druid Aishabeh in Vastyr and involve completing Galen's Volcanic Vents. Only one for this zone can be completed per day, however, you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Imminent Hazard
: Disrupt a Volcanic Vent on Galen.
Necrom Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha that can be acquired in the city of Necrom. Ordinator Nelyn gives out the Bounty quests, Ordinator Tilena gives out the Exploratory quests, and Ordinator Tandasea gives out the Bastion Nymic world event quests.
These are given by Ordinator Nelyn in the city of Necrom and involve defeating World Bosses on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.
An Ancient Omniscience
: Obtain knowledge by defeating a powerful Seeker.
Arcane Residue
: Defeat a Runemaster on behalf of Lord Vivec.
Breaking the Chains
: Break up an illegal fight ring.
Devourer of Dreams
: Rescue some investigators and defeat a powerful Dremora.
Reenactment Gone Awry
: Collect the personal effects of Buoyant Armigers who fell to a powerful Lurker.
Tracking Nightmares
: Recover notes from the den of the Walking Nightmare.
These are given by Ordinator Tilena in the city of Necrom and involve exploring Delves on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.
Bound in Secrecy
: Gather materials from Quires Wind.
Egg Raider
: Gather kwama eggs from Anchre Egg Mine.
Manifesting Hope
: Gather ancient ship manifests for the Ordinators.
Secret Protection
: Help the Ordinators protect their secrets.
Secrets Reclaimed
: Recover secret books from Hermaeus Mora.
Snatch and Run
: Retrieve stolen goods for the Ordinators.
Bastion Nymic[edit]
These are given by Ordinator Tandasea in the city of Necrom and involve defeating enemies of Hermaeus Mora in Bastion Nymic, a stronghold in Apocrypha. Only one of each type can be completed per day, though you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Bastion Nymic - Fallen Hues
: Enter Bastion Nymic and defeat Hermaeus Mora's enemies.
Bastion Nymic - Fungal Downs
: Enter Bastion Nymic and defeat Hermaeus Mora's enemies.
Bastion Nymic - Glasscrag
: Enter Bastion Nymic and defeat Hermaeus Mora's enemies.
Bastion Nymic - Writhing Wastes
: Enter Bastion Nymic and defeat Hermaeus Mora's enemies.
West Weald Quests
There are three types of daily repeatable quests in the West Weald that can be acquired in the city of Skingrad. Lieutenant Agrance gives out the Bounty quests, Commandant Salerius gives out the Exploratory quests, and Legionary Jaida gives out the Mirrormoor Incursion world event quests.
These are given by Lieutenant Agrance in the city of Skingrad and involve defeating World Bosses in the West Weald. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.
Baleful Bluffs
: Defeat a unique creature in the southeast.
: Defeat a unique creature in the far north.
Hazardous Waters
: Defeat a creature haunting a lake.
Recollection Rendezvous
: Aid the Legion by defeating leaders of the Recollection.
Spinning Out
: Survive the illusory mushrooms and defeat Spinner Urthrendir.
Training Camp
: Defeat the fierce tharrikers and burn their training supplies.
These are given by Commandant Salerius in the city of Skingrad and involve exploring Delves in the West Weald. One can be obtained per day, though you may group with other players to obtain the others.
A Calamitous Error
: Destroy misprinted gala invitations to prevent a diplomatic disaster.
A Study in Tharriker
: Recover claws, fangs, feathers and eggshells from tharrikers in Fyrelight Cave.
Loan Recall
: Make good on an old loan and recover missing tools.
Ruinous Evaluation
: Investigate mysterious necromancy in Nonungalo.
Trinkets from the Reach
: Recover ancient Reachfolk trinkets for a diplomat.
Venom Hunt
: Brave the crystalline mysteries of Legion's Rest.
Mirrormoor Incursion[edit]
These are given by Legionary Jaida in the city of Skingrad and involve destroying Mirrormoor Incursions. Only one of each type can be completed per day, though you may group with other players to get a repeat of this quest.
Mirrormoor Incursions
: Disrupt a Mirrormoor Incursion.
Infinite Archive Quests[edit]
There are four daily repeatable quests in the Infinite Archive. They can be completed once per day, and can be done either solo or with a partner. One is given by Master Malkhest in the Infinite Archive Index Chamber, and the other is given by Destozuno after completing Restoring the Resurrected. Esalinwe has two quests, one of which can be done per day.
Replication Elimination
: Enter the Infinite Archive and defeat the Tho'at Replicanum.
