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Fragments are items which can be collected and combined to create new collectibles. They are available account-wide after being obtained, and can be obtained through a number of different means. Once the collectible has been created, the related section will disappear from the Fragments tab. Prior to Update 23, these items would take up space in your backpack. Some of them still do, but it has been reported that all of these will eventually be moved to use the Fragments menu.

Soulfire Dragon Illusion Fragments[edit]

See Soulfire Dragon Illusion

Unstable Morpholith Fragments[edit]

See Unstable Morpholith

Indrik Fragments[edit]

See: Nascent Indrik

Public Dungeon Fragments[edit]

Public Dungeon Fragments were introduced in the Morrowind chapter and have been included in every chapter since. The drop chance is greater for your first fragment of the day for each public dungeon as of v9.0.5.

ON-icon-pet-Dwarven Theodolite.png

Dwarven Theodolite Morrowind[edit]

Dwarven Theodolite Pet

Once you have used all of the seven items below, you are awarded the Dwarven Theolodite achievement and the Dwarven Theodolite non-combat pet is added to your collections. The items drop in Nchuleftingth.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Wheels.png Dwarven Theodolite Wheels This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Torso.png Dwarven Theodolite Torso This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Shoulder.png Dwarven Theodolite Shoulder This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Neck.png Dwarven Theodolite Neck This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Head.png Dwarven Theodolite Head This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Eye.png Dwarven Theodolite Eye This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Dwarven Theodolite Chassis.png Dwarven Theodolite Chassis This is one of seven parts of the Dwarven Theodolite Pet. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-costume-Sixth House Robe.png

Sixth House Robe Morrowind[edit]

Sixth House Robe

Once you have used all of the seven items below, you are awarded the Sixth House Robe achievement and the Sixth House Robe costume is added to your collections. The items drop in the Forgotten Wastes.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Incense of Toolwork.png Sixth House Incense of Toolwork This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Button.png Sixth House Ornamental Fasteners This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Patterned Bolt.png Sixth House Patterned Bolt This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Tailor's Bell.png Sixth House Tailor's Bell This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Tailor's Hammer.png Sixth House Tailor's Hammer This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Shears.png Sixth House Tailor's Shears This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-fragment-Sixth House Thread.png Sixth House Writhing Thread This is one of seven parts of the Sixth House Robe Costume. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-pet-Big-Eared Ginger Kitten.png

Big-Eared Ginger Kitten Summerset[edit]

Big-Eared Ginger Kitten

Once you have used all of the seven items below, you are awarded the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten achievement and the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten pet is added to your collections. The items drop in Karnwasten.

Item Description
ON-icon-stolen-Collar.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Collar This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-stolen-Wolf Charm.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Tag This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Milk Saucer This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-misc-Rat.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Bait Mouse This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-stolen-Basket.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Sleeping-Basket This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's Feather Toy This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Big-Eared Ginger Kitten's "Care and Feeding" Guide This is one of seven parts of the Big-Eared Ginger Kitten. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-emote-Psijic Glowglobe.png

Psijic Glowglobe Summerset[edit]

Once you have used all of the seven items below, you are awarded the Psijic Glowglobe achievement and the Psijic Glowglobe emote is added to your collections. The items drop in Sunhold.

Item Description
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Psijic Glowglobe's Ancient Texts This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Psijic Glowglobe's Conjectural Writings This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-book-Generic 545.png Psijic Glowglobe's Updated Instructionals This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Psijic Glowglobe's Wisp Animus This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Psijic Glowglobe's Crystal Ball This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-stolen-Waterstone.png Psijic Glowglobe's Meteoric Glass This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Psijic Glowglobe's Purified Glow Dust This is one of seven parts of the Psijic Glowglobe. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-pet-Grisly Mummy Tabby.png

Grisly Mummy Tabby Elsweyr[edit]

Grisly Mummy Tabby

Once you have used 10 of the item below, you are awarded the Alfiq Mummy Master achievement and the Grisly Mummy Tabby non-combat pet is added to your collections. The item drops in the Rimmen Necropolis.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Mummified Alfiq Parts.png Mummified Alfiq Parts With these, you can eventually assemble your own Grisly Mummy Tabby. One will be yours after using 10. If you already have this collectible, these serve only to earn the achievement.

Part of a mummified alfiq. With enough of these, you could build your own.
ON-icon-costume-Peryite Skeevemaster.png

Peryite Skeevemaster Elsweyr[edit]

Peryite Skeevemaster

Once you have used 10 of the item below, you are awarded the Peryite Plague-Clothes Patcher achievement and the Peryite Skeevemaster costume is added to your collections. The item drops in Orcrest.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Plague-Drenched Fabric.png Plague-Drenched Fabric With these, you can eventually assemble your own Peryite Skeevemaster Robe. One will be yours after using 10. If you already have this collectible, these serve only to earn the achievement.

