Online:Chronicle of Fate
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Assuming you completed The Untraveled Road you can now start Online:Ithelia's Fury (West Weald).
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You have defeated Blightcrown and Vaermina, and fulfilled your fated role in that conflict. Although Torvesard is still on the loose and has the second glyphic, you, your allies, Apocrypha, and reality itself have some breathing room. This quest mid-conversation with Leramil the Wise following the conclusion of An Unhealthy Fate. You will be in her study, alongside Curate Gadayn, Meln the Mouthless, and Scruut.
Continuing the conversation will have Leramil say:
- "While we contemplate the best method for tracking down Torvesard, proxy, there are two other tasks we must accomplish. One concerns updating the records of Apocrypha. The other requires us to return to Necrom and rectify the original anomaly of fate."
- The records of Apocrypha?
- "Scruut can provide more information, as it is a vital part of her job. After repairing a thread of fate, she must record the final details in the Chronicle of Apocrypha. Having your name inscribed therein is a great honor."
- And what was that about Necrom?
- "Necrom. One of the first threads of fate we investigated to uncover the identity of Apocrypha's enemies. And, it is the only one we did not resolve. We must accompany Gadayn back there so he can return the Fulcrum Obscura.
But first, talk to Scruut." - All right, I'll talk to Scruut.
- "Scruut can tell you all about the process for inscribing her records in the Chronicle of Apocrypha. You should talk with her.
Meanwhile, I shall discuss arrangements for returning to Necrom with Curate Gadayn." - You and the curate have become pretty close, haven't you?
- "As have you and I, proxy. That is only natural when allies face unimaginable danger at each other's side.
Beyond that, I would prefer if we did not mention this again."
You need to talk to Scruut to continue the quest, but you can speak to Gadayn and Meln first:
- "Did I hear Leramil correctly? We can soon return to Necrom? That would be splendid! I can't wait to put the Fulcrum Obscura back in its proper resting place in the Necropolis.
Still, if we're almost finished … I might not see Leramil again." - You've really come to care about Leramil, haven't you Gadayn?
- "Um, well, now that you mention it—do we really need to talk about this? I don't think we should talk about this.
Um, aren't you supposed to be talking to Scruut right now?"
Meln will have a single comment:
- "Apocrypha may require more paperwork than all the Great Houses of Morrowind combined! Talk to Scruut and find out what's involved in updating this Chronicle of Apocrypha. It sounds either very important or exceedingly boring."
When you are ready, talk to Scruut:
- "My role has always been to observe and repair the lines of fate. Never to unduly influence them, no matter how sorely I'm tempted.
So, while I was waiting, it was just a nervous habit that I haphazardly started checking the nearby lines of fate." - I thought we were supposed to talk about the Chronicles of Apocrypha, Scruut?
- "The Chronicle can wait. This is more important! Why else would I have even mentioned anything, mortal? It's like no one ever listens to a word I say.
Anyway, I noticed an anomalous thread not far from here. At the Prismatic Iris Shore." - An anomalous thread?
- "A fate anomaly. The sacred task appointed to me? My job is to spot and correct them. It's really important, but you don't care.
I think it's the stolen glyphic. Removing it from the Mythos triggered the irregularity. Luckily I happened to spot it." - If it is the glyphic, we have a chance to find Torvesard and recover it.
- "Not us, mortal. Just you. And Meln, I suppose. Only fate's chosen can resolve this, and that's still you.
The Prismatic Iris Shore is north of here. Meet us in Cipher's Hall after you deal with Torvesard. Then we can update the Chronicle." - Has Blightcrown's corruption dissipated?
- "Apocrypha is quite resilient. And since the burning sensation in my tentacles and the pain behind my orbs have mostly faded, I'd say yes.
Besides, I can hear the melodious hum of the Great Eye resonating all around me, so that's a good sign." - What can I expect at the Prismatic Iris Shore?
- "Oh, the usual. Various denizens of Apocrypha, the stray Hidden Kindred or Dreamcarver loitering about … but you might need Meln's ghost sight to follow the trail of the glyphic. I barely noticed it, so it must still be in Torvesard's possession."
Once you finish conversing with Scruut, Gadayn and Leramil will speak together shortly:
- Curate Gadayn: "Can I get you anything, Leramil?"
- Leramil the Wise: "No thank you, Gadayn. I am mostly recovered from our ordeal."
Meln will complain about being forced along:
- "Once again, everyone takes Meln the Mouthless for granted. They all just assume I'm going to agree to go with you on another quest to stop Torvesard?
