
Online:Buoyant Armiger Style

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Buoyant Armiger Style
Book Crafting Motif 47: Buoyant Armiger Style
Material ON-icon-style material-Volcanic Viridian.pngVolcanic Viridian
Sub-Material ON-icon-style material-Viridian Dust.pngViridian Dust
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold
Vivec laughed and told mystical jokes and made the heads of the three houses marry and become a new order. "You shall forever be now my Buoyant Armigers," he said. Use to learn the Buoyant Armiger crafting style.Crown Store description[1]

The Buoyant Armiger Style is a crafting motif worn by the Buoyant Armigers, a military order of the Tribunal Temple. It can be learned by reading the chapters of the ON-icon-quest-Book 01.pngCrafting Motif 47: Buoyant Armiger Style book. These chapters can be found in treasure chests around Vvardenfell or within the Halls of Fabrication. The entire book is also available as a Legendary-level reward in Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates for 00200200 Crown Gems / 036003,600 Seals of Endeavor.

The associated style material is ON-icon-style material-Volcanic Viridian.pngVolcanic Viridian, which can be refined from ten samples of ON-icon-style material-Viridian Dust.pngViridian Dust, which in turn is harvested from ore, cloth, and wood nodes in Vvardenfell. Like all styles, it is purely cosmetic. Items will have the same stats regardless of the style you use.


Type Items
Light Armor ON-icon-armor-Hat-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Epaulets-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Robe-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Gloves-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Sash-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Breeches-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Shoes-Buoyant Armiger.png
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
Medium Armor ON-icon-armor-Helmet-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Arm Cops-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Jack-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Bracers-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Belt-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Guards-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Boots-Buoyant Armiger.png
Helmet Arm Cops Jack Bracers Belt Guards Boots
Heavy Armor ON-icon-armor-Helm-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Pauldrons-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Gauntlets-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Girdle-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Greaves-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Sabatons-Buoyant Armiger.png
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Gauntlets Girdle Greaves Sabatons
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor

Weapons and Shields[edit]

Weapons and Shields
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Sword-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Axe-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Mace-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Greatsword-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Battle Axe-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Maul-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Bow-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Buoyant Armiger.png ON-icon-armor-Shield-Buoyant Armiger.png
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield
One-handed Weapons and Shield
Two-handed Weapons



  • Based on the patch notes, it is likely that earning the achievement Champion of Vivec may increase the chances of finding the chapters of this motif.[citation needed- which patch notes?]
  • This style bears a strong resemblance to the Glass armor seen in Morrowind, which was the signature armor of the Buoyant Armigers.


There is one achievement associated with this style:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Buoyant Armiger Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Buoyant Armiger style book, occasionally found in treasure chests across Vvardenfell.