Part of a Peryite cultist's robe. With enough of these, you could tailor your own.
ON-icon-costume-Master Field Cartographer.png

Master Field Cartographer Greymoor[edit]

Master Field Cartographer
"Whether you're climbing the snowiest peaks in Skyrim or slogging through the soggiest lowlands, these insulated leathers will protect you and your mapmaking supplies from Tamriel's harshest environments."

When the items below are used, their corresponding fragment is added to your collections. Once one of the fragments below are used after all seven have been collected, you are awarded the Master Field Cartographer achievement and the Master Field Cartographer costume is added to your collections. The items drop in Nchuthnkarst.

Item Fragment Item Description Fragment Description
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Mask.png Cartographer's Mask Cartographer's Mask Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Mask collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Coat.png Cartographer's Vest Cartographer's Coat Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Coat collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Leggings.png Cartographer's Leggings Cartographer's Leggings Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Leggings collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Gloves.png Cartographer's Gloves Cartographer's Gloves Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Gloves collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Boots.png Cartographer's Boots Cartographer's Boots Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Boots collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Belt.png Cartographer's Tricorn Cartographer's Belt Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Belt collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-fragment-Cartographer's Backpack.png Cartographer's Rucksack Cartographer's Backpack Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume. Use this item to unlock the Cartographer's Backpack collectible fragment. Part of a set of items that make up the Master Field Cartographer Costume.

Acquired rarely while adventuring within the Nchuthnkarst Public Dungeon.
ON-icon-furnishing-Target Stone Husk.png

Target Stone Husk Greymoor[edit]

Target Stone Husk
"This is a large house item. This may be attacked and will reactivate shortly after being defeated. This construct is equivalent to an exceptionally hardy veteran dungeon boss."

Once you have used 50 of the item below, a Target Stone Husk furnishing is added to your inventory. The item drops in Labyrinthian.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Carved Bone Fragment.png Stone Husk Fragment When you have at least fifty Stone Warrior Fragments: Use to consume those fragments and create a Stone Husk Target Dummy furnishing.

A shard from a stone husk. If you collected enough of these, you could assemble one of these vessels.
ON-icon-costume-Thrafey Debutante Gown.png

Thrafey Debutante Gown Blackwood[edit]

Thrafey Debutante Gown (female)
""Still tasting victory after overcoming our challenges, new blood? Eager to dance among those you can now call equals? Garb yourself in this fine accession gown. It hides blood well."—Archblood Delyna"

Once you have used 50 of the item below, you are awarded the Thrafey Debutante Gown achievement and the Thrafey Debutante Gown costume is added to your collections. The item drops in The Silent Halls.

Item Description
ON-icon-raw material-Superb Hide Scraps.png Scaly Cloth Scrap A fragment of cloth embedded with scales. If you collect 50 of these, you can create a Thrafey Debutante Gown. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.
ON-icon-furnishing-Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate.png

Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate Blackwood[edit]

Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate
"A perfect replica of the Adytum Gate from the Zenithar Abbey."

Once you have used 50 of the item below, you are awarded the Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate achievement and the Replica Zenithar Adytum Gate furnishing is added to your collections. The item drops in Zenithar's Abbey.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Inscribed Shard.png Inscribed Shard A stone fragment with a portion of an inscribed design. If you collect 50 of these, you can create a replica Zenithar Adytum Gate. Use to advance the eponymous achievement.

Coral Haj Mota High Isle[edit]

Once you have used 25 of each of the items below, you are awarded the Coral Haj Mota achievement and the Coral Haj Mota non-combat pet is added to your collections. The items drop in High Isle public dungeons.

Item Location Description
ON-icon-fragment-Whistle 01.png Coral Haj Mota Decoy Spire of the Crimson Coin A natural-made, but fragile, noisemaker that can mimic the sound of a Coral Haj Mota in the Systres Isles. Using 25 of these, along with 25 Coral Haj Mota Lures, will allure one to you.
ON-icon-food-Greens.png Coral Haj Mota Lure Ghost Haven Bay A natural-made, but fragile, noisemaker that can mimic the sound of a Coral Haj Mota in the Systres Isles. Using 25 of these, along with 25 Coral Haj Mota Decoys, will allure one to you.

Graht-Oak Squirrel Necrom[edit]

Graht-Oak Squirrel

Once you have used 25 of each of the items below, you are awarded the Great Oaks from Little Acorns achievement and the Graht-Oak Squirrel pet is added to your collections. The items drop in public dungeons from Necrom.