Sure, I don't really have much of a choice in the matter, seeing as you have my gem, but still!"
Meln will also provide some commentary as you journey across Apocrypha to deal with this anomaly:
- "Scruut's penchant for noticing anomalies of fate is impressive, but this might not be Torvesard and the glyphic. It could be anything."
- Up that path to the left, I think that's where the anomaly is.
- "No matter what we encounter, remember you literally have a Telvanni magister in your pocket."
- "Hmm, I sense something amiss. Use my ghost sight to look around. "
- "There's something not quite right over to the west. Use my ghost sight to investigate."
Ghost sight will prove its usefulness one last time, and reveal a bridge that is mostly shifted out of reality.
- "Hmm. This bridge wasn't here a moment ago. I suggest we cross it."
- "Look!"
Cross over, and you will arrive on a cliff, with Torvesard not far away. You will also find Torvesard's Journal, somewhat odd for a Daedra. He will attest he is keeping a physical record for fear of losing his memories again, his mission to recover what he has lost, and how he formed his alliances that resulted in the events of the previous quests.
Head towards Torvesard, who is currently viewing the glyphic.
- Torvesard: "Show me."
- Peryite: "… too far, Mora!"
- Vaermina: "It doesn't matter what you foresee …."
- Hermaeus Mora: "… reality, you must all … forget!"
- Torvesard: "And there it is. Another piece of my memory restored. We should speak, mortal."
Two thirds of the memory have now been recovered by Torvesard. In what may be a surprising move, he freely gives you the glyphic so you can view it yourself:
- "The Prince of Fate thinks himself so perfect. But for all his power, he couldn't eliminate the memory he so desperately sought to hide. Not from my dreams, not from his own mind. And now I remember most of it. Only one secret remains to uncover."
- I don't understand, Torvesard.
- "Why would you? You are merely mortal. But I have wandered the planes of Oblivion for eons, an outcast with no clan.
I believed I was formed that way. A forgotten scrap of creation. Until the dream began to haunt me. A fragment of an ancient memory." - The dream that started all this?
- "No! The dream that will end it! That will finally restore all that was lost. Hermaeus Mora caused all this with his greed and selfishness. He made us all forget. He made me forget!"
- Tell me. What secret was so dangerous it had to be obliterated? What did Mora make you forget?
- "There was another Daedric Prince! My Prince! A Prince that saved me and preserved just enough of my memory so that I could one day save them in return. A Prince whose jealous and craven siblings cast down and wiped from the annals of history."
- Another Daedric Prince? Do they still exist?
- "No Prince of Oblivion can truly be destroyed. The final glyphic contains that secret. How to find them and restore them to their rightful place. And then, Mora will answer for his crimes.
See for yourself. I leave the glyphic for you to examine."
View the glyphic for yourself, and you will see the meeting between Hermaeus Mora, Peryite, and Vaermina. Both Peryite and Vaermina opposed this course of action:
- Peryite: "You go too far, Mora!"
- Vaermina: "It doesn't matter what you foresee. You can't do this to another Prince! Or to the rest of us, for that matter!"
- Hermaeus Mora: "You have seen the damage Prince Ithelia has already done to the fabric of fate. If left unchecked, reality will unravel."
- Vaermina: "All of us must agree, Mora. And I definitely do not. Memories are sacrosanct, as are the domains of the Princes!"
- Peryite: "You can't punish someone for something they might possibly do."
- Hermaeus Mora: "I must. The risk is too great. I am truly sorry, but there is no alternative. For the sake of reality, you must all … forget!"
When you exit the glyphic, Hermaeus Mora will be waiting for you:
- "What was fogotten has been remembered. We must speak."
- "Too late, too late. The door sealed long ago has opened just a crack, but the damage is done. That which was forgotten is now remembered."
- Was all that true? Is there another Daedric Prince?
- "The memories released from the two glyphics are accurate and true. Ithelia. The Prince of Paths, the Mistress of the Untraveled Road, the Unseen. Her ability to alter fate, to shape destiny to her liking was a threat to all reality.
It still is." - I don't understand.
- "What mortal could? The Fate-Changer is an arbiter of chaos who can unravel the strands of fate and rearrange them to suit her every whim. Her very existence endangers everything.
I saw no other way to preserve reality than to do what I did." - You took away everyone's memory of Prince Ithelia?
