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Online:Jester's Festival

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A Jester's Festival tent

The Jester's Festival is a holiday event that typically takes place in the month of March and April. During this event players can obtain a 100% XP buff and the opportunity to acquire a collection of Jester-themed items. The festival also has a special quest associated with it, named The Jester's Festival, which repeats every year. A notable feature of the event is the inclusion of Jester's Festival Boxes — special reward containers that grant players various event-themed items.

For background information on the festival, see the lore page.

Jester's Festival Box[edit]

ON-icon-container-Jester's Festival Box.png
This box contains odds and sundries intended to delight Jester's Festival celebrants.

For completing the first festival quest each day, you will receive one Stupendous Jester's Festival Box while the following quests that day each reward a Jester's Festival Box. Each Gift Box contains a selection of items related to the Jester's Festival while the Stupendous one contains the new arrivals. This includes unique recipes, furnishings, or collectibles. All of these items can be traded with other players. Rewards vary slightly each year as detailed below.


Jester's Festival Boxes can be obtained as a quest reward from one of the jester leaders at the Jester's Festival tent. Each quest can be completed once a day, granting a maximum of seven boxes per day, per character:

Added in 2021
Added in 2022

Completing all three Jester given activities unlocks the Lord of Misrule / Lady of Misrule achievement.

Jester's Festival 2025[edit]

"Spread cheer and chaos in equal measure to receive raucous rewards during this year’s Jester’s Festival in-game event!"
Jester's Festival 2025

The 2025 Jester's Festival will run from March 27 to April 3, 2025.

New Items[edit]

Jester's Festival 2024[edit]

"Abandon rationality and unleash your inner harlequin during this year's Jester's Festival in-game event!"
Jester's Festival 2024

The 2024 Jester's Festival ran from March 28 to April 4, 2024. For the first time, the 100% XP buff was shared passively among participants and no longer required the Pie of Misrule memento.

New Items[edit]

Event Boxes[edit]

  • Stupendous Jester's Festival Box was obtained once a day, and had a chance to contain Style Pages including the new Jester's Seeker Suit style, along with an assortment of festival-related items. Subsequent dailies awarded a regular Jester's Festival Box which might contain a style page from a previous year.

Event Tickets[edit]

  • You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day (24 total) during this event by completing a Jester's Festival daily quest.
  • The Impresario sells the following, including the final Planemeld's Master fragment (Seething Censer) for the first time:
    • All 3 Fragments for the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet
    • All 3 Fragments for the Planemeld's Master body and face markings
    • Bound pages for the Jester's Seeker Suit style
    • Bound Fragments for the Jester's Minstrel Daedroth costume
  • Nenulaure will offer the following for tickets during the event:
    • Nascent Indrik Feathers
    • Dawnwood Indrik Berries
    • Spectral Indrik Berries
    • Springtide Indrik Pet
    • Haunting Indrik Pet
  • The Impresario's Assistant will offer the following for tickets during the event:
    • Unstable Morpholith pet fragments
    • Doomchar Plateau house fragments

Jester's Festival 2023[edit]

"Spread mirth and mayhem across all of Tamriel with the return of the Jester's Festival in-game event."
Jester's Festival 2023

The 2023 Jester's Festival ran from March 29th to April 6th, 2023.

New Items[edit]

Event Boxes[edit]

  • Stupendous Jester's Festival Box was obtained once a day, and had a chance to contain Style Pages, along with an assortment of festival-related items. Subsequent dailies awarded a regular Jester's Festival Box.
  • Fragments for the Jester's Daedroth Suit are available from both kinds of boxes. Combining ten fragments together will grant you the Memento.