Item Location Description
ON-icon-quest-Crafting Cloth Pods.png Lost Graht-Oak Acorn Gorne Consume 25 Lost Graht-Oak Acorns, along with 25 Unearthed Valenwood Seedlings, to unlock the Great Oaks from Little Acorns achievement and the Graht-Oak Squirrel Pet!
ON-icon-quest-Glenumbra Corrupted Seed.png Unearthed Valenwood Seedling The Underweave Consume 25 Unearthed Valenwood Seedlings, along with 25 Lost Graht-Oak Acorns, to unlock the Great Oaks from Little Acorns achievement and the Graht-Oak Squirrel Pet!

Echo of the Abolisher Gold Road[edit]

Once you have used 25 of each of the items below, you are awarded the Echo of the Abolisher achievement and the Echo of the Abolisher memento is added to your collections. The items drop in West Weald public dungeons.

Item Location Description
ON-icon-furnishing-Glass Crystal, Radiance.png Remnant of Deception Silorn Consume 25 Remnants of Deception, along with 25 Remnants of Cruelty, to unlock the Echo of the Abolisher achievement and the Echo of the Abolisher Memento!
ON-icon-furnishing-Crystals, Crimson Spray.png Remnant of Cruelty Leftwheal Trading Post Consume 25 Remnants of Cruelty, along with 25 Remnants of Deception, to unlock the Echo of the Abolisher achievement and the Echo of the Abolisher Memento!

Event Fragments[edit]

ON-icon-memento-Apple Bobbing.png

Apple-Bobbing Cauldron[edit]

"As a reminder that death awaits even the mightiest, at the Witches Festival heroes and adventurers are invited to humble themselves with juvenile games like bobbing for gorapples. Open wide!"

The Apple-Bobbing Cauldron memento can be obtained by combining the following seven fragments, which could be found during the Witches Festival in 2018.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Apple-Bobbing Fresh Gorapples.png Apple-Bobbing Fresh Gorapples This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-fragment-Apple-Bobbing Cold Iron Cauldron.png Apple-Bobbing Cold Iron Cauldron This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-fragment-Apple-Bobbing Aged Fetid Fish.png Apple-Bobbing Aged Fetid Fish This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-food-Spring Essence.png Apple-Bobbing Stale Creek Water This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-book-Generic 143.png Apple-Bobbing Poise Guide This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-poison-Green 1-5.png Apple-Bobbing Viscous Slime This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-fragment-Apple-Bobbing Fenwood Ladle.png Apple-Bobbing Fenwood Ladle This is one of seven parts of the Apple-Bobbing Cauldron Runebox.
ON-icon-pet-Covenant Breton Terrier.png
ON-icon-pet-Pact Breton Terrier.png
ON-icon-pet-Dominion Breton Terrier.png

Alliance Breton Terrier[edit]

The Alliance Breton Terrier non-combat pet can be obtained by collecting 10 Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones, which can be found during the Midyear Mayhem event. Alternatively, the Alliance Breton Terrier can be purchased from the Impresario for 5 event tickets.

There are three separate Alliance Breton Terrier pets, one for each Alliance. The Alliance your fabricated pet is associated with is determined by the Alliance of the character that combines the ten mammoth bones:

Item Description
ON-icon-achievement-Bone.png Breton Terrier Mammoth Bone A tasty bone, perfect for gnawing. Collect 10 of these to attract a Breton Terrier pet.
ON-icon-memento-Cadwell's Surprise Box.png

Cadwell's Surprise Box[edit]

"Surprise boxes are fun! Why, you never know what will pop out. But wait. Is that … Cadwell?"

The Cadwell's Surprise Box memento can be obtained by combining 5 Revelry Shards, which can be found during the Jester's Festival. The fragments were also sold by the Impresario for 3 Event Tickets each.

Item Description
Mirth Shardpx Revelry Shard A festive fragment of fun. Combining 5 shards awards Cadwell's Surprise Box.
ON-icon-memento-Festive Noise Maker.png

Festive Noise Maker[edit]

The Festive Noise Maker memento can be obtained by consuming 5 Festive Noise Maker Parts, which can be found during the Jester's Festival.

Item Description
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Festive Noise Maker Parts Consuming 5 of these will grant you the "Festive Noise Maker" Achievement and Memento.
ON-icon-memento-Jester's Festival Joke Popper.png

Jester's Festival Joke Popper[edit]

The Jester's Festival Joke Popper memento can be obtained by consuming 5 Joke Popper Parts, which can be found during the Jester's Festival.