- "I gathered my fellow Princes and revealed the danger I foresaw. Most agreed to aid me, some refused. In the end, it did not matter. I erased Ithelia from history. But I could not erase my own memories. Those I sealed in the three primordial glyphics."
- What about Torvesard?
- "Torvesard. Something I did not foresee. An agent of Ithelia, hidden for all these eons. Her contingency plan. Her revenge.
At least the final glyphic is secure. Until it is found and opened, reality remains safe. For now, return to Cipher's Midden."
Back in Cipher's Midden, Scruut has assembled ciphers and various figures you may have encountered in other quests in Apocrypha to witness you being added to the chronicle. Possible people to be in attendance based on quests completed and the outcomes of choices include Leramil the Wise, Scruut, Meln the Mouthless, Curate Gadayn, Azandar al-Cybiades, Ogle and Thaddeus Cosma, Morian Zenas, Meenai-Shai and the Morbid Observer, Landolvel and Naanurrel, Tyss, Hezehk, Cipher Huzmargo, Cipher Mukheesh, Cipher Agrushna, Cipher Lorgren, Cipher Thabhi, Piier, Jelbamir, Mulgug, Clarengor, Krogwuz, Sheer-Kasi, and Cipher Kaziwa.
Meln will want to speak to you, and you cannot continue until you do. You can speak with various guests before doing so, though:
- Curate Gadayn: "Did you do it? Did you find Torvesard and recover the second glyphic? Wait, don't tell me. Not yet. Meln seems like he has something important he wants to discuss with you."
- Cipher Mukheesh: "The Watchling summoned us to witness a new entry get inscribed in the Chronicle of Apocrypha. It must be the record of a truly significant event to demand such an audience!"
- Leramil the Wise: "I wish to hear all about what you found at the Prismatic Iris Shore, but I can wait my turn. Meln has manifested and wants to speak with you."
- Scruut: "I do want to get on with this, but Meln requested that you speak with him first. So I'll just wait here and twiddle my tentacles … as usual."
Meln will ask that you keep him with you as you continue your adventures:
- "Magister Goreth referred to you as the mouth of the mouthless. I suppose that fits. Look, I've never been very good at this, but I wanted to thank you.
In life, I was a secluded old wizard who cared nothing for anything but magic and my own studies." - We couldn't have gotten through this without you, Meln.
- "Nonsense! My enormous intellect certainly came in handy, but you're fate's chosen. You would have found a way, with or without me.
But I'm glad you rescued me from Shelreni. That you took me on this adventure. If I never escape this soul gem …." - Perhaps Leramil knows a way to free you. And Curate Gadayn has experience with the dead.
- "Maybe. I'm in no rush. Adventuring is a new experience for me. I'm content to follow along for now. I'm going to rest for a while. Remember, as long as you have my gem, if you ever need me, just call.
Now, talk to Scruut about the Chronicle." - "It's good to get out of that soul gem and stretch for a while. Metaphorically speaking."
If you talk to Leramil and Gadayn first, they will point you to Scruut:
- Leramil the Wise: "Speak to Scruut, Proxy. She won't admit it, but she's excited to tell you what's about to happen here."
- Curate Gadayn: "I'm not sure what all this is about, but an inscribing ceremony for the Chronicle of Apocrypha certainly sounds exciting!"
Finally join Scruut when you are ready
- "Hello, mortal. The Great Eye told me what happened. Even though things didn't go exactly the way we hoped, we're all still here. That means reality is stable, for now.
I'm as surprised as you, but existence is resilient. At least for another day." - Why did you want me to meet you here, Scruut?
- "Leramil and I spoke with a few of the ciphers and we're all in agreement. We want to add your story to the Chronicle of Apocrypha. Only the most momentous events make it into that sacred volume.
I also wanted to say, you expanded my outlook." - What do you mean, Scruut?
- "I always saw fate as black and white. Set in stone. Unchangeable. But now I see that not every aberration is a disaster, not every surprise a mistake. Thanks for that.
Now, let's inscribe you in the Chronicle. Then Curate Gadayn wants to see you."
Scruut will begin speaking to the crowd:
- Scruut: "Let it be known that the name of fate's chosen shall be entered into the Chronicle of Apocrypha, to be remembered forever for actions accomplished in service to fate."
- Meenai-Shai: "That's not all, they also helped return three very important tomes to their proper place in the Sidereal Cloisters."
- Hezehk: "That mortal help me find a secret. Madam Whim took a century off Hezehk's debt."
- Tyss: "This strong mortal bravely fought the Dreamcarvers alongside us."