Event Tickets[edit]

  • You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event by completing a Jester's Festival daily quest.
  • The Impresario sells all three fragments of both the Passion Dancer Blossom pet collectible and Passion's Muse Personality, along with Bound pages of the Broom and Bucket outfit styles. Additionally, she will have fragments for the Jester's Daedroth Suit.
  • 3 Fragments for the Passion Dancer Blossom pet collectible
    • Chartreuse Lily Petals
    • Enchanted Silver Flute
    • Mystical Sheet Music
  • 3 Pieces of the Passion's Muse Personality
    • Bottle of Silver Mist
    • Delicate Dancer's Baton
    • Pressed Lily Petal Insoles
  • Runebox Fragments to create the Jester's Daedroth Suit
    • Scrap of Minstrel's Cloth x 10 to create

Jester's Festival 2022[edit]

"That spectacular time of year has come around once again: friends and foes alike come together, don the mask of the Harlequin, and commemorate all things absurd!"
Jester's Festival 2022

The 2022 Jester's Festival ran from March 31 to April 7, 2022. It introduced a new event quest, Getting the Band Together. It also added the new Cadwell's Surprise Box. memento (obtained by combining five Revelry Shard fragments) and Second Seed style pages. The third and final fragment for the Scales of Akatosh skin was made available from the Impresario for the first time during this event.

New Items[edit]

Event Boxes[edit]

  • Stupendous Jester's Festival Box can be obtained once a day, and have a chance to contain pages for the Second Seed outfit style, along with an assortment of festival-related items. Subsequent dailies will instead award a regular Jester's Festival Box.
  • Fragments for Cadwell's Surprise Box are available from both kinds of boxes. Combining five fragments together will grant you the Memento.

Event Tickets[edit]

  • You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event by completing a Jester's Festival daily quest.
  • The Impresario sells all three fragments of both the Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet and Scales of Akatosh skin, along with pages of the Second Seed outfit style. Additionally, she will have fragments for Cadwell's Surprise Box.

Jester's Festival 2021[edit]

"Publicize the pointless and the preposterous with a pretend party sure to perplex the pretentious and the pessimistic but please your puerile peers who profess a passion for playfulness and princely porcine prizes."
Jester's Festival 2021

The 2021 Jester's Festival ran from March 25 to April 1, 2021. An important change from last year is the introduction of three new daily quests for the event which are as follows:

The first daily event quest you completed rewarded you the Stupendous Jester's Festival Box and ordinary reward boxes for the following quests. Along with the rewards from the previous years, this year introduced Regal Regalia Outfit Style Pages and fragments for the Playful Prankster's Surprise Box memento. You could receive 00000033Event Tickets for the first daily event quest you completed per day. The Impresario introduced the third Deadlands Scorcher Skin fragment—the Rune-Scribed Daedra Veil—during this event. This was the only time you could get it as the next event introduced a new set of fragments. The Impresario's other wares included bound Regal Regalia style pages and fragments for the Sovereign Sow.

Crown Store Exclusives[edit]

During the Jester's Festival, the Crown Store introduced the Regal Regalia weapons set, the Day of Release Roisterer costume and the Regal Razorback pet.

Returning were the following items:

Jester's Festival 2020[edit]

"Celebrate the absurd during the Jester's Festival in-game event and you'll earn wacky new rewards and bonus XP!"
Some animals are more equal than others

The Jester's Festival 2020 ran from March 26 to April 2, 2020. The Stupendous Jester's Festival Boxes has new prizes which include the Fragments for the Sovereign Sow pet, the first Stupendous Box obtained each day is guaranteed to drop a fragment. In addition to this, the boxes also can contain "Jokey Stealies" which could be sold to vendors.

The 2020 festival is the first chance to purchase the Spectral Berries of Ripeness, which can be used to transform a nascent Indrik into its Spectral form, as well as the accompanying Haunting Indrik non-combat pet. Players can receive three Event Tickets each day for the first event quest completed, with a total of 24 possible tickets by the end of the event.

2020 Jester's Festival Stupendous Box Loot[edit]

The possible drops within Jester's Festival Stupendous Boxes include:

Jester's Festival 2019[edit]

"Celebrate the absurd during the next Jester's Festival event and reap ridiculous rewards, including new collectibles, bonus XP, and more! Find out everything you need to know right here. There's pie!"
Jester's Festival 2019

The Jester's Festival 2019 ran from March 21 to April 2, 2019. The festival included the addition of a new "Stupendous" rewards box that could contain two new Mementos or the new Cadwell's Kitchen Style motif. The 2019 festival was also the first chance for players to buy the Dawnwood Berries of Ripeness from The Impresario, used to mutate the Nascent Indrik. Cadwell's Kitchen Style weapon pages could be purchased from The Impresario for 5 event tickets each. In addition, the new Springtide Indrik, the first Indrik noncombat pet, is available from the Impresario's shop for ten event tickets. Players could receive two Event Tickets for the first event quest completed each day, with a total of 24 possible tickets by the end of the event.