Item Description
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Joke Popper Parts Consuming 5 of these will grant you the "Jester's Festival Joke Popper" Achievement and Memento.
ON-icon-pet-Microtized Verminous Fabricant.png

Microtized Verminous Fabricant[edit]

Microtized Verminous Fabricant
"With its sharp teeth, scary spines, and enormous horn, this fabricant follower not only shows that you mean business as you go about your day, but also indicates an appreciation for the complex and refined machines of Sotha Sil."

The Microtized Verminous Fabricant non-combat pet can be obtained by consuming 10 Sealed Fabrication Materials, which was available during the 2021 Tribunal Celebration.

Item Description
Sealed Fabrication Materialspx Sealed Fabrication Materials A capsule of components. Combining 10 materials will create a Microtized Verminous Fabricant pet.
ON-icon-memento-Playful Prankster's Surprise Box.png

Playful Prankster's Surprise Box[edit]

"What's in this delightfully bedecked box? It's a surprise, of course. Crank it open and find out!"

The Playful Prankster's Surprise Box memento can be obtained by consuming 5 Mirth Shards, which can be found during the Jester's Festival. The fragments were also sold by the Impresario for 3 Event Tickets each.

Item Description
Mirth Shardpx Mirth Shard A festive fragment of fun. Combining 5 shards awards a Playful Prankster's Surprise Box memento.

Skeletal Marionette[edit]

The Skeletal Marionette memento can be obtained by consuming ten Skeletal Marionette Parts, which can be found during the Witches Festival. Alternatively, the memento can be bought from the Impresario for 5 Event Tickets.

Item Description
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Skeletal Marionette Parts Part of a Skeletal Marionette. With enough of these, you could command your own.
ON-icon-pet-Sovereign Sow.png

Sovereign Sow[edit]

The Sovereign Sow non-combat pet can obtained by collecting all seven Sovereign Fragments found in Jester's Festival Stupendous Boxes or can be bought from the Impresario during the Jester's Festival.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Hairbrush.png Sovereign Brush Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-fragment-Revelry Pie.png Sovereign Fodder Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-stolen-Rope.png Sovereign Lead Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-stolen-Drinking Bowl.png Sovereign Libations Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-stolen-Ampoule.png Sovereign Oil Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-fragment-Flowers.png Sovereign Sash Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-major adornment-Tiara Half-Circlet.png Sovereign Tiara Part of a set of items used to celebrate the most regal of pigs.
ON-icon-memento-Throwing Bones.png

Throwing Bones[edit]

The Throwing Bones memento can be obtained by collecting 10 Rune-Carved Bone Fragments, which can be found during the Witches Festival.

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Rune-Carved Bone Fragment.png Rune-Carved Bone Fragment A fragment of bone that has been etched with runes. If you collected enough of these, you could create a set to roll.



The Voriplasm non-combat pet can be acquired by finding and using seven Voriplasm Trap Parts that can found in Murkmire Strongboxes or bought from the Impresario during the Murkmire Celebration Event.

These fragments were also available from Blackwood Legates' Coffers during the Bounties of Blackwood event.

Item Description
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Voriplasm Trap: Compliance Oil Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Voriplasm Trap: Crystal Jar Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Voriplasm Trap: Enticing Bait Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-misc-Shiny Dwemer Gear.png Voriplasm Trap: Gold Spring Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-style material-Ferrous Salts.png Voriplasm Trap: Training Salts Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-stolen-Stick with String.png Voriplasm Trap: Trigger Wire Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-stolen-Treethane Nirel Book.png Voriplasm Trap: User Manual Part of a trap meant to capture, contain, and tame a hapless voriplasm.
ON-icon-memento-Wooden Grave-Stake.png

Wooden Grave-Stake[edit]

The Wooden Grave-Stake can be obtained by collecting all seven Grave Stake Fragments found in Murkmire Strongboxes or bought from the Impresario during the Murkmire Celebration Event. The fragments were also made available for purchase from Philius Dormier in Alinor for 00000011Event Tickets each during the Pan-Tamriel Celebration in 2025.

Item Description
ON-icon-stolen-Teeth.png Grave Stake: Attuned Bonework Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-misc-Hair.png Grave Stake: Blessed Carved Wood Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-food-Profundity.png Grave Stake: Blooded Pigments Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-quest-Muddy Footprints.png Grave Stake: Consecrated Mud Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-tannin-Elegant Lining.png Grave Stake: Hallowed Leather Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-quest-Eshraf's Journal.png Grave Stake: Ritual Instructions Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.
ON-icon-tannin-Hemming.png Grave Stake: Sacred Binding Necessary parts for a ritual to create and bind your very own grave-stake.