- Cipher Huzmargo: "Incredible, considering they also helped rid the Rectory Corporea of a rogue mind causing havoc."
- Morian Zenas: "And they helped me! Break barriers, know things, and escape! Escape? Who? Shh!"
- Azandar al-Cybiades: "They assisted me with the Fateweaver experiment!"
- Landolvel: "Amazing. I can't believe everything you accomplished!"
- Ogle: "Really? They helped me recover an important glyphic!"
- Ysgild: "They even turned my failure of a brother back to normal after he transformed himself into a book!"
- Zirokh: "Many great works from our Apogee of the Tormenting Eye were rescued by this mortal."
- Cipher Agrushna: "Fate's chosen cleansed Quires Wind when madness was set loose in the stacks!"
- Cipher Plautis: "They recovered the Numinous Grimoire and brought a murderer to justice. Every cipher is safer now."
- Scruut: "And fate's chosen confounded the forces of Vaermina and Peryite, saving Nirn and Apocrypha! Let this record describe it in flowery yet justified praise. All hail fate's chosen!"
The Chronicle of Apocrypha will be next to Scruut, making a record of your accomplishments as the chosen of fate. The next person you will need to talk to is Gadayn, but you can again mingle with the other guests first:
- Scruut: "Your record has been successfully inscribed into the Chronicle. Go on, now. Curate Gadayn's waiting to talk to you."
- Cipher Mukheesh: "You've been inscribed in the Chronicle of Apocrypha! I knew you were special, but not to this extent."
- Meln the Mouthless: "Congratulations, my friend. Having your name inscribed in the book of fate isn't a casual honor. I expect it means even greater adventures and accolades are in store for you.
I wonder if my ghostly heart can take it!" - Leramil the Wise: "It is a great honor to have your name and memory recorded in the Chronicle of Apocrypha, proxy. You have made quite an impression on Scruut and the rest of the denizens of Hermaeus Mora's domain.
Now, Gadayn has a request to ask of you."
Gadayn will invite you to attend the completion of his own quest.
- "The time has come for me to return to Necrom and complete my mission for the abbey. When I present the Fulcrum Obscura to the abbot, I'd like you to be at my side. Er, our side. Leramil wants to come, too.
Isn't that … nice?" - I'll go with you, Gadayn.
- "That's good. That's very good. I appreciate it. Besides, I want to let the abbot know what you did. You preserved Nirn as well as Apocrypha through your actions.
By the way, did you find Torvesard? Leramil has been dying to know what happened." - Torvesard opened the glyphic and got away. There's still danger, but Mora said it wasn't imminent.
- "All right, all right. Not imminent is better than imminent … if the Prince of Fate needs you, he can find you on Nirn as easily as here in Apocrypha.
I'm sure there's more to it, but that's your business. I'll leave it to you and Leramil." - I'll meet you in Necrom, Gadayn.
- "I must consider the best parts of the Necropolis to show to Leramil. She wants to see everything!
We'll meet you in Necrom, friend. At the Necropolis." - So Leramil wants a tour of the catacombs now, does she?
- "Yes, she's being quite insistent on … wait a moment, are you having a jest with me?
Leramil is a special person—as I'm sure you already know! We're just friends. I think. Oh, I don't know what I'm saying. We'll meet you back in Necrom."
Leramil will interject after this to confirm her desire to tour his catacombs:
- Leramil the Wise: "Now that the immediate danger has passed, I would like that tour of your catacombs now."
- Curate Gadayn: "You … you would? Um, we'll meet you in Necrom, friend!"
Before heading to Necrom, Scruut and Leramil will have new things to say. Scruut will say:
- "I can count the number of mortals recorded in the Chronicle of Apocrypha on the tips of my tentacles. But here we part ways, ally. All contradictions arising from Vaermina and Peryite's assault on my master are resolved.
Farewell." - You're staying here?
- "My place is in Apocrypha. Yours is in your own little world … although I'm sure it's very important to you. Sooner or later, fate will lead you back to the mortal realm. And I'll return to the unbearable ennui of my existence."
- Hermaeus Mora owes you more than that.
- "I wouldn't expect gratitude from the Great Eye, mortal. But sometimes he's satisfied with how things turn out. If I was useful in resolving this contradiction, he'll find opportunities for me to be useful again.
Which is … something."
Leramil will say:
- "After we help Gadayn return the Fulcrum Obscura, I want to hear all about what happened with the second glyphic and Torvesard, proxy.