Another new addition was the Jester's Festival Revelry Pie. Jester's Festival Pies are items that stack in your inventory, and can be added to your quickbar so you can throw them at players and NPCs alike. Unlike mudballs, you do not incur a bounty for throwing pies at guards. You do, however, incur a small bounty for throwing pies at the alliance leaders. There was also five new achievements associated to throwing pies, which each gave their own special rewards.

Jester's Festival Stupendous Boxes[edit]

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"This box contains odds and sundries intended to delight Jester's Festival celebrants - and an additional jovial surprise!"

Stupendous Jester's Festival Box are a new addition to the 2019 festival. They are rewarded for the first completion of each quest in Vulkhel Guard, Ebonheart and Daggerfall each day. That's three Jester's Festival Stupendous Boxes, which have a chance to give you the new rewards. These new boxes have a chance to drop consumable outfit style pages for weapons from the Cadwell's Kitchen Style.

2019 Jester's Festival Stupendous Box Loot[edit]

The possible drops within Jester's Festival Stupendous Boxes include:

2019 Jester's Festival Box Loot[edit]

Celebrants sharing the Revelry Pie

The drops from Jester's Festival Box in the 2019 event were identical to the 2018 event drops, but with the addition of the following:

Crown Store Exclusives[edit]

The Madcap Jester Monkey pet and the Jester personality were available during the event, in addition to new items such as the Pebble Pal, Cadwell's Kitchen Style pack, and a selection of novelty stick mounts.

Jester's Festival 2018[edit]

"Revel in a prank-filled celebration of the absurd and the foolish during the Jester's Festival event. Check out this article for everything you need to know in order to participate in the peculiar and preposterous fun!"
Jester's Festival 2018

The Jester's Festival 2018 ran from March 29 to April 2, 2018 . It was largely the same as the previous year, but with the addition of a few new rewards available from event boxes.

2018 Jester's Festival Box Loot[edit]

ON-icon-container-Jester's Festival Box.png

The drops from Jester's Festival Box in the 2018 event were identical to the 2017 event drops, but with the addition of a new runebox, furniture items, and Jester-themed consumables:



Furniture Blueprints[edit]



  • Various treasure items

Crown Store Exclusives[edit]

During the event, you could acquire Jester's Large and Small trees from the Achievement Vendor, Heralda Garscroft, found in Alliance capitals. Also, throughout the duration of the event, the Crown Store featured some Jester's Festival-themed items, including:

Jester's Festival 2017[edit]

"Once a year, troupes of jesters and fools gather and encourage the people of Tamriel to toss aside their notions of status, honor, and class in a celebration of absurdity. Performers roam the streets mocking the rich and famous, towns celebrate with a variety of traditional festive pranks, and guests are encouraged to participate in silly games to win joke prizes."
Jester's Festival 2017

The inaugural Jester's Festival ran from March 23 to April 4, 2017. It introduced the primary three event quests, the Pie of Misrule Memento, and Jester's Festival Boxes, which could yield rewards such as the Crown of Misrule Hat, many new consumables, the Cherry Blossom Branch Memento, and several recipes. Players were also able to gain two new titles, Lord/Lady of Misrule and Royal Jester. Activating the Pie of Misrule memento granted a 100% XP boost for two hours, which could be refreshed an unlimited number of times during the event.

2017 Jester's Festival Box Loot[edit]

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The possible drops within Jester's Festival Boxes include:




Crown Store Exclusives[edit]

Also, throughout the duration of the event, the Crown Store featured some Jester's Festival-themed items, including:

As part of the "Pay to Lose" category, the following wearable items were also added to the Crown Store during the event:

  • Broom — a Two-Handed maul
  • Bucket — a Heavy Armor helm

External Links[edit]

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