Prologue Quest Fragments[edit]

ON-icon-pet-Swamp Jelly.png

Swamp Jelly[edit]

Swamp Jelly
"Though obviously related to the netches of northeast Tamriel, the swamp jellies of southern Black Marsh also have a disquieting resemblance to aquatic jellyfish. Natural philosophers have no adequate explanation for this."

The Swamp Jelly non-combat pet can be acquired by collecting the following seven runebox fragments, which can drop as a reward from Jee-Lar's daily quests in Stormhold (Cyrodilic Collections Daily Contract Recompense).

Item Description
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Swamp Jelly Fine-Mesh Net This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-fish-Anglerfish.png Swamp Jelly Luminous Fishmeal This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-stolen-Flute.png Swamp Jelly Luring Flute This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Swamp Jelly Carrying Jar This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-food-Stock.png Swamp Jelly Spawning Mud This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-fragment-Swamp Jelly Moss Bedding.png Swamp Jelly Moss Bedding This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-stolen-Monocle.png Swamp Jelly Hunter's Lens This is one of seven parts of the Swamp Jelly Runebox.
ON-icon-emote-Guar Stomp.png

Guar Stomp[edit]

"Do the Guar Stomp! Rahrr! Wave your tiny hands! Grahrr! Stomp your reptile feet! GUAR!"

The Guar Stomp emote can be acquired by collecting the following seven runebox fragments, which can drop as a reward from Zahari's daily quests north of Cormount (Northern Elsweyr Defense Force Cache).

Item Description
ON-icon-fragment-Guar Stomp Elucidating Hand-Scultpure.png Guar Stomp Elucidating Hand-Scultpure This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-book-Generic 212.png Guar Stomp History in Street Theatre This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-stolen-Paper With Drawing.png Guar Stomp Illustrated Reports This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png Guar Stomp Noise Reports This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-memento-Dwarven Tonal Forks.png Guar Stomp Rehearsal Tuning Fork This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-misc-Bones.png Guar Stomp Skeletal Reconstruction This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.
ON-icon-fragment-Guar Stomp Steps-Practice Rug.png Guar Stomp Steps-Practice Rug This is one of seven parts of the Guar Stomp Emote Runebox.

Tales of Tribute Fragments[edit]

Ansei Frandar Hunding Deck[edit]

Ansei Frandar Hunding

Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Ansei Frandar Hunding Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained from various High Isle activities.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Hunding Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Ansei Deck Fragment Delves in the High Isle zone A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Ansei Frandar Hunding.

Found occasionally in delves on High Isle and Amenos.
ON-icon-tribute-Hunding Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Ansei Deck Fragment World Bosses in the High Isle zone A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Ansei Frandar Hunding.

Found occasionally after defeating World Bosses on High Isle and Amenos.
ON-icon-tribute-Hunding Upgrade Fragment.png Geomancer's Ansei Deck Fragment Volcanic vents in the High Isle zone A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Ansei Frandar Hunding.

Found occasionally after sealing volcanic vents on High Isle and Amenos.
ON-icon-tribute-Hunding Upgrade Fragment.png Hero's Ansei Deck Fragment Bosses in Ghost Haven Bay and the Spire of the Crimson Coin A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Ansei Frandar Hunding.

Found occasionally after defeating bosses inside the Ghost Haven Bay and Spire of the Crimson Coin public dungeons.
ON-icon-tribute-Hunding Upgrade Fragment.png Diplomat's Ansei Deck Fragment A Chance for Peace A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Ansei Frandar Hunding.

Complete the quest "A Chance for Peace" on High Isle.

Sorcerer-King Orgnum Deck[edit]

Sorcerer-King Orgnum

Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Sorcerer-King Orgnum Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained by beating the Tribute Founders in Tales of Tribute.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Orgnum Upgrade Fragment.png Author's Maormer Deck Fragment Beating The Author in Tales of Tribute A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Sorcerer-King Orgnum.

Defeat Tribute Founder The Author.
ON-icon-tribute-Orgnum Upgrade Fragment.png Fillia's Maormer Deck Fragment Beating Fillia in Tales of Tribute A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Sorcerer-King Orgnum.

Defeat Tribute Founder Fillia.
ON-icon-tribute-Orgnum Upgrade Fragment.png Linyia's Maormer Deck Fragment Beating Linyia in Tales of Tribute A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Sorcerer-King Orgnum.

Defeat Tribute Founder Linyia.
ON-icon-tribute-Orgnum Upgrade Fragment.png Murzaga's Maormer Deck Fragment Beating Murzaga gra-Ghorn in Tales of Tribute A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Sorcerer-King Orgnum.

Defeat Tribute Founder Murzaga gra-Ghom [sic].
ON-icon-tribute-Orgnum Upgrade Fragment.png Nhorhim's Maormer Deck Fragment Beating Nhorhim in Tales of Tribute A component required to create the Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Sorcerer-King Orgnum.