Restorer of Theories: Help Destozuno with finding pages of the "Theories on Apocrypha".
Infinite Avenger: Fabled: Kill Fabled enemies within the Infinite Archive.
Infinite Avenger: Marauder: Kill a Marauder enemy within the Infinite Archive.
Cyrodiil Settlement Quests[edit]
Although not all PvE quests in Cyrodiil are repeatable, those found in the zone's major settlements can all be completed daily. Each of the below can be completed once per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
These are offered by Grigerda and Hjorik.
Dangerously Low: Salvage medical supplies around Bruma.
Capstone Caps: Recover mushrooms from Capstone Cave.
Lost and Alone: Search for villagers around Bruma.
The Standing Stones: Harness ancient magic for healing scrolls.
Enemy Reinforcements: Track down Daedric reinforcements.
Know thy Enemy: Fight Dremora in Bruma.
Requests for Aid: Bring supplies to the outskirts of Bruma.
Bring Down the Magister: Kill the magister of the Shadowed Path.
The Unseen: Close portals in the manor house in Bruma.
Timely Intervention: Look for missing warriors in Bruma.
These are offered by Sylvian Herius and Vyctoria Girien.
Thorns in Our Side: Recover stolen valuables from a gang of looters.
Spice: Destroy the Legion's food stores in Cheydinhal.
Prisoners of War: Rescue rebel soldiers from Legion imprisonment.
The Burned Estate: Stop the Shadowed Path from summoning atronachs.
Ayleid Treasure: Loot an Ayleid relic from Vahtacen.
Bloodied Waters: Take out enemy archers in Cheydinhal.
Keepsake: Recover a rebel's family heirloom from the Great Chapel of Arkay.
A Debt Come Due: Kill an Imperial lieutenant in Cheydinhal.
Stacking the Odds: Contact a rebel spy in Cheydinhal.
For Piety's Sake: Deliver prayers to a dangerous shrine.
Chorrol and Weynon Priory[edit]
These are offered by Lliae the Quick and Mael.
Death to the Black Daggers!: Kill the Black Daggers in Hackdirt.
Guard Work is Never Done: Return Captain Minwe's spirit to rest at Narsinfel.
Field of Fire: Help protect Chorrol from the atronachs pouring out of the lava fissure.
The High Cost of Lying: Turn the tables at a Black Dagger ambush.
The Cache: Restock a supply cache for Lliae the Quick.
Abominations: Burn the bodies of two Weynon villagers before they rise as vampires.
Claw of Akatosh: Recover the Claw of Akatosh from the Black Daggers.
Overdue Supplies: Locate the missing Priory courier.
The Lich: Destroy the Shadowed Path lich at Lindai.
Black Dagger Supplies: Poison the local bandit group.
These are offered by Prefect Antias and Ufgra gra-Gum. Although the quest Goblin's Delight is also needed for the Cropsford Adventurer achievement, it is not repeatable.
Seeds of Hope: Enter the lair of the Bloody Hand goblins in search of seeds.
Offerings to Zenithar: Persuade the villagers to give offerings to Zenithar.
Harvest Time: Help collect produce for the people of Cropsford.
The Dead of Culotte: Cull the undead that gather at Culotte.
Crown Point: Light a nearby watchtower to cheer up the people of Cropsford.
Bloody Hand Spies!: Kill a goblin skirmisher spotted scouting near Cropsford.
The Hedoran Estate: Investigate a destroyed manor that was overrun by bandits.
Securing Knowledge: Hide books in preparation for a goblin attack.
Timberscar Troubles: Kill the goblin leader at a nearby camp.
These are offered by Nelerien and Jurana.
The Direct Approach: Help weaken a dangerous cult.
Death to the Crone: Help destroy a dangerous Dremora.
An Evil Presence: Find the source of the undead near Vlastarus.
Bear Essentials: Kill a bear that has been threatening Vlastarus.
Mementos: Recover refugees' stolen property.
Rock Bone Diplomacy: Clear out a camp of goblins.
For a Friend: Help settle a restless spirit.
Essence of Flame: Help clear an Ayleid ruin of flame atronachs.
Silver Scales: Gather materials for a local artist.
Fighters Guild Bounty Quests[edit]
These quests are available at your Alliance's Border Keeps once you've unlocked the Bounty Hunter passive skill in the Fighters Guild skill line. One can be completed per day, and they cannot be shared with others.