I sense this is not yet over, as you still bear the mark of fate's chosen." - You and Curate Gadayn have become pretty friendly, haven't you Leramil?
- "Not nearly friendly enough, proxy. Talking to Gadayn is like conversing with a hungry ogrim. They both pay rapt attention but still fail to understand a single word you say."
The other half of this celebration will take place in the Necropolis. When you enter, Curate Derayna will greet you:
- "Curate Gadayn asked me to watch for you. He's waiting for you through the door to the east."
- "Do not delay! There is a large celebration and Curate Gadayn is waiting for you. Take the door to the east."
This event will have figures from your adventures on the Telvanni Peninsula. In attendance are Curate Gadayn, Leramil the Wise, Cindieth and Ulfengar, Dacio Caro and Nathyn Dreloth, Thoryn Armas, Armiger Rilasi and High Priest Trilam, Eilirsu-dro, Naryu Virian, Abbot Ilvel, Mouth Vabdru, Inspector Ulene, Sharp-as-Night, Tillalda, Maren Sendas, Dumgura, Milyn Naros, Jeanne Augier, Thunle, Almse Othreleth, Niras Rotheloth, and Halelorsil. You can speak to a few people first. Mouth Vabdru will say:
- "When you came to Ald Isra to ask me about Master Shelreni, I thought I was sending you to your death. Not from malice, mind you! I simply doubted she could be beaten by a wandering adventurer.
I'm pleased to see that I was wrong." - What's next for you, Vabdru?
- "That's what a mouth does. I loyally represented my master's interests against all opposition. And I demonstrated the discretion to put House Telvanni's interests first when Master Shelreni became a threat.
I shall find new employment quite soon."
Inspect Ulene will tell you the fate of the Stormwing.
- "Congratulations! I guess it turns out you were right to be suspicious about the Stormwing. I've heard stories about murder, illness, and cultists infiltrating the catacombs.
A good thing you were there to handle things!" - What will you do with the Stormwing?
- "I'll keep the Stormwing quarantined until I can get it properly fumigated. Sooner or later, the ship's owners will send a new captain and crew from Vivec City.
If they can find anyone willing to serve on her, that is."
Sharp-as-Night will say:
- "Hey, merc. Looks like you've been keeping busy.
Didn't know the people of this peninsula had it in them to show this kind of gratitude. Color me surprised. But I'd say you earned it." - What are your thoughts on parties, Sharp?
- "Haven't been to many. I suspect they're not really my thing.
I hoped there'd be fewer people. And more food and drinks. But you're here, so it's not a complete waste of time." - Thanks, Sharp. It's good to see you.
Leramil and the abbot will ask you to speak to Gadayn:
- Leramil the Wise: "Give Gadayn some assurance, proxy. Then come back and speak with me when you are done."
- Abbot Ilvel: "Thank you for what you did for us here, traveler. Our honored dead are at peace again. Gadayn, however, is not. I fear I surprised him when I called on him to speak.
Would you talk with Gadayn and set him at ease?"
Speak with Gadayn to continue with the event:
- "The abbot insisted on the immediate return of the relic, friend. Sorry you missed that part of the ceremony. But now he wants me to give a speech?
I'd rather go back to Apocrypha with you and face a horde of corrupted lurkers!" - Just tell the crowd what's in your heart. You'll do fine, Gadayn.
- "Right. What's in my heart. Helpful to the end, that's you. Well, I might as well get this over with.
Oh, while I pull my thoughts together, Leramil wants to talk to you." - You've got this, Gadayn.
While Gadayn ruminates on what to say, talk to Leramil about your encounter with Torvesard:
- "Since we seem to have a moment, tell me what occurred at the Prismatic Iris Shore."
- Torvesard opened the Glyphic of Lost Memories. I witnessed the secret, too.
- "I see. Are you at liberty to tell me what the glyphic contained?"
- Mora erased the memory of another Daedric Prince from existence. Ithelia, the Prince of Paths.
- "A forgotten Daedric Prince? Only the One Who Knows could keep such a fact secret for so long.
Is there anything else I should know, proxy?" - Torvesard isn't clanless. He's an agent of the forgotten Prince. He wants to find the last glyphic.
- "Then I am sure Hermaeus Mora shall call upon us again when the time is right. You are still fate's chosen, and I am your guide. But reality seems to be holding together for now.
I think we have time to rest. To reflect. And to listen to Gadayn." - Right. Let's see what Curate Gadayn is going to tell the assembly.