Defeat Tribute Founder Nhorhim.

Druid King Deck[edit]

Druid King

Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Druid King Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained from various Firesong activities.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Druid Deck Fragment Delves in the Galen zone A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.

Found occasionally in delves on Galen.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Dreamer's Druid Deck Fragment The Dream of Kasorayn A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.

Complete the quest "The Dream of Kasorayn" on Galen.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Geomancer's Druid Deck Fragment Volcanic vents in the Galen zone A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.

Found occasionally after sealing volcanic vents on Galen.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Druid Deck Fragment World Bosses in the Galen zone A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.

Found occasionally after defeating World Bosses on Galen.
ON-icon-tribute-Druid Upgrade Fragment.png Soothing Druid Deck Fragment The Best of Friends A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Kasorayn, the last Druid King.

Complete "The Best of Friends" achievement on Galen.

Almalexia Deck[edit]


Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Almalexia Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained from various Necrom activities.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Almalexia Upgrade Fragment.png Academ's Almalexia Deck Fragment Herald's Seekers A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Almalexia.

Found occasionally after defeating Herald's Seekers in the Telvanni Peninsula and Apocrypha zones.
ON-icon-tribute-Almalexia Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Almalexia Deck Fragment Delves on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Almalexia.

Found occasionally in delves on Telvanni Peninsula.
ON-icon-tribute-Almalexia Upgrade Fragment.png Hero's Almalexia Deck Fragment Bosses from Gorne and The Underweave A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Almalexia.

Found occasionally after defeating bosses inside Gorne and The Underweave public dungeons.
ON-icon-tribute-Almalexia Upgrade Fragment.png Seeker's Almalexia Deck Fragment Llaro's Headache Seeker's Almalexia Deck Fragment

Complete the quest "Llaro's Headache" in Apocrypha.
ON-icon-tribute-Almalexia Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Almalexia Deck Fragment World Bosses on the Telvanni Peninsula and in Apocrypha A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Almalexia.

Found occasionally after defeating World Bosses on Telvanni Peninsula.

Hermaeus Mora Deck[edit]

Hermaeus Mora

Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Hermaeus Mora Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained from various activities in the Infinite Archive.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Hermaeus Mora Upgrade Fragment.png Academ's Mora Deck Fragment Infinite Archive A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Hermaeus Mora.

Found occasionally by exploring the multi-dimensional dungeon that is Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-tribute-Hermaeus Mora Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Mora Deck Fragment Infinite Archive A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Hermaeus Mora.

Found occasionally by exploring the multi-dimensional dungeon that is Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-tribute-Hermaeus Mora Upgrade Fragment.png Filer's Mora Deck Fragment Purchased from Filer Tezurs for Data]](?)Archival Fortunes A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Hermaeus Mora.

Purchased from Filer Tezurs in the Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-tribute-Hermaeus Mora Upgrade Fragment.png Seeker's Mora Deck Fragment Infinite Archive A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Hermaeus Mora.

Found occasionally by exploring the multi-dimensional dungeon that is Infinite Archive.
ON-icon-tribute-Hermaeus Mora Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Mora Deck Fragment Infinite Archive A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Hermaeus Mora.

Found occasionally by exploring the multi-dimensional dungeon that is Infinite Archive.

Saint Alessia Deck[edit]

Saint Alessia

Once one of the collectibles below is used after all five have been collected, the Saint Alessia Tribute deck is added to your collections. The collectibles are obtained from various activities in West Weald.

Collectible Source Description
ON-icon-tribute-Saint Alessia Upgrade Fragment.png Delver's Alessia Deck Fragment Delve Bosses in West Weald A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Saint Alessia.

Found occasionally after defeating Delve Bosses in West Weald.
ON-icon-tribute-Saint Alessia Upgrade Fragment.png Hero's Alessia Deck Fragment Bosses from Leftwheal Trading Post and Silorn A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Saint Alessia.

Found occasionally after defeating bosses in Public Dungeons in West Weald.
ON-icon-tribute-Saint Alessia Upgrade Fragment.png Shattered Alessia Deck Fragment Mirrormoor Incursions A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Saint Alessia.

Found occasionally after defeating Mirrormoor Incursions at Mosaics in West Weald.
ON-icon-tribute-Saint Alessia Upgrade Fragment.png Seeker's Alessia Deck Fragment The Untraveled Road A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck that tells the story of Saint Alessia.

Complete the quest "The Untraveled Road" in West Weald.
ON-icon-tribute-Saint Alessia Upgrade Fragment.png Slayer's Alessia Deck Fragment World Bosses in West Weald A component required to create a Tales of Tribute deck telling the story of Saint Alessia.