Bounty: Black Daggers: Kill bandits for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild.
Bounty: Goblins: Kill goblins for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild.
Bounty: Gray Vipers: Kill bandits for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild.
Bounty: Shadowed Path: Kill necromancers for the Cyrodiil Fighters Guild.
PvP Quests[edit]
The below are all repeatable if the ownership conditions are met and cannot be shared with others.
Battle Missions[edit]
These are given by the Battle Mission Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
Capture Alessia Farm: Capture Alessia Farm for your alliance.
Capture Alessia Lumbermill: Capture Alessia Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Alessia Mine: Capture Alessia Mine for your alliance.
Capture Aleswell Farm: Capture Aleswell Farm for your alliance.
Capture Aleswell Lumbermill: Capture Aleswell Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Aleswell Mine: Capture Aleswell Mine for your alliance.
Capture Arrius Farm: Capture Arrius Farm for your alliance.
Capture Arrius Lumbermill: Capture Arrius Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Arrius Mine: Capture Arrius Mine for your alliance.
Capture Ash Farm: Capture Ash Farm for your alliance.
Capture Ash Lumbermill: Capture Ash Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Ash Mine: Capture Ash Mine for your alliance.
Capture Black Boot Farm: Capture Black Boot Farm for your alliance.
Capture Black Boot Lumbermill: Capture Black Boot Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Black Boot Mine: Capture Black Boot Mine for your alliance.
Capture Bloodmayne Farm: Capture Bloodmayne Farm for your alliance.
Capture Bloodmayne Lumbermill: Capture Bloodmayne Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Bloodmayne Mine: Capture Bloodmayne Mine for your alliance.
Capture Blue Road Farm: Capture Blue Road Farm for your alliance.
Capture Blue Road Lumbermill: Capture Blue Road Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Blue Road Mine: Capture Blue Road Mine for your alliance.
Capture Brindle Farm: Capture Brindle Farm for your alliance.
Capture Brindle Lumbermill: Capture Brindle Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Brindle Mine: Capture Brindle Mine for your alliance.
Capture Chalman Farm: Capture Chalman Farm for your alliance.
Capture Chalman Lumbermill: Capture Chalman Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Chalman Mine: Capture Chalman Mine for your alliance.
Capture Dragonclaw Farm: Capture Dragonclaw Farm for your alliance.
Capture Dragonclaw Lumbermill: Capture Dragonclaw Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Dragonclaw Mine: Capture Dragonclaw Mine for your alliance.
Capture Drakelowe Farm: Capture Drakelowe Farm for your alliance.
Capture Drakelowe Lumbermill: Capture Drakelowe Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Drakelowe Mine: Capture Drakelowe Mine for your alliance.
Capture Faregyl Farm: Capture Faregyl Farm for your alliance.
Capture Faregyl Lumbermill: Capture Faregyl Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Faregyl Mine: Capture Faregyl Mine for your alliance.
Capture Farragut Farm: Capture Farragut Farm for your alliance.
Capture Farragut Lumbermill: Capture Farragut Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Farragut Mine: Capture Farragut Mine for your alliance.
Capture Glademist Farm: Capture Glademist Farm for your alliance.
Capture Glademist Lumbermill: Capture Glademist Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Glademist Mine: Capture Glademist Mine for your alliance.
Capture Kingscrest Farm: Capture Kingscrest Farm for your alliance.
Capture Kingscrest Lumbermill: Capture Kingscrest Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Kingscrest Mine: Capture Kingscrest Mine for your alliance.
Capture Rayles Farm: Capture Rayles Farm for your alliance.
Capture Rayles Lumbermill: Capture Rayles Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Rayles Mine: Capture Rayles Mine for your alliance.
Capture Roebeck Farm: Capture Roebeck Farm for your alliance.
Capture Roebeck Lumbermill: Capture Roebeck Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Roebeck Mine: Capture Roebeck Mine for your alliance.
Capture Warden Farm: Capture Warden Farm for your alliance.
Capture Warden Lumbermill: Capture Warden Lumbermill for your alliance.
Capture Warden Mine: Capture Warden Mine for your alliance.
Bounty Missions[edit]
These are given by the Bounty Mission Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
Kill Enemy Dragonknights: Kill enemy Dragonknights across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Necromancers: Kill enemy Necromancers across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Nightblades: Kill enemy Nightblades across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Players: Kill enemy soldiers across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Sorcerers: Kill enemy Sorcerers across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Templars: Kill enemy Templars across Cyrodiil.