- "If there was an imminent danger, Hermaeus Mora would summon us. For now, bask in your victories, proxy. You faced down Daedric Princes and saved Apocrypha and Nirn.
Take this. Thanks from the One Who Knows. And a sign of friendship, from me."
This completes the quest, and with it Necrom's storyline. You are still free to attend the celebration for the recovery of the Fulcrum Obscura. Leramil will also have more to say:
- "Go on with your life, proxy. When Hermaeus Mora needs us to resume the chase, I shall send word.
Until then, I believe I shall remain here in Necrom for a time. Restore the bindery. Explore the Necropolis. Get to know Curate Gadayn a little better." - So, Leramil, you and Gadayn …?
- "Grow up, proxy. I am well over a century old. Young for an Altmer, but not without my share of romantic experiences. I find the curate to be … intriguing. I wish to take the time we have to get to know him better. To see where things may lead."
- Of course, Leramil. Are you sure we're finished here? Torvesard still seeks the third glyphic.
- "Yes, but he no longer has the resources of Vaermina and Peryite at his command. He used them and they shall not soon forget that. So, even with his many abilities, he will need time to plan before he can attempt another assault on Apocrypha."
- But he will try again, right? We wants to recover the rest of the memory.
- "I expect so. As does the One Who Knows. Which is why you are still bound by his contract and I am still on call to aid you. But that is tomorrow's concern. I shall send word when the threads of fate that bind us once again converge.
Be well, proxy."
After your conversation with Leramil, it is time for Gadayn's speech:
- Abbot Ilvel: "Well done, curate! With the sacred relic returned, I feel it's safe to once again open the necropolis. Now, why don't you say a few words about your adventures."
- Curate Gadayn: "Say a few words? Me?"
- Leramil the Wise: "Say what is in your heart, Gadayn."
- Curate Gadayn: "Right. Thanks, Leramil. The abbot asked me to tell you about my adventures. How I recovered the sacred relic and saved the Necropolis. But the truth is, I couldn't have done any of it without fate's champion. Someone I'm proud to call … my friend. Thanks to them, we saved the relic. We saved Nirn. We saved all of reality! All hail fate's champion! All hail my friend!"
- Leramil the Wise: "Well said, Gadayn."
- Curate Gadayn: "Thanks, Leramil. I couldn't have done any of this without you, too."
- Leramil the Wise: "Gadayn …."
Abbot Ilvel will tell you about the state of the Necropolis:
- "Well done. I half-expected my young curate to flee the hall rather than speak to this assembly. But he did a magnificent job!
Thank you again for helping Gadayn recover the Fulcrum Obscura. The Necropolis wouldn't be the same without it." - Did all the keepers recover from Blightcrown's sickness?
- "Yes, thank the ancestors! Although some of our brethren nearly became permanent residents of the Necropolis before we were able to nurse them back to health.
Things would have been much worse if Gadayn hadn't acted … and teamed up with you." - What's next for the Necrom Necropolis?
- "We resume our sacred task—helping our people stay close to the ancestors who have gone before them.
In time, I will join those who sleep below. Who knows? Perhaps Gadayn will be ready to take up my responsibilities when that day comes."
You can ask Gadayn about his relationship:
- "Did I do all right, friend? I didn't seem too nervous or ramble or anything, did I? No, but I'm doing it now, aren't I? Of course I am.
If your travels ever bring you back to Necrom, please come and visit. I'll never forget our adventures!" - So, Gadayn … you and Leramil?
- "What? Did Leramil say something? Was I too forward? Not forward enough? Oh, I am so not good at this!
How could I keep a secret from you? Leramil has agreed to stay in Necrom. At least for a while." - That's a great idea! Just make sure to pay attention, Leramil isn't one to hide her expectations.
- "Leramil has expectations? What sorts of—oh!
I see. Yes, I shall endeavor to monitor not only her words but her gestures. I must seem like a country bumpkin to someone as sophisticated and traveled as Leramil. Oh, what's the use! I am a bumpkin!" - Just be honest and be yourself, Gadayn. You'll do fine.
- "You … you really think so? Thank you, my friend. It means a lot for you to say that.
And I meant what I said. If you ever need my help or a place to stay or anything, don't hesitate to call on me. I … I learned so much at your side."
Quest Stages[edit]
Chronicle of Fate | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should talk to Scruut about what's involved in updating the Chronicle of Apocrypha.
Objective: Talk to Scruut
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.