Found occasionally after defeating World Bosses in West Weald.

Captain Kaleen[edit]

Captain Kaleen

Once you have used 10 of the item below, you are awarded the Memories of the Spearhead achievement and the Captain Kaleen houseguest is added to your collections. This item drops from Tales of Tribute match rewards.

Item Description
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Scrap of the Spearhead's Colors Consume 10 Scraps of the Spearhead's Colors to unlock the Memories of the Spearhead achievement and the Captain Kaleen Houseguest!

Card Conjuring[edit]

Once you have used 10 of the item below, you are awarded the Card Conjurer achievement and the Card Conjuring emote is added to your collections. This item drops from Tales of Tribute match rewards.

Item Description
(?) Heavily Played Tribute Card Consume 10 Heavily Played Tribute Cards to unlock the Card Conjurer achievement and the Card Conjuring Emote!

Infinite Archive Fragments[edit]

Maligraphic Mount[edit]

Maligraphic Mount

Once you have used 50 of the item below, you are awarded the Ichor Most Malevolent achievement and the Maligraphic Mount is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-poison-Violet 2-1.png Maligraphic Ichor Consume 50 Maligraphic Ichors to unlock the Ichor Most Malevolent achievement and the Maligraphic Mount!

Maligraphic Skeever[edit]

Maligraphic Skeever

Once you have used 25 of the item below, you are awarded the Scheming Skeevers achievement and the Maligraphic Skeever non-combat pet is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-food-Small Game.png Disgusting Spoils Consume 25 Disgusting Spoils to unlock the Scheming Skeevers achievement and the Maligraphic Skeever pet!

Shattered Mirror Maze Body Marks[edit]

Shattered Mirror Maze Body Marks

Once you have used 20 of the item below, you are awarded the Walk Through the Mirror Maze achievement and the Shattered Mirror Maze Body Marks is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png Erroneous Archive Map Consume 20 Erroneous Archive Maps to unlock the Walk Through the Mirror Maze achievement and the Shattered Mirror Maze Body Marks!

Shattered Mirror Maze Face Marks[edit]

Shattered Mirror Maze Face Marks

Once you have used 20 of the item below, you are awarded the Peer Into the Mirror Maze achievement and the Shattered Mirror Maze Face Marks is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png Unreliable Archive Map Consume 20 Unreliable Archive Maps to unlock the Peer Into the Mirror Maze achievement and the Shattered Mirror Maze Face Marks!

Veteran of the Infinite Body Art[edit]

Veteran of the Infinite Body Art

Once you have used 20 of the item below, you are awarded the Archival Veteran achievement and the Veteran of the Infinite Body Art is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png Archival Riddles (?) Consume 20 Archival Riddles to unlock the Archival Veteran Achievement and the Veteran of the Infinite Body Art!

Veteran of the Infinite Face Art[edit]

Veteran of the Infinite Face Art

Once you have used 20 of the item below, you are awarded the Veteran of the Infinite achievement and the Veteran of the Infinite Face Art is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-book-Scroll 05.png Archival Enigmas (?) Consume 20 Archival Enigmas to unlock the Veteran of the Infinite Achievement and the Veteran of the Infinite Face Art!

Skill Style Fragments[edit]

Mosaic Skill Shred Skill Styles[edit]

Once you have used 10 of the item below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Grand Healing achievement and the Grand Healing, Lilac Purple skill style is added to your collections. Once you have used another 10 (20 in total), you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Dawnbreaker achievement and the Dawnbreaker, Dusk Purple skill style is added to your collections. Once you have used another 10 (30 total), you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Meteor achievement and the Meteor, Blazing Orange skill style is added to your collections. This item drops from Mirrormoor Incursions.

Item Description
ON-icon-misc-Echatere Wool 02.png Mosaic Skill Shred Consume Mosaic Skill Shreds to unlock the Skill Stylist achievements that award Skill Styles for Grand Healing, Dawnbreaker, and Meteor.

Cleave, Cinnabar Red[edit]

Once you have used 50 of the item below, you are awarded the A Signature with Class achievement and the Cleave, Cinnabar Red skill style is added to your collections.

Item Description
ON-icon-furnishing-Papers, Stack.png Class Script Scrap Consume 50 Class Script Scrap to unlock A Signature with Class achievement and the Signature Script: Class Mastery.

Annulment, Vibrant Yellow[edit]

Once you have used all of the five items below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow skill style is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-furnishing-Light of Meridia.png Fragment of Balamath Looted from Corrupted Scion of Balamath in Balamath Consume Fragment of Balamath and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of Rulanyil.png Fragment of Rulanyil Looted from Hergor the Fallen in Rulanyil's Fall Consume Fragment of Rulanyil and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Velvet Ayleid Crystal.png Fragment of the Crazed Looted from Sthorha the Crazed at Aba Darre Consume Fragment of the Crazed and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of the Scrivener.png Fragment of the Scrivener Looted from Valinna in Scrivener's Hall Consume Fragment of the Scrivener and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of Madness.png Fragment of Madness Looted from The Mad Architect in Vaults of Madness Consume Fragment of Madness and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Annulment achievement and the Annulment, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.

Force Shock, Wildburn[edit]

Once you have used all of the six items below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Online:Force Shock, Wildburn skill style is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Fragment of Aggression Looted from Aggression of Root in Haldain Lumber Camp Consume Fragment of the Aggression and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-misc-Emerald.png Fragment of the Weald Looted from Yrrkkyyn in Leftwheal Trading Post Consume Fragment of the Weald and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Fate-Eater.png Fragment of the Fate-Eater Looted from Stri the Fate-Eater in Broken Path Cave Consume Fragment of the Fate-Eater and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Blind.png Fragment of the Blind Looted from The Blind in Bedlam Veil Consume Fragment of the Blind and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Storm.png Fragment of the Storm Looted from Stormreeve Neidir in Tempest Island Consume Fragment of the Storm and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Maw.png Fragment of the Maw Looted from Rakkhat in Maw of Lorkhaj Consume Fragment of the Maw and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Force Shock achievement and the Force Shock, Wildburn Skill Style.

Puncture, Lavaburst[edit]

Once you have used all of the six items below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Online:Puncture, Lavaburst skill style is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-fragment-Shard Yelloworange.png Fragment of the Martyr Looted from Kurkron the Mangler in False Martyr's Folly Consume Fragment of the Martyr and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Shard Redyellow.png Fragment of the Forgotten Looted from the Group Event Bosses in Forgotten Wastes Consume Fragment of the Forgotten and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Shard Redorange.png Fragment of the Vents Looted from the final boss of Systres Volcanic Vents Consume Fragment of the Vents and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Shard Withered.png Fragment of the Baron Looted from Baron Zaudrus in The Cauldron Consume Fragment of the Baron and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.
ON-icon-quest-Shattered Shard Fragment.png Fragment of Ash Looted from Valkyn Skoria in City of Ash II Consume Fragment of Ash and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.
ON-icon-quest-Aetherial Shard.png Fragment of the Sunspire Looted from Nahviintaas in Sunspire Consume Fragment of the Sunspire and the other five fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Puncture achievement and the Puncture, Lavaburst Skill Style.

Roar, Verdant Green[edit]

Once you have used all of the five items below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green skill style is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of Hircine.png Fragment of Hircine Looted from Packleader Sigmund in Hircine's Haunt Consume Fragment of Hircine and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Bad Man.png Fragment of the Bad Man Looted from Skitterflame in Bad Man's Hallows Consume Fragment of the Bad Man and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Ripped Tapestry Scrap.png Fragment of the Wolf-Father Looted from Garach Wolf-Father at Lakewatch Tower Consume Fragment of the Wolf-Father and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Crucible.png Fragment of the Crucible Looted from The Lava Queen in Blessed Crucible Consume Fragment of the Crucible and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green Skill Style.
ON-icon-fragment-Fragment of the Ascendant.png Fragment of the Ascendant Looted from Vykosa the Ascendant in Moon Hunter Keep Consume Fragment of the Ascendant and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Roar achievement and the Roar, Verdant Green Skill Style.

Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow[edit]

Once you have used all of the five items below, you are awarded the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow skill style is added to your collections.

Item Source Description
ON-icon-furnishing-Glass Crystal, Radiance.png Fragment of the Black Maw Looted from Peers-Through-Glass in Shrine of the Black Maw Consume Fragment of the Black Maw and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of the Obsidian Scar.png Fragment of the Obsidian Scar Looted from Zilbash the Deceiver in Obsidian Scar Consume Fragment of the Obsidian Scar and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of the Exarch.png Fragment of the Exarch Looted from Exarch Savfyr at Vampire Feeding Grounds Consume Fragment of the Exarch and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Fragment of the Winterbourne.png Fragment of the Winterbourne Looted from Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch II Consume Fragment of the Winterbourne and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.
ON-icon-furnishing-Crystals, Crimson Spray.png Fragment of the Thorn Looted from Lady Thorn in Castle Thorn Consume Fragment of the Thorn and the other four fragments to unlock the Skill Stylist: Silver Bolts achievement and the Silver Bolts, Vibrant Yellow Skill Style.