Kill Enemy Wardens: Kill enemy Wardens across Cyrodiil.
Conquest Missions[edit]
These are given by the Conquest Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
Capture All 3 Towns: Capture the three major towns in Cyrodiil for your Alliance.
Capture Any Nine Resources: Capture nine different resources for your Alliance.
Capture Any Three Keeps: Capture any three Keeps in Cyrodiil for your Alliance.
Kill 150 Enemy Players: Kill 150 Enemy Players.
Scouting Missions[edit]
These are given by the Scouting Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
Scout Alessia Farm: Report on the defenses of Alessia Farm.
Scout Alessia Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Alessia Lumbermill.
Scout Alessia Mine: Report on the defenses of Alessia Mine.
Scout Aleswell Farm: Report on the defenses of Aleswell Farm.
Scout Aleswell Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Aleswell Lumbermill.
Scout Aleswell Mine: Report on the defenses of Aleswell Mine.
Scout Arrius Farm: Report on the defenses of Arrius Farm.
Scout Arrius Keep: Report on the defenses of Arrius Keep.
Scout Arrius Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Arrius Lumbermill.
Scout Arrius Mine: Report on the defenses of Arrius Mine.
Scout Ash Farm: Report on the defenses of Ash Farm.
Scout Ash Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Ash Lumbermill.
Scout Ash Mine: Report on the defenses of Ash Mine.
Scout Black Boot Farm: Report on the defenses of Black Boot Farm.
Scout Black Boot Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Black Boot Lumbermill.
Scout Black Boot Mine: Report on the defenses of Black Boot Mine.
Scout Bloodmayne Farm: Report on the defenses of Boodmayne Farm.
Scout Bloodmayne Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Bloodmayne Lumbermill.
Scout Bloodmayne Mine: Report on the defenses of Bloodmayne Mine.
Scout Blue Road Farm: Report on the defenses of Blue Road Farm.
Scout Blue Road Keep: Report on the defenses of Blue Road Keep.
Scout Blue Road Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Blue Road Lumbermill.
Scout Blue Road Mine: Report on the defenses of Blue Road Mine.
Scout Brindle Farm: Report on the defenses of Brindle Farm.
Scout Brindle Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Brindle Lumbermill.
Scout Brindle Mine: Report on the defenses of Brindle Mine.
Scout Castle Alessia: Report on the defenses of Castle Alessia.
Scout Castle Black Boot: Report on the defenses of Castle Black Boot.
Scout Castle Bloodmayne: Report on the defenses of Castle Bloodmayne.
Scout Castle Brindle: Report on the defenses of Castle Brindle.
Scout Castle Faregyl: Report on the defenses of Castle Faregyl.
Scout Castle Roebeck: Report on the defenses of Castle Roebeck.
Scout Chalman Farm: Report on the defenses of Chalman Farm.
Scout Chalman Keep: Report on the defenses of Chalman Keep.
Scout Chalman Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Chalman Lumbermill.
Scout Chalman Mine: Report on the defenses of Chalman Mine.
Scout Dragonclaw Farm: Report on the defenses of Dragonclaw Farm.
Scout Dragonclaw Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Dragonclaw Lumbermill.
Scout Dragonclaw Mine: Report on the defenses of Dragonclaw Mine.
Scout Drakelowe Farm: Report on the defenses of Drakelowe Farm.
Scout Drakelowe Keep: Report on the defenses of Drakelowe Keep.
Scout Drakelowe Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Drakelowe Lumbermill.
Scout Drakelowe Mine: Report on the defenses of Drakelowe Mine.
Scout Faregyl Farm: Report on the defenses of Faregyl Farm.
Scout Faregyl Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Faregyl Lumbermill.
Scout Faregyl Mine: Report on the defenses of Faregyl Mine.
Scout Farragut Farm: Report on the defenses of Farragut Farm.
Scout Farragut Keep: Report on the defenses of Farragut Keep.
Scout Farragut Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Farragut Lumbermill.
Scout Farragut Mine: Report on the defenses of Farragut Mine.
Scout Fort Aleswell: Report on the defenses of Fort Aleswell.
Scout Fort Ash: Report on the defenses of Fort Ash.
Scout Fort Dragonclaw: Report on the defenses of Fort Dragonclaw.
Scout Fort Glademist: Report on the defenses of Fort Glademist.
Scout Fort Rayles: Report on the defenses of Fort Rayles.
Scout Fort Warden: Report on the defenses of Fort Warden.
Scout Glademist Farm: Report on the defenses of Glademist Farm.
Scout Glademist Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Glademist Lumbermill.
Scout Glademist Mine: Report on the defenses of Glademist Mine.
Scout Kingscrest Farm: Report on the defenses of Kingscrest Farm.
Scout Kingscrest Keep: Report on the defenses of Kingscrest Keep.
Scout Kingscrest Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Kingscrest Lumbermill.
Scout Kingscrest Mine: Report on the defenses of Kingscrest Mine.
Scout Rayles Farm: Report on the defenses of Rayles Farm.
Scout Rayles Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Rayles Lumbermill.
Scout Rayles Mine: Report on the defenses of Rayles Mine.
Scout Roebeck Farm: Report on the defenses of Roebeck Farm.
Scout Roebeck Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Roebeck Lumbermill.
Scout Roebeck Mine: Report on the defenses of Roebeck Mine.
Scout Warden Farm: Report on the defenses of Warden Farm.
Scout Warden Lumbermill: Report on the defenses of Warden Lumbermill.
Scout Warden Mine: Report on the defenses of Warden Mine.
Warfront Missions[edit]
These are given by the Warfront Missions Board in either the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
Capture Castle Alessia: Help capture Castle Alessia for your alliance.
Capture Castle Black Boot: Help capture Castle Black Boot for your alliance.
Capture Castle Bloodmayne: Help capture Castle Bloodmayne for your alliance.
Capture Castle Brindle: Help capture Castle Brindle for your alliance.
Capture Castle Faregyl: Help capture Castle Faregyl for your alliance.
Capture Castle Roebeck: Help capture Castle Roebeck for your alliance.
Capture Fort Aleswell: Help capture Fort Aleswell for your alliance.
Capture Fort Ash: Help capture Fort Ash for your alliance.
Capture Fort Dragonclaw: Help capture Fort Dragonclaw for your alliance.
Capture Fort Glademist: Help capture Fort Glademist for your alliance.
Capture Fort Rayles: Help capture Fort Rayles for your alliance.
Capture Fort Warden: Help capture Fort Warden for your alliance.
Capture Arrius Keep: Help capture Arrius Keep for your alliance.
Capture Blue Road Keep: Help capture Blue Road Keep for your alliance.
Capture Chalman Keep: Help capture Chalman Keep for your alliance.
Capture Drakelowe Keep: Help capture Drakelowe Keep for your alliance.
Capture Farragut Keep: Help capture Farragut Keep for your alliance.
Capture Kingscrest Keep: Help capture Kingscrest Keep for your alliance.
Elder Scrolls Missions[edit]
These are given by Grand Warlord Sorcalin in the Eastern Elsweyr Gate for Dominion players, Grand Warlord Dortene in the Southern High Rock Gate for Covenant players, or Grand Warlord Zimmeron in the Northern Morrowind Gate for Pact players.
The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma: Capture the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma.
The Elder Scroll of Altadoon: Capture the Elder Scroll of Altadoon.
The Elder Scroll of Chim: Capture the Elder Scroll of Chim.
The Elder Scroll of Ghartok: Capture the Elder Scroll of Ghartok.
The Elder Scroll of Mnem: Capture the Elder Scroll of Mnem.
The Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk: Capture the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk.
Battlegrounds Missions[edit]
These are given by Battlemaster Rivyn, who can be found at any of the Gladiator's Quarters in Alinor, Daggerfall, Davon's Watch, Gonfalon Bay, Leyawiin, Rimmen, Solitude, Vivec City, or Vulkhel Guard, or at any of the three Battlegrounds found on Vvardenfell.
Let the Games Begin
: Participate in five Battlegrounds matches.
Test of Mettle
: Earn one thousand Medal Points in a Battleground.
To the Victor
: Win up to three Battlegrounds matches.
Hadran's Caravan Quests[edit]
These carnival games can be repeatedly completed at Hadran's Caravan in Reaper's March, although there is no reason to do so outside of the related quest. They cannot be shared with others.
Lizard Racing: Watch the lizard races at Hadran's Caravan.
Spikeball: Take part in Spikeball at Hadran's Caravan.
Troll Arena: Watch the troll fighting at Hadran's Caravan.
Event Quests[edit]
These event quests are repeatable, but can only be completed while the event is live.
New Life Festival[edit]
These quests were given by Breda south of Windhelm after you've completed the introductory quest. They can all be completed daily.
Castle Charm Challenge: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Bretons of Alcaire.
Fish Boon Feast: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Argonians of Hissmir.
Lava Foot Stomp: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Dunmer of Stonefalls.
Mud Ball Merriment: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Bosmer of Skywatch.
Old Life Observance: Participate in the Old Life remembrance ceremony.
Signal Fire Sprint: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Redguards of Bergama.
Snow Bear Plunge: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Nords of Eastmarch.
Stonetooth Bash: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Orcs of Betnikh.
The Trial of Five-Clawed Guile: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Khajiit of Rawl'kha.
War Orphan's Sojourn: Celebrate the New Life Festival with the Altmer of Haven.
Jester's Festival[edit]
These quests were available during the Jester's Festival once you've completed the introductory quest. One quest is available from each of the three jesters: Jester King Emeric northeast of Daggerfall, Jester King Jorunn south of Ebonheart, and Jester Queen Ayrenn north of Vulkhel Guard. They can all be completed daily.
Royal Revelry: Create and set loose some magical sparklers for your "king".
A Noble Guest: Steal away the "king's betrothed" to join his feast.
Springtime Flair: Cheer up Auridon's locals on behalf of your "queen".
A Foe Most Porcine (quest): Perform feats of Porcine Pugilism at the Festival Arena.
Prankster's Carnival: Help an Argonian prank her friends during the Jester's Festival.
The King's Spoils: Collect mudcrab apples in the Festival Arena during a fight for a Brewer.
Getting the Band Together: Liven up the Jester's Festival with Daedric concert.
Whitestrakes's Mayhem[edit]
These quests were given when speaking to Predicant Maera in Cyrodiil at any gate garrison or at the Battlegrounds camps. It can be completed once per event.
Whitestrake's Mayhem: Join the celebration of Pelinal's great victory.
Witches Festival[edit]
These quests were given using a Crow Caller or speaking to Witchmother Taerma in Olyve's Brewery. They can be completed daily.
Plucking the Crow: Save Tamriel from the Crowborne Horror.
The Witchmother's Bargain: Perform a Witches Festival summoning ritual.
Dawn of the Dragonguard[edit]
This quest was available during the Dawn of the Dragonguard event. It can be completed daily.
Dawn of the Dragonguard: Slay a Dragon at a Dragonscour in Northern or Southern Elsweyr.(disabled)
Year One Celebration[edit]
This quest was available during the Year One Celebration. It can be completed once per event.
Sand, Snow, and Blood: Complete tasks in Craglorn, Wrothgar, and Imperial City for limited-time rewards.(disabled)
Bounties of Blackwood[edit]
This quest was available during the Bounties of Blackwood. It can be completed once per event.
Bounties of Blackwood(disabled): Complete tasks in Blackwood for limited-time rewards.
Daedric War Celebration Event[edit]
This quest was available during the Daedric War Celebration Event. It can be completed once per event.
Guidance for Guides: Complete tasks in Vvardenfell, Summerset, Artaeum, and Clockwork City for limited-time rewards.(disabled)
Set Sail for High Isle[edit]
This quest was available during the Set Sail for High Isle. It can be completed daily.
The Island Tour: Help an enterprising noble with his new business venture.(disabled)
Zeal of Zenithar[edit]
These quests were available during the Zeal of Zenithar. One can be completed daily, and the other once per event.
Honest Toil: Dedicate a day of honest work to the god of commerce.
The Unrefusable Offer: Retrieve the blessed awl from bandits and save the festival.
Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration[edit]
This quest was available during the Dark Heart of Skyrim Celebration. It can be completed once per event.
Bloody Reunion: Mel Adrys is on the hunt for a particular vampire in Western Skyrim.(disabled)
Secrets of the Telvanni[edit]
These quests were available during the Secrets of the Telvanni event. One can be completed daily, and the others once per event.
The Cost of Knowledge(disabled): Recover relics to help free a Telvanni master.
The Telvanni Secret(disabled): Witness the triumph of Master Faras.
Turn the Page(disabled): Gather pages from a mysterious tome.
Gates of Oblivion Celebration[edit]
These quests were available during the Gates of Oblivion Celebration. It can be completed once per event.
Burdensome Beasts
: Daedric creatures from Plokun's menagerie run wild across Blackwood.
Fallen Leaves of West Weald[edit]
These quests were available during the Fallen Leaves of West Weald. It can be completed daily.
Fallen Leaves of West Weald
: Gather Ayleid relics for a Dawnway